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And here are five precious lessons from 2020. 4 Life Lessons We Learned in 2020! The Valuable Life Lessons I Learned In 2020. When isolation is the new normal, tackling loneliness becomes a global subject. 4. My focus in 2020 was to build foundations personally and 'Assembling the Assets' within the business. We had enormous time to spend with ourselves during lockdown which made us... Family is your permanent. I was feeling good and life felt full of promise. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. COVID-19 can inspire powerful lessons for a bright future. Top Twenty Lessons I’ve Learned in 2020. And 2020 has helped us to see it clearer. The theme of 2020 was small scale everything. A small and tight circle can be the best support network. We are never so close. I think the important life lesson that 2020 has taught us is that what really fills us up and makes us feel complete has nothing to do with our possessions. I knew these things before, but the COVID-19 crisis has driven them home on a deeper level. And you are not a robot programmed to be happy 24/7. Wise women share their 2020 life lessons December 21st 2020 / Melanie Macleod / 0 comment Dr Jo Ward nearly died from Covid, Katie Brindle became an unexpected influencer at 50 and Ruby Hammer discovered she'd still got a long way to go when it came to banana bread. Some people come into our life as blessings, some come as lessons. We planned to see each other after her trip to Australia. 7 Ugly Life Lessons I Learned From 2020 By January Nelson Updated December 31, 2020. Most people at least quarantined or socially distanced due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. 4 Lessons Learned In 2020 So Far If you told yourself at the beginning of 2020 “This is MY year!”, I’m right there with ya! Why not make full use of the time and comfort of working from home? 1. It started with Easter as a family of four and ended with Christmas with us plus my grandparents. It revealed many truths that needed to be seen and forced people to make decisions and face real issues that have been neglected and pushed aside. September 6, 2020 25 Comments. And we always returned feeling a bit refreshed and happier. What happened this year will most likely stay in my heart for a long time. 2020 was definitely a year of change and many disappointments. From the way the pandemic has been handled to the presidential election, we learned that there is a huge divide in our country. How Are You Feeling About the New Normal? You can’t rely on other people to bring you happiness. But 2020 taught me a different lesson. My personal 20 life lessons learned in the year 2020 are enlisted as follows — 1. Five Life Lessons Learned in 2020. Editor’s note: Patricia Socha, an Army retiree, wife, mother and grandmother, penned this … I will start with number 6 of life lessons I have learned this year to continue where I left off. What did you learn? Here are 14 lessons we’ve learned. By January Nelson Updated December 31, 2020. My heart breaks for the memorable events she’s missing, and I would do anything to make it better. Read also: 34 Gratitude quotes to bring happy vibes to life. 1. We all … 2020 started well. We had to give up a lot of things in 2020. We shared cat pics as well as Ted Talks. We no longer know how (or care) to engage in meaningful and constructive conversations with those whose opinions differ from ours. But I’ve been thinking about this a lot and I do think we learned some lessons this year that are important to reflect on. Loving ourselves despite changes in our mental health, weight,... 3. Then the lockdown changes everything. The year 2020 has been a crap show in many ways, but being the Pollyanna type that I am, I have a deep need to find the good. It’s ok to come out of quarantine with some extra pounds or an unchecked to-do list. Instead, it’s about the intangibles – seeing and spending quality time with family. (For me, it was banana bread and a variety of desserts. We had to give up a lot of things in 2020. What has the pandemic taught you? 5 Life Lessons Class of 2020 Learned That Are Way More Important Than Academics My daughter is graduating high school this year and for her, like so many other kids, it’s a far cry from what they imagined their senior year would look like. Here are three things that this pandemic has taught me – so far. So you might think, what important life lessons can we take away from this year when all we’ve been doing is treading water and trying to stay afloat? What is your story? Elections. What important life lessons have you learned in 2020? 11-min read. Abbey's Road: Lessons learned (and to learn) in 2020. Nobody can love unconditionally including parents. We need a lot less than we have It started with Easter as a family of four and ended with Christmas with us plus my grandparents. No man is an island. I mean Wao. Getty. With the extra time we have at home, this can be a great opportunity to build stronger bonds with our real friends. Wise women share their 2020 life lessons. I know that’s my plan. 1. Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is to rest. Marina Abrosimova. When the lockdown started, at-home workout videos went viral on the Internet. Read also: 13 normal things we take for granted. Judge less, feel better3. Being forced to stay at home since March 2020 has taught people a lot. It’s true while learning alone can’t help us succeed; the life lessons from the year 2020 can help us prepare better for an uncertain 2021. That’s why I am so grateful. 5 Life Lessons Class of 2020 Learned That Are Way More Important Than Academics My daughter is graduating high school this year and for her, like so many other kids, it’s a far cry from what they imagined their senior year would look like. AIER >> Daily Economy >> Economic Education. It’s only a matter of time and of course, wi-fi. It’s unrealistic to act like everything is perfect 100% of the time, because it isn’t. 2. During the time I was on... 3. Get ready to face the new year with this reflective guide, full of prompts to help you look back on the lessons you’ve learnt in 2020. And you have gone through similar situations, know that it’s not a bad thing. So many people have lost their jobs or had a loss of income in 2020. 10 experts share the highs and lows of their year And do any of the things I mentioned above resonate with you? Life Lessons I Have Learned is to Have a backup plan. Here is an early sketch of what I think I’ve learned. Instead, I found myself trapped in a box of four walls, all alone with no one to talk to. ‘Pandemic’ has also been chosen as Word of the Year by and Merriam-Webster , while the Cambridge Dictionary chose ‘quarantine’. While I may not be able to control life’s circumstances, I can control how I choose to … 5 Important Life Lessons We Learned in 2020 Experiences Are More Important Than Things. Smaller is better. I have coworkers that I take as friends. We learned to knit and bake bread. It turns out that I am not the only one. No one no one expected 2020 to go this way across every industry, every country, every human being ALIVE. December 21st 2020 / Melanie Macleod / 0 comment. From Your Site Articles. Was anyone else in awe of how communities came together this year to help each other out? Commit to a routine that includes getting outside every day. But all life lessons are not equal. 2020 has forced us all to do things a little differently. A list of valuable life lessons 2020 has taught us. No one knew that when Covid-19 will distroy our 20's. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Pinterest Email. Traveling and experiencing new places, people and things. “Addressing mental health makes you weaker”, said no one ever. It’s time for us to recognize what truly matters. Life lesson: You should have about 3-6 months’ worth of living expenses put away, and it should be untouched except for in an emergency. Share to Twitter. 2020, the year that felt like a decade, is finally drawing to a close. Jeffrey A. Tucker – September 23, 2020 Reading Time: 2 minutes. We can acknowledge everything this pandemic and 2020 has taught us and start 2021 with the knowledge and perspective of how we can make things better, for ourselves and others. Dr Jo Ward nearly died from Covid, Katie Brindle became an unexpected influencer at 50 and Ruby Hammer discovered she'd still got a long way to go when it came to banana bread. But if we are all in this together, that means we are not actually alone, right? 1. With the circumstances this year brought along, it became important to do the bare minimum to keep yourself safe. And it will lead you to your happy dose. You have to learn how to make yourself happy because no … Elmquist said this may not be easy and requires vulnerability as you face your fears and meet the darker sides of yourself that can show up under stress and loss. As were Yoga classes, Zoom... 2. If you live in the United States, then you know how polarizing this year has been for our country. The burnout came quickly. At Home: Part 2, Interior design and life lessons learned in 2020 Share this: Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Many of us took to the outdoors however we could, to get some fresh air, a change of scenery, and perhaps a reminder that we are all a part of and connected to something bigger. I've taken a handful of themes from last year and distilled them into lessons that are easy-to-understand and apply to life in every age and culture. We can learn from these important life lessons. 4 Life Lessons We Learned in 2020! 2020 is an overwhelming year. 1. This might seem like a lot. But coping isn’t supposed to be a competition. 20 Life Lessons I Learned in 2020. Lessons learned during COVID-19 lockdowns and a crazy 2020. Enjoying a meal at a restaurant or a night out at your local bar. However you want to look back on this year, I think these 5 important life lessons will ring true for many of us not just now, but for years to come. I work very hard to stay positive and optimistic, and despite all … Marina Abrosimova. In the first few days, I was in my element. And while they were, I think we also learned an important lesson about these simple moments. At the time, these activities felt like coping mechanisms. A few years ago, if someone had told you there would be a major, world-wide pandemic and that the United States would end up with the highest total of deaths and cases, you would have thought that was insane, right? Let’s face it – it sucks! In fact, if you choose to apply the lessons of 2020 to your life and business accurately and positively, you can create a future that is far brighter than your past. You have to learn how to make yourself happy because no one else is guaranteed to stay with you forever. 