shuma gorath vs cyttorak
Plus, how can we penalize character feats in the comics because of a vague forum answer padded with statments like "rules don't really apply" and "depending on the circumstances"? So says Cyttorak's Crimson Chin. and NOT as some unquantifiable metaphor. It might not have been done in the same way PR Beyonder did in the past, but still a considerable feat nonetheless. As per my argument and its comparision with sand castle, i would feel bad had you actually refuted any of my claims. And yet he loses to the Juggernaut quite frequently. What are you talking about, Shuma Gorath gets defeated in his own realm, where he was stated to be all powerful, so you can turn it around however you want, whack in context (Which is genuine not disagreeing on that one) doesnt change the fact that he LOST in a realm where he is ALL POWERFUL. Such bunch of character hyperboles i couldnt give 2 hoots about. Who will win in a fight between Team Shuma Gorath and Team Dormammu? Show me a scan where Thanos crushes an apple with his bare-hand. He didn't even have to enter those particular realms to do it, either. I'm not familiar with the language you're trying to convey here. When Doctor Strange invokes the spell, he names the spell. Stephen Strange defeated Shuma-Gorath after he was bequeathed with the latter's powers, which is tantamount to Shuma-Gorath defeatinghimself in his own realm where he is ALL POWERFUL. Based on feats, Shuma-Gorath wins. " There is nothing bias when someone is asking to show you an on-panel proof for someone. @Killemall said: His fight with Strange was destroying multiple dimensions. LOL. Totally different entities with completely different backdrops of their power-scaling. The most it did was make some galaxies in the 616-Universe tremble. I believe Thanos Imperative already solidified Shuma being superior to Cyttorak, simply for being one of the Great Old 'Many-Angled Gods'. I could try and throw insults as well, but thats not what i do. but do we deny that it ever happened? Because for all his power Cyttorak (Cyttorak (Earth-616)) is really just a Demon Lord. Team Larfleeze vs Team Mephisto. He was powerful enough that even the most powerful member of the Vishanti, Agamotto, couldn't defeat him. Then i dont see how Strange destroying a planet has anything to do with Shuma. Even if Brevoort answered in a matter of fact manner, his statement about it is just as reliable as anyone on these forums until he actually publishes something in a Marvel comic showcasing this. Oh, I beg you.... How is that not impressive ? Anything you can show, anyone significant Shuma has beaten, or could you show him maybe destroying a planet, a city may be? One does wonder, though, if Cyttorak is so powerful and has voiced his desire to spread his influence, why is he only really capable of sending one avatar to do his bidding. Going by that point you made earlier, Abraxas can't bust planets (because he wasn't shown to do such), TOAA can't bust planets (because he wasn't shown to do such), LT can't trash kiddie playgrounds (because he wasn't shown to do such), and Thanos can't crush apples (because he never held an apple in his hand on ANY panel). the reason why shuma is so dangerous, is bc it acts like a leech and feeds off every kind of energy. its the lack of feats. You fail. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Shuma Gorath vs Cyttorak. Newest Battles with Cyttorak. In Marvel Super Heroes, Shuma-Gorath was arguably the best character in the game, and in Marvel vs Street Fighter Shuma was god tier and his chaos dimension did 3/4 of a life-bar of damage, which was more than everyone's super save for Cyber-Akuma's Shining Gou Shock. Actually read my arguments before you spew more nonsense like this again. Cyttorak grants Juggernaut his immeasurable power at a constant rate in any universe no matter what. I could show you why the sun is hot, and you'll wind up thinking that it's cold. (Conan the Barbarian I#258 (fb) - BTS) - Kulan Gath and Vammatar, newly wed, arrived at Mount Crom with the Iron-Bound books of Shuma-Gorath, seeking to release and enslave the demon. everything is inside it. Personally, I always thought Cyttorak had such a massive ego, that he didn't leave his home. Kaluu's statement fits none of the criterion and is reinforced when Strange's presence makes Kaluu's portal and the place inside it explode. The galaxy-busting potential that Shuma's energy had was intended to be taken. I am not lowballing i am asking for proof. So where is Shuma's power level that you are attributing to him coming from? He just named the deities. And what @Zorn_a_Rust_Red_Scythe said, "Also, this is just my opinion of course, but I always felt that the amps Strange had before his battle with Shuma were "overridden" after he started to become Shuma, as in the taint of Shuma's energy would wash out the other magic be the only energy within him. Cool. 1.) Stating that there is a lack when there clearly isn't any lack. "The Mystic Energies you absorbed in COMBAT WITH SHUMA-GORATH." Who will win in a fight between Team Shuma Gorath and Dormammu & Galactus? That is the extent to which you could measure his power level. What in Brahma's name are you even blubbering about? You have failed yet again to correctly define hyperbole. Your arguments are easier to refute than it is to crush a sand castle. His own aura made Stephen Strange a GALAXY-buster, fought a battle that busted multiple dimensions, and casually toyed with the Earth from 1000+ dimensions away. Strange was going to destroy galaxies with Shuma's power. None of which, by the way, is at all as horrible or embarrassing as you try to make it seem. Third of all, Tiamut, Exitar or Arishem could solo this too. He can teleport, shapeshift, change reality, and harness imitative magic. ^^^More conjecture with a side of order of some more boring opinions that doesn't refute or address any of the arguments presented. Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, ... That was an interesting scene. That's just how it works, mate. If not.... HOLY SH*T! I would likely put him at the level of a skyfather myself, but its all based on hyperboles without proper proof. The panel states that the Engine was empowered by the MAO (one of which is Shuma-Gorath), which then also communicates that the MAO were capable of making a single being, a counterpart of a being (Galactus) who isn't even the most powerful Abstract, into something that made the other Abstracts, Gods, and Celestials feel mutually INSIGNIFICANT in battle (reinforced by the event in which some of them were FLEEING from the Engine and getting likewise, KILLED). the chicken or the egg? Even so, Cyttorak was stated to be inferior to beings such as Shuma-Gorath. Arioch, who is said to have nigh omnipotent powers is just a servent to Shuma Gorath, NUFF SAID. Don't speak to me about horrible logic when you can't even figure out what the panels themselves are communicating here. Cyttorak reached into this dimension and snatched Dr. You see, what little credibility you had is now gone. Summary. I completely agree with you there. Kaluu's statement fits none of these. Juggernaut at his classic power levels had Cyttorak's enchantment to make him unstoppable completely overridden by Hulk's strength amped with some Celestial technology from Apocalypse. They actually happened on panel. shuma has no limit of feeding... it can eat trans-infinite energy of all kinds. why can't nightmare, d'spyre, oblivion, death, eternity, set, trion etc... kill the juggernaut? 2. Fail agan. that's the crimson universe displaced by normal reality. First of all there are too many of them. You have failed to correctly define 'hyperbole', therefore this following point you've made is completely false. It's unquantifiable metaphor, unlike being described to be able to 'DESTROY GALAXIES' OBVIOUSLY because that's CLEARLY quantifiable as being POWERFUL ENOUGH to destroy galaxies. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you weren't sober when you wrote that. Dr . Giving up so soon? I have a feeling his opinion changes depending on the day of the week. You need to work more on LOOKING at the panels in their entirety and not glean over them just because the colors look pretty. If you agree with the context, yet miss this clear fact, you are either A) schizophrenic, B) not sober, or C) biased beyond the roof. If everyone you listed actually were there, they would demolish Agamotto in moments. 4. Team Cyttorak vs Team White Phoenix of the Crown. Shuma-Gorath already demonstrated the ability to directly affect earth from 1,000 planes of existence away. How embarrassing. You've obviously let my initial point go over your head by THAT much. Very easy way to show that Shuma-Gorath is superior to Cyttorak. Again, you are telling me something completely different from what i am saying: 1. Coz we dont know how the fight went. Shuma isn't losing to Cyttorak in any scenario. Mephisto did in his battle with Galactus and rest wasnt even shown so meh! Obviously Juggernaut was not in favor with the rest of me at that point, for no mere Celestial technology can overcome 1/8th of my power. In neutral territory though, I'd go with Shuma. Thanks for playing. cyttorak is more powerful than zom and the vishanti for reasons that strange is humble at the presence of cyttorak than he is in front of the LT, ZOM, galactus etc.. why is it dr. strange can be arrogant before mephisto, dormarru, death and oblivion yet he is humble before cyttorak? proven wrong, 2.) By that fanatic ? Yeah. trion juggernaut was using 0.0001%. Also, Apocolypse clearly said that the Celestial tech superseded Juggernauts power, didn't he? Juggernaut has only a portion of Cyttorak's power, and if even a small portion of Cyttorak's might can affect the very fabric of the universe, can you imagine how powerful Cyttorak trully is ? " Abraxas : An entity i never debate for anyways, but he was shown having killed a bunch of Alternate Reality Galactus. Thats just my view. here, but I did want to point out a thing or two. On the other hand, Shuma-Gorath itself gets weaker when it leaves its home dimension. Thank you for playing. LOL. no. moreover, the trion recognizes that the power of the crimson cosmos was the ONLY power that could destroy their extra dimensional universe. Come back when Robert E. Howard (who's dead as of currently) or Steven Engelheart (who wrote for most of Shuma-Gorath's appearances) shares yours views, mkay? Stop lying. It's just like Thor often says " By all-mighty father Odin..." , and so on. They didn't refuse to fight. Why would I need to show you Shuma-Gorath busting a planet in order to authenticate his purported power when he's done FAR more and even better things than said feat? It's been stated by the Vishanti that they have, which by the way, is reinforced when it is mentioned that Agamotto himself was unable to 'destroy a Lord of Chaos'. Too bad Strange was only able to tap into his powers when Shuma-Gorath FORCED the transformation on him, hence Gorath vs Gorath. StiltmanFTW Death to all thorbags. Gorath already displayed that he could casually destroy planets from his home dimension. An avatar, I might add, who has had his clocked cleaned plenty of times. 