one of my ac zone not working
And what about the filters? If your air conditioning unit is not responding to the remote, we recommend you follow these steps before you book a diagnostic callout. The circulation fan motor has two fan blades: one on either side of the motor. Please help Contractor's Assistant: Did you double-check the thermostat's settings? My guess its the hz322 but I do not know how to troubleshoot it. Both thermostats workings says cool is on. Thermal Zone Air conditioner fan not working. Check the remote. My central AC air conditioner system works very well. The second floor zone has me a bit confused. The air comes through the vents in the rest of my home. First, check if the display on the remote is working by seeing if you can read the information on it. There is one room that the air comes through the vent but it is very weak and not cooling the room. I do not have a manual to program or troubleshoot that unit. Zone 1 has air blowing and set temp and actual temp work Note: the other fans in that zone are working. There are two zones on the 1st floor and one on the 2nd floor. It seems like the damper is staying open in the master bedroom and not opening in the downstairs. Home HVAC zoning allows you to individually control the rooms in your home. One room is hot and the rest of the house is cool. One zone in my two zone home is currently not heating Background: I have lived in this home for two winters. Out of the three zones to have a red LED and one is green. I changed the thermostat in the 3rd zone but to no avail. If you have an air handler that isn’t sending out heated/cooled air or isn’t turning on at all, you’ll definitely want that fixed. If not, a … Filter switched out. Most of the season both zones work correctly, only when it get bitterly cold out that zone 1 stops working. I have two zones upstairs and one of my zones no air is blowing at all. Woody O 2006 Dynasty One of my heating zones is not working The problem is that the 3rd zone (upstairs) only kicks in when the 1 zone (basement) is working. What is my next step in determining why the fans are not getting current. Both thermostats working. This has happened both years. Of course, there’s still a problem—a failed air handler! I can turn the following on and off in each zone: Heat, AC, and set the fan from "auto" to "on". It turns out, if I hook 12 volts to the fans, they run fine. The … Air Conditioning Not Coming Through One Vent In My House Read More » Hi all, I just purchased my first home which is about 3000 sq ft and has a 3 zone central forced air HVAC. Common solutions for: Thermal Zone Air conditioner fan not working. When it gets REALLY cold outside, my zone 1 (Living Room, Dining Room, and Kitchen) stops heating. A house or commercial building doesn’t have to lose all its heating or cooling; only one zone is affected. So, its not the fans. The fans are not getting current. The dual shaft fan motor (or circulation fan motor) might be defective. The first floor zones work great! If you have a home with two or more levels or lots of square footage, you may benefit from a zoned air conditioning system. For example, all the bedrooms could be in one zone, the kitchen could be in another, and your living spaces could be in a third zone. 01 - Dual Shaft Fan Motor. If it's a zoned system (2 thermostats, 1 upper & 1 lower) it's probably the same problem but it could be one of some different problems also & may need a service man to investigate it more, (thermostat, zone valve, zone pump, zone relay/switch, etc.)
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