1. 2. For my husband and me, that meant daily walks in Prospect Park, the largest city park in Brooklyn. But there are some things that I’ve learned over the course of this year and I hope that by me going over these life lessons, you might be able to relate to or recognize them in your own life. 2020 brought out the truth 2020 was the year where people showed their true colors. As we approach Thanksgiving, let’s begin with gratitude and reflect on ways to be thankful despite a global health crisis. I still had some pain in my spine from the 2018 fractures, but I have learned how to manage my energy. Each time we dragged our feet expecting to be disappointed with the smaller celebration. In this video I'll be going over 20 life lessons and tips that stuck with me after 2020. 2. Marina Abrosimova. 7 Ugly Life Lessons I Learned From 2020 By January Nelson Updated December 31, 2020. “You can’t heal a wound if you keep pretending you are not bleeding.” You are not feeling tired, frustrated, sad or anxious for no reason. By embracing this change, you can meet yourself, and others, in a brand new place." Learn To Love Yourself 2020 was the year of self-love. The year 2020 has been a doozy ... › 14 life lessons that 2020 has taught me so far › Reflecting on 2020: lessons learned in an extraordinary year | The ... › Lessons Learned from 2020 | Shop-Eat-Surf › What 2020 Has Taught Me So Far: 50 Life Lessons. The lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic will be with them forever. And this would never happen if I hadn’t asked for help. Or baking that first loaf of bread? Learn how your comment data is processed. Pandemic lessons: Here’s what we learnt in 2020 that we ought to carry forward in 2021 Know how 2020’s silver linings can become golden opportunities in 2021. Work-Life Lessons Learned in 2020. Relationship matters Here's what pandemic made us realise. The good news is that I haven’t stopped learning. If pushing yourself didn’t get you what you want, why not slow down, take a break and recharge? All the losses and changes of 2020 have taught me otherwise. Here are some of the lessons I learned from 2020, in no particular order. Crises Happen I’ve learned how to hustle This is definitely one of the biggest life sessons I’ve learned. The isolation has deepened our connection, surprisingly. When I look back to what happened this year, heartbreaks are not the sole topic. It’s ok to take a break until you are you again. I’ve learned to be more grateful and not to take things for granted When COVID-19 hit South Africa in March 2020, the... 2. #1 Control is an illusion. By January Nelson Updated December 31, 2020. But 2020 proves to be too much even for a homebody like me. How rewarding was it when you finished knitting that first hat? Despite all the lockdowns and other natural calamities, I believe there are things to be grateful for such as the life lessons learned in 2020. This year, we turned to so many simple things to help us get through the pandemic. As a Type A, I took things to the next level. Life lessons. We hope you'll find one or two to help you get through the current national lockdown. The COVID-19 pandemic we’re all living through is scary and life-changing. 10 experts share the highs and lows of their year. Before Covid, 2020 … Going to work is not the worst thing in our lives. Welcome to Limbo Land. In this video I'll be going over 7 life lessons and tips that stuck with me after 2020.1. 5 Life Lessons I Learned in 2020 1. 3. Being healthy is our biggest blessing. With the vast array of life experiences, so comes the lessons learned in life. But, then came 2020. Make sure to have a backup plan. You’ll Also Love. Life Lesson 6: … We’re fatigued, frustrated, and Zoomed out. But during the lockdown, we barely speak to each other. 1. Posted: 17 Dec 2020 Author: Leigh-Ann Hewer I’m not one to say everything happens for a reason and I don’t think absolutely every difficulty in life has to be a lesson, but 2020 sure taught me a lot in all aspects of my life and so I thought I would share some of my work takeaways here with you. There’s still hope, and there’s still time. Share to Linkedin. These are the life lessons you need to learn as soon as possible. I am usually a very positive person so I hate that this blog post is a bit of a downer, but I think that 2020 has been a year of reckoning for us. Not all days are sunshine and rainbows. And we have taken many scientific facts (like the benefits of wearing a mask) and politicized them. Hey There! And we need to remember this when our lives become insanely busy again. The official year of life lessons and teachings. It’s because we are so divided, and we no longer want to hear what the other side has to say. We don’t need as much as we think to do to really enjoy our lives and feel engaged. Some people are only friends when you see each other five times a week. Lessons learned in 2020 Never take life for granted. (Source: Getty Images/Thinkstock) Written by Nikita Singh.
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