1. Cyttorak's arrogance shouldn't be taken as proof that he's amazingly powerful, basically because most godlike entities have a big ego. this is the universe... its the reality of space-time continuum. it took all of them to defend from his attacks. cyttorak's magic, is unlike the vishanti. Regardless of what you say, your opinions are contradictory to the evidence and nothing but EMPTY GLASS. Cyttorak vs. Shuma-Gorath. A baby could figure out what you couldn't. I'm sorry. Strange humbly had to negotiate with Cyttorak for pay tribute and homage calling his powers and spreading his fame of God for all the universe in exchange of his ticket out. Do you know what Tom Brevoort's trade in the Marvel comic business even is? You're making matters fairly worse for yourself the further you carry on in your ridiculous low-balling tirade. None of his other amps were mentioned or explicated to have been the reason for the subsequent destruction that Strange's presence was causing on the lower planes. ", Yeah because the fight takes place in his own dimension, you the place where he is suppose to be all powerful and unbeatable, and ends with him being beaten and absorbed, HA! do we need proof from the bible that god created the universe? Apart from random throw away statement, no he has shown anything. Yeah, it clearly shows that they were collapsing. Then we have Cyttorak who has negated the powers of visanti during Infinity War, and has the whole ability to negate magic and Shuma Gorath is all magic, it should be a clear win for Cyttorak. Its obvious you dont have any instance of clear feat, so you resort to insults, how else would you be able to win an argument anyways. Strange, amped up at that is already powerful. That's the extent to which your logic and your entire arguments FAIL. Thank you for reaffirming my argument. I agree Shuma slaughters in his own realm, and Cyttorak slaughters in his own realm as well. for instance, mephisto, loki, zeus, dormamuu etc.. then there are the entities that live in hyperspace within the universe like the celestriels. LMFAO! I mean the guy has shown the opinion that Odin is one of the most powerful Marvel characters ever. hypothesis should suggest that nemisis and cyttorak are brother and sister while Genesis is the father of the elder gods, celestials, and universal abstracts. Turn this however you want. I don't see Universe mentioned. It's referring to Shuma's energy and nobody else's. THIS allowed Strange to draw on Gorath's powers prior to becoming Shuma-Gorath. Cyttorak is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. maybe even higher. No spell was there. OR was amped to being with. why can't the vishanti exist out side of marvel but cyttorak can? the vishanti are "worry" for the purpose of them knowing it's power. Brevoort is not the inventor nor the decider of the definition of 'hyperbole'. I said APPLE. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Where is it stated that Slorioth can destroy a universe or thousands ? Seriously. An overstatement. let's call them inner-dimensional beings for now. We have not seen Vishanti actually fight Shuma - Gorath apart from they have fought before or the fact that they refused to join later. eternity.” 3. In case you never figured it out, jobbing is actually part of the deal with being a powerful baddie in fiction of any form. This is further proof you know nothing of what you are speaking. none the less, speculation takes part here if proof is not possible. Shuma Gorath empowered a weapon, who was obviously already powerful. you keep on telling me and others that we are using speculations, but youre failing to realize that SPECULATIONS are all part of this system of debate! Your ABC logic fails. I just saw this after 6 days, not sure what happened: 1. D'Spayre was going to control the entire UNIVERSE with a fraction of Cyttorak's power. Fair point on the first part, second part not so much. Strange was already in the process of absorbing Gorath's essence when Gorath himself initiated the transformation, leading to his defeat (which in essence, was Shuma-Gorath defeating himself rather than Strange doing it). Nice explanation Lance, I agree 95% of everything you said. Doc. The 616-Galactus, who is presumably the most powerful incarnation of all Galactuses, is = Only One Abstract out of several in the prime universe. You just confirmed yourself that Shuma-Gorath actually has feats, nullifying the suggestion that he lacks it. This example may be questionable, but I have an issue of Doom 2099 #13 where a magical being named Necrotek laughs off the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak enchantment and says, "Cyttorak's enchantments could never hold one who swam the torrents of blood in the epoch of Sklar!" That is how largely your whole frame of reasoning has FAILED. What i am saying is Galactus engine are already powerful and that would be a useful shuma feat if and only if you can prove three things: 2. THAT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> destroying planets. All Shuma did was create a fire ring around earth, which while impressive is practically useless in a fight against people who dont feat fire that is. I do hereby accept your concession. In addition to all this, it is also Shuma-Gorath's immortality that is a big issue for Dumbledore, seeing as Dumbledore proved killable. Because Brevoort, who is an EDITOR (NOT A WRITER) and never wrote for these characters nor created them, is NOT the one with full sway or creditable dominion over the contexts, stories, and ideas conveyed by the panels, since HE NEVER WRITES THEM ANYWAY.
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