library of congress reconciliation openrefine
Hosted version at ... somewhere to be determined. Once you've got your reconciliation choices done or rejected, you then need to store the LC label and URI (or any subset of those that you want to keep in the data) in your OpenRefine project. 1. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. You can use any publicly available endpoint, but for the exercise, we’re going to use one set up by the crew using Library of Congress Subject Headings They should be fairly straight-forward to understand, and use /LoC if you want to search LCNAF and LCSH together. OpenRefine has many reconciliation possibilities. This service attempts to fetch names and subjects from the Library of Congress using the following methods sequentially: The reconciliation score, which indicates how good the match is, is determined using the Python difflib library. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. I'll do the latter here. This is important: Label and URI each separated by | (for easier column splitting later): Normalize the query with the normalize function, edited for LC headings peculiarities. The following is a web service that interacts with the OpenRefine Reconciliation Service API to reconcile names from the Library of Congress Name Authority File and subjects from the Library of Congress Subject Headings ().. How does it work? Authors: Scott Carlson andAmber Seely . So I'm attempting to clean them up for y'all, but no promises on fast repairs or responses. Tell OpenRefine about the vocabulary. This service uses the RDF/XML response. It is also the largest library in the world, with more than 162 million items. We will begin by introducing simple processes built into OpenRefine for manipulating data and then venture into introducing unique expressions that can be written in GREL. Getty Vocabularies OpenRefine Reconciliation Service: Tutorial revised 23 July 2020 3. Any URL with a part of the label will return a 404 Not found - this only works with exact matches. Learning outcomes: Students will be able to install and run OpenRefine on their computers. In the Command Line Interface, change to the directory where you downloaded this code: You should see a screen telling you that the service is. Clean and Transform Data . Here, we are going to reconcile against an RDF data source. Early reconciliation data sources for library use cases include FAST, VIAF, and VIVO.. Our Open Infrastructure team at hbz is offering a reconciliation service for the Integrated Authority File (GND). to reconcile names from the Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF) and It's taking a long time and am wondering if it just takes awhile to add or if something is 'off', either on my end or such. One of the best ways to expedite the reconciliation process is to start by exploring names which were near-perfect matches, having I'm not an expert in how these services work, just an enthusiastic fan who needed an OpenRefine LCNAF reconciliation service (and one that didn't build off the VIAF API, as VIAF doesn't contain the full LCNAF) to get a project done. such as this one. Although it appears that you have retrieved your reconciled data into your OpenRefine project, OpenRefine is actually storing the original data still. Using one of the services mentioned below alone would only allow us to: We cannot say for all OpenRefine projects or even metadata generally (which this service is built to handle) which of the above cases only we should target; instead, we want to support all of them and get the best results from the aggregates. In the GREL box that appears, put the following depending on what you want to pull: When you're down, shut down OpenRefine as you normally would. Content negotiation built into means that this URL pattern, when QUERY exactly matches either a preferred label/heading or an alternate label/heading/cross-reference, will return the authority record for the entity. /LoC searches LCNAF and LCSH, other options just search the one chosen. (I went through every service listed, too.) SPARQL 5.3. Library of Congress Reconciliation Service for OpenRefine. Now we’ll see how we can use such a file as a reconciliation source in order to create automated connections between free-text keywords and the thesaurus. A HTTP Get request for any of the above URLs issued with the header parameter Accept: application/json will return the JSON-LD representation of the record with URI (additional physical form) (additional physical form) Form Tested with, working on python 2.7.10, 3.4.3. I'm using Free Your Metadata. In fact, querying TAFKAP returns no results whatsoever, although it is a captured cross-reference/alternate label in the LCNAF authority record for Prince. Work fast with our official CLI. So I'm attempting to clean them up for y'all, but no promises on fast repairs or responses. The results of reconciliation will be links to URIs of the best matching names and subjects the service could find. 5.2. Learn more. Click on 'Add standard service button' in bottom left corner of reconciliation dialog box that appears. Leaving that terminal window open and the service running, go start up OpenRefine (however you normally go about it). Before getting started, you'll need Python 3.7 on your computer and be comfortable using LODRefine/OpenRefine/Google Refine. The collections include books, sound recordings, motion pictures, photographs, maps, and manuscripts. Full title: Using OpenRefine’s Reconciliation to Validate Local Authority Headings . You can find out more about this functionality by watching the video below. You cannot run this service for both LCSH and LCNAF at once. In 2015, the Cataloging and Metadata Services department of Rice University’s Fondren Library developed a process to reconcile four years of authority headings against an internally developed thesaurus. Quick Reference: If you are already an OpenRefine user, you can use the Getty Vocabulary The above URL, entered without other information into a web browser, returns the following results that searching the NAF authorities cross-references or alternate labels only, hence no result that matches the Prince we mean (which is a preferred label for that authority record): The above URL, entered without other information into a web browser, returns the following results that searching the LCSH authorities cross-references or alternate labels only, hence no result that matches the Prince we mean since it is a preferred label for that NAF, not LCSH, authority record: You signed in with another tab or window. find perfect matches only, missing fuzzy matching opportunities unless built out in this service. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. Learn more. Ensure Python 3 is installed. 5 Hands-on: Reconciliation. Therefore, ... We chose the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH), since it provides an established vocabulary and is made available through a SPARQL endpoint. Let me know if you have questions - email is charlow2(at)utk(dot)edu and Twitter handle is @cm_harlow. Thankfully, OpenRefine’s reconciliation service can automate some of this work: by plugging in a URL, the application will match data in your spreadsheet against a controlled vocabulary on the web, such as the Library of Congress (LC) Authorities. This means that computer programs can automatically access and browse it. The following is not meant to be documentation on the possibilities, but just explain my understanding of them and how they are used in this service. Run the query against the Suggest API (see, Run the query against the DidYouMean API (see. Click the arrow in the title column of the column of names and/or subjects you wish to reconcile. SQL. Our plan was to export batches of 100 names from our catalog’s name authority file, which consisted of 1,700 names. Important Notes. subjects from the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH). Once you find the appropriate reconciliation choice, click the single arrow box beside it to use that choice just for the one cell, or the double arrows box to use that choice for all other cells containing that text. That’s why we’ll demonstrate in a second step how to add LCSH as a reconciliation source in OpenRefine. Work fast with our official CLI. Navigate to your local copy of the program in the command line interface, Install the program requirements by typing. So, depending on whether or not you wish to keep the original data, you can replace the column with the reconciled data or add a column that contains the reconciled data. On the reconciled data column, click the arrow at the top, then Choose Edit Columns > Add a new column based on this column indebted to those who made/make an option. This program was developed with Python 3.4.3. Abstract: In 2015, the Cataloging and Metadata Services department of Rice University’s Fondren Library developed a process to reconcile four years of authority headings against an internally developed thesaurus. A HTTP Get request for any of the above URLs issued with any header parameter Accept will still return the above 'No matching term found...' text as well as a 404-Not found. find fuzzy matches based off of the alternate labels/cross-references only, missing out on the preferred labels. If QUERY does not exactly match either a preferred label or an alternate label, it returns a 404 No match found page. Explore Data. I've previously had multiple successes with DBpedia (for colleges and universities), but right now, none of these are working. As far as I can tell, Suggest only returns matches based off of a preferred label/heading, not for alternate labels/headings/cross-references (see the examples below). Library of Congress Reconciliation Service for OpenRefine (LCNAF, LCSH). This is a tutorial explaining the features of OpenRefine-data manipulation tool About OpenRefine . OpenRefine’s Reconciliation service is used to semi-automate the process of matching data in OpenRefine fields with more authoritative data in external sources. A didyoumean QUERY that matches a preferred label will not return top results/matches based off the preferred label, but the top cross-references/alternate labels that match that QUERY instead. Obviously, our mini-thesaurus we developed isn’t exactly the most interesting controlled vocabulary to work with. They include: They include: a FAST Reconciliation … Presented at the Georgia Libraries Conference in Columbus, GA on 10/03/2018. I stopped using OpenRefine regularly about 4-5 years ago, and I left library technology almost 1 year ago, but I still regularly get emails and issues on these OpenRefine Repositories. In Open Data, users of CKAN, the Open … This service takes the query from your OpenRefine project - i.e. persons, organizations, geographic regions, book titles) to standard IDs representing those entities. 14. Library of GREL, SPARQL, SQL, and other expressions 5.1 GREL. download the GitHub extension for Visual Studio, add dummy values for schemaSpace and identifierSpace,,%20Roy, I'm trying to add a reconciliation service to OpenRefine. and the Reconciliation Service API for more information. See the OpenRefine Standard Reconciliation Service API documentation and my now very old presentation notes on building an OpenRefine Reconciliation Serviceto gather some understanding about what this OpenRefine Reconciliation Service attempts to do. OpenRefine, and in particular its reconciliation feature, are widely used in the library world, where authority files are an established part of traditional cataloging workflows. The above, entered without other information into a web browser, return 'No matching term found - authoritative, variant, or deprecated - for Prince' as Prince is in the Name Authority File, not the Subject Headings. Shut down the terminal window. The GOKB extension tightly integrate OpenRefine with GOKB workflow. We are going to try out a reconciliation service that comes with OpenRefine to connect with Wikidata. Open a project in OpenRefine. The default response is the HTML record, though you can also receive RDF/XML, Json-LD, and possibly other formats in response. Below is the response: The above, entered without other information into a web browser, return matches that don't include the Prince we're searching for. Tested with, working on python 2.7.10, 3.4.3. 