lai full form in biology
Editor Staff-January 30, 2021 1. This means they are most often — but not exclusively — spread by sexual intercourse. Biology Form One Syllabus. ADP: Full form in Biology , its meaning and information is given below, so check it out some details on full form of the term ADP which is used in Biology.. ADH Anti-diuretic hormone 11. LAB in biology stands for Lactic Acid Bacteria. generations in a form that is truly, not metaphorically, digital. In this post you will find class 11th ,12th and 10th all full form of biology and their abbreviation topic wise and there short explanation. ◆ ALSO READ: HEART ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, LOCATION, DISEASE & TREATMENT. Please look for them carefully. SMCB . Question Papers 219. This page is about the various possible meanings, full forms, shorthand, abbreviation, acronym or slang term: SMCB Meaning SMCB Full Form, Full Meaning, Full Name. Toggle navigation FORMFULL.IN. ... What Is The Full Form Of ASI | ASI का फुल फॉर्म क्या... Editor Staff-January 30, 2021 0. Welcome to BiologyDiscussion! Our mission is to provide an online platform to help students to share notes in Biology. It is the main energy currency of the cell and it is an end product of the processes of photophosphorylation which is adding a phosphate group to a molecule using energy from light, cellular respiration, and fermentation. Editor toolbars Basic Styles Bold Paragraph Insert/Remove Numbered List Insert/Remove Bulleted List Insert Image Insert Horizontal Line Insert Special Character Tools Maximize others WIRIS EDITOR math WIRIS EDITOR chemistry. Chapter 7 Plant Growth and Mineral Nutrition Exercise | Q 2.02 | Page … Unsaturated fats are commonly found in vegetable oils, nuts, and many seeds. Important Solutions 3125. And chemical formula of C27H33N9O15P2. chapter 5. principles of inheritance and variation . Question Bank Solutions 11020. ACTH Adreno-Corticotropic hormone 9. They can act as both positive and negative regulators of protein function, providing an additional level of control with respect to genetic and environmental conditions.Due to the complexity of glycosylated … ... C‐endo transmembrane protein that assembles into trimers … All full form in biology consist of several important short form and their abbreviation containing all the topics. Write full form of ATP, ADP, NADP, FAD. What is the full form of SSD? Fat is an organic compound of hydrogen, carbon, oxygen. Full form list (Biology name full form online) Full form list (Biology name full form online) Full form list (Biology name full form online) They are useful class of bacteria for us as they are used in food fermentations. Biology Form One Syllabus. IVF full form in biology is In vitro fertilisation known as IVF. i am sucking my boy friends penis ️ ...Good Morning... ️ what three things … want to get into India’s top Medical College? FSH Follicle Stimulating Hormone 7. RNA full form in biology is ribonucleic acid Short for ribonucleic acid. ... there hasn't been any official announcement or notification from NTA for the release of NEET UG 2021 application form. Saturated fats have no double bonds between the carbons found in its chain. 2 See answers alinakincsem alinakincsem Thanks for asking the question. PEP full form in bilogy is phosphoenolpyruvate. Joo Chuan Tong, Shoba Ranganathan, in Computer-Aided Vaccine Design, 2013.
cbd full form in biology can be used by anyone, all-time and without further Practice safely used be - on the ground the detailed Representation of Manufacturer besides the Functionality of the product in total. For the best answers, search on this site NADH - Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (reduced form). S protein is inserted into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) via a cleaved, amino‐terminal signal peptide (Cavanagh et al., 1986b). It is a molecule that carries energy within cells that why is known as energy currency. NADH full form in biology is Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide commonly known as NADH. Visit to know long meaning of LAH acronym and abbreviations. You Can Read The Article Below. Biology Revision. BOd full form in biology is biochemical oxygen demand and COD full form chemical oxygen demand. Biology full form and their abbreviation in biology of class 12th compromise of many topics like reproduction productive health genetics biotechnology and ecology. It is a process of fertilisation where an egg is combined with sperm outside the body, in vitro or in the test tube. Content Guidelines 2. The full form of ADP in biology is Adenosine Diphosphate. Access technology and computer full forms list with the meaning, definition, and example of the acronym or abbreviation. this is very important questions answers for coming JAC exam for intermediate you will learn all full form in biology and their expansion topic wise. what is the full form of pct and dct in nephrons - Biology - | qc1a8quu. […] 2) biology class 11th and 12th all full forms […]. In which full form of PMC is pollen mother cell,full form of MMC is