5. Enter the service's URL: enter the above URL - TBD. Special thanks to Kevin Ford for reaching out and helping with understanding the various query options. All of the above, entered without other information into a web browser, return You can click on the options and be taken to the site for that entity's authority. If nothing happens, download the GitHub extension for Visual Studio and try again. OpenRefine can help you explore large data sets with ease. OpenRefine Reconciliation Service for the LCNAF and LCSH from (If you want to test the following yourself, and aren't sure how, check out Postman Chrome Add-on, though most of these can be tested by entering in your web browser.). Advanced OpenRefine This course on Advanced functionality in OpenRefine was developed by Owen Stephens ( on behalf of the British Library in September 2019. Using OpenRefine and stable, publicly available APIs, the process automatically searches the Virtual International Authority File (VIAF) for matches to personal and corporate names, looks for a Library of Congress source authority record in the matching VIAF cluster, and extracts the authorized heading. You need to explicit save the reconciled data in order to make sure it appears/exists when you export your data. I've chosen the Library of Congress subject headings. Wikidata is a free, secondary database, collecting structured data to provide support to its related websites, such as Wikipedia. Michael Stephens wrote a demo reconciliation service and Ted Lawless wrote a FAST reconciliation service that this code modifies and builds off of. It will return a JSON list of arrays, the first array being the preferred labels for the found top matches, the second array being the number of results for each entity of the labels in the the first array, the third being the URIs for the authorities for each label in the first array. Click RDF – Add reconciliation service – based on SPARQL endpoint. All of the access to that this OpenRefine Reconciliation service builds off of is 2. This reconciliation function is called semi-automated because the end-user is given the opportunity to interactively approve or select which data are modified by choosing from a pick-list of results. An OpenRefine reconciliation service for the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) and the Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF) available via The test case for the following examples is the musician Prince, aka TAFKAP (among other alternate names). The Library of Congress (LC) is the research library that officially serves the United States Congress and is the de facto national library of the United States. no results, as it searched the cross-references/alternate labels in the LCSH, not the LCNAF: The above and any such URL configuration for the didyoumean service without either names or subjects included returns a generic 404 Not found (service or entity). I tried adding the reconciliation service last night and finally shut it down and I'm trying to add again this morning. If nothing happens, download the GitHub extension for Visual Studio and try again. This paper offers an in‐depth analysis of how a locally developed vocabulary can be successfully reconciled with the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) and the Arts and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT) through the help of a general‐purpose tool for interactive data transformation (OpenRefine). Using OpenRefine for Library Metadata $ 175.00 Dates: June 7 - July 4 Credits: 1.5 CEUs or 15 PDHs OpenRefine is a free open-source tool that makes editing messy metadata easier through clustering, faceting, advanced find and replace scripting, and linked data reconciliation in a … Abstract: At the University of Michigan Libraries, we have developed an intuitive, straight-forward process for automating the reconciliation of named entities against the Library of Congress Name Authority File. You signed in with another tab or window. It will return a XML object, a simplified form of the response given below: The above, entered without other information into a web browser, returns the following, containing a reference to the authority for the Prince entity we're searching: The above, entered without other information into a web browser, returns the following - i.e. authorities/names or authorities/subjects in the base URL pattern) for this to work. Students will be able to edit a spreadsheet file with simple errors. Go to the terminal where the LC Reconcile service is running and type in cntl + c. This will stop the service. You should now be greeted by a list of possible reconciliation types for the LC Reconciliation Service. You can also search the web for guides, Adding a reconciliation service. OpenRefine is part of Code for Science & Society. See the examples below. Note that after the service is added once per the previous steps, you will simply be able to select "LC Reconciliation Service" from the reconciliation menu in the future. the terms you have listed in your chosen column for reconciliation in your OpenRefine project - and according to the index you choose, works in this way at the moment: The above allows us to take our OpenRefine terms - which could be any manner of format/style/etc. download the GitHub extension for Visual Studio, OpenRefine Standard Reconciliation Service API documentation, my now very old presentation notes on building an OpenRefine Reconciliation Service,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This server provides OpenRefine reconciliation services for the following data sources: ... Open Library - an open, editable library catalog (a project of the Internet Archive) more to come... You can use these services to resolve many types of names (i.e. $ Using OpenRefine for Library Metadata (Library Juice Academy) ... and go on to introduce more advanced features such as reconciliation against Library of Congress Subject Headings linked data and creating an API call. Reconcile and Match Data. Library of Congress OpenRefine Reconciliation Service Endpoint About. Online Resources . - and get the top results based off of both preferred and alternate labels in the LCSH and LCNAF (or just one as chosen). If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. Presenter: Tricia Clayton. Abstract: Describes the steps taken to extract Author/Corporate names from our local catalog (III-Sierra), the initial data cleanup work done in Microsoft Excel, and the final data cleanup work and Name reconciliation against the Virtual International Authority File (VIAF) and Library of Congress Name Authority file (LCNAF) using OpenRefine. On the column you would like to reconcile with LCNAF or LCSH (or both), click on the arrow at the top, choose, Now enter the URL that the local service is running on - if you've changed nothing in the code, it should be. I've imported a list of American universities and colleges, selected 50 rows, and tried Freebase, DBpedia, OpenCorporates reconciliation services. For exercises on reconciliation, the Getty and Library of Congress vocabularies will be highlighted. See Special Notes, below, to explain the use of the various data APIs in this service. Introduction to OpenRefine 1. You must select either the LCSH or the LCNAF (i.e. Rank all the possible matches founded in steps 2 and 3 based off of fuzzy wuzzy matching/rankings between the original, normalized query and the normalized returned labels. 3. It will return up to 10 possible matches, with record URIs and preferred labels included, along with a match score. Once finished, you should see the closest options that the LC Services, grouped, found for each cell. This service runs off a number of ways to access Library of Congress Name Authority File and Subject Headings through This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License The Library of Congress is the nation's oldest federal cultural institution, and it serves as the research arm of Congress. But, as there are preferred labels matching the query 'Prince' in both LCSH and LCNAF (including the Prince we're searching), performing a Suggest search with QUERY 'Prince' for either names or both returns suggestions with our Prince included. find fuzzy matches based off of the preferred labels/headings only, missing cross-references or alternate labels. FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology) Reconciliation; Library of Congress Subject Headings; Librarians with a Global Open Knowledge base (GOKB) account can export and import data directly to this repository of electronic journals and books, publisher packages. An OpenRefine reconciliation service for GeoNames. Runs directly on localhost:5000 (no /reconcile needed for this recon service). If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. Has anyone been experiencing problems with reconciliation in OpenRefine? See the response below: This is a service built into that returns possible preferred labels and URIs for the top matches between QUERY and cross-reference or alternate heading in a LCNAF/LCSH authority record from Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. However, as there are terms that match/contain the query term 'Prince' in LCSH, it returns those. correct. The above, entered without other information into a web browser, return matches that don't include the Prince we're searching for, as it includes results only from the LCSH. Clone/download/get a copy of this code repository on your computer. - Also available through the Library of Congress Web Site as facsimile page images. OpenRefine is available in more than 15 languages. Example: reconciliation scores of .80+ first, using the best candidate's score facet, continuing to decrement the score range until the matches no longer seem Open Data. Consult the OpenRefine wiki pages on reconciliation The Open Refine Reconciliation API allows OpenRefineusers to match company names to legal corporate entities.This is especially useful when you have an existing spreadsheet or dataset featuring lots of companies.Matching (or reconciling) to legal entities allows you to get more information about the companies (for example the registered address or statutory filings),and makes it easier to match with other datasets or exchange with other organisations. Here is a simplified explanation of the output: Both of the above, entered without other information into a web browser, return the following: Note the results can change for names versus subjects versus searching both, however. The service queries the GeoNames API and provides normalized scores across queries for reconciling in Refine. Many library-specific reconciliation services built off of the OpenRefine Standard Reconciliation Service API have been created and maintained. As far as I can tell, it expects cross-reference or alternate labels for the QUERY, not the preferred headings/labels. It is the oldest federal cultural institution in the United States. I stopped using OpenRefine regularly about 4-5 years ago, and I left library technology almost 1 year ago, but I still regularly get emails and issues on these OpenRefine Repositories. Return the top 3 results from step 4, along with their URIs. A HTTP Get request for any of the above URLs issued with the header parameter Accept: application/rdf+xml will return the RDF/XML representation of the record with URI This is a service built into that returns a number of top matches for QUERY from The library is housed in three buildings on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.; it also maintains a conservation center in Culpeper, Virginia. The following is a web service that interacts with the OpenRefine Reconciliation Service API You do not need to indicate the particular authority file (names or subjects) in the URL for this to work, though you can indicate either if you just want responses for headings from either the NAF or the LCSH.
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