megasporespore mother cell,full form of PEN is primary endosperm nucleus and full form of PEC is primary endosperm cell. chapter 7. evolution . It is the medical way of getting rid of unwanted pregnancy. It is a test that detects and measures antibodies in your blood. Get LAI full form and full name in details. Get the top LI abbreviation related to Medical. Before sharing your knowledge on this site, please read the following pages: 1. The glycolysis is the anaerobic breakdown of glucose into lactic acid. Textbook of Biology Grade - 12 OUR MOTTO Standards Outcomes Access Style Authors : Pedagogical Author : Designing / Layout : Editor : Desk Officer, Curriculum : Management of : Supervision of :: 2014 Qty : 30000: 2018 Qty : 24000: Rs. गूगल मेरा नाम क्या है – google mera naam kya hai. What does KYU stand for? GIFT full form in biology is gamete intrafallopian transfer and ZIFT (zygote intrafallopian transfer) are modified versions of in vitro fertilization IVF. In Biology STD full form is sexually transmitted disease this means they are spread through most often but not exclusively is spread by sexual intercourse. Unsaturated fats are beneficial for health, as it improves blood cholesterol levels, stabilize heart beats, etc. KYX … It is colorless, odorless and tasteless chemical compound generally used in agriculture as an insecticide or pesticides. Full form list (Biology name full form online) Full form list (Biology name full form online) Full form list (Biology name full form online) ICSE BIOLOGY - FULL FORMS. is the right platform to understand several topics of biology of class 11th and 12th and accelerate your preparationfor Jharkhand Board examinations and other board exam and theire questions and pattern. TSH Thyroid stimulating hormone 10. Answered. Just click on answer button to add extra information. 5 years ago. Biology 11th and 12th all full forms (abbreviation). 1)OP- osmotic pressure 2)TP- turgor pressure 3)DPD- Diffusiin pressure Dificit 4)WP- wall pressure 5)DP- diffusion pressure 6)SP- suction pressure 7)RUBISCO- Ribulose biphosphate carboxylase 8)ABA- abscisic acid 9)ACh- Acetylcholine 10)ACTH- adrenocorticotropic hormone, 11)ADH- antidiuretic hormone 12)AMR- active metabolic rate 13)CNS- central nervous system 14)ANS- autonomic nervous system 15)BGA- blue green algae 16)BMR-basal metabolic rate 17)CAM -crassulacean acid metabolism 18)CAT- computed automatic tomography 19)CSF- cerebrospinal fluid 20)DAP-draught animal power, 21)DCT- distal convoluted tubule 22)PCT- proximal convoluted tubule 23)ECF- extracellular fluid 24)EEG- electro encephalogram 25)ERV- expiratory reserve volume 26)FAD- flavin adenine dinucleotide 27)FMN- flavin mononucleotide 28)FGF- fibroblast growth factor 29)HDL- high density lipoprotein 30)IAA- indole acetic acid 31)IBI- indole butyric acid, 32)IFN- interferon 31)IRV- inspiratory reserve volume 32)LDL- low density lipoprotein 33)LDP- long day plant 34)MSH- melanocyte stimulating hormone 35)NAD- nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide 36)NADP- nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate 37)NMEP- National Malaria eradication programme 38)PCM- protein calorie malnutrition 37)PEM- protein energy malnutrition 38)PEP- phosphoenol pyruvate 39)PGA- phosphoglyceric acid 40)PGAL- phosphoglycerylaldehyde, 41)PNS- peripheral nervous system 42)PTH- parathormone 43)WBC- white blood cell 44)RBC- red blood cell 45)TSH- thyroid stimulating hormone 46)TMR- total metabolic rate 47)TLC- total lungs capacity 48)TCA- trichloro acetic acid 49)STH- somatotropic hormone 50)RHD- rheumatic heart disease, ◆ this is important biology 11th,12th and 10th all full form in biology and their abbreviation important for coming Neet examination and JAC Board examination and also for CBSE board and other state board examination, ... solutions concentrate on each topic of the entire chapter and provide solved questions and unsolved questions … The energy holding that phosphate molecule is now released and available to do work for the cell. Topperlearning. It was formerly known as 3-phosphoglycerate or phosphoglyceric acid (PGA). The fat is usually the stored source of energy in the body that remained store beneath the skin. Unsaturated fats are beneficial for health, as it improves blood cholesterol levels, stabilize heart beats, etc. Share with your friends. Note: The use of tritiated tracers, however, is now not in practice. 1) Ria went to see the zoo in her town with her parents and saw many wild animals, their food habits, behavior, etc. 1 Answer. Chemical formula is C10H16N5O14P3. Concept Notes & Videos 571. The nucleic acid that is used in key metabolic processes for all steps of protein synthesis in all living cells and carries the genetic information of many viruses. We are most familiar with two hormone LH and FSH both are secreted from anterior pituitary glands and full form of LH is luteinizing hormone and full form FSH is follicular stimulating hormone and full form of ICSH is interstitial cell stimulating hormone. It is currently not clear how IL-33 is released from cells and whether a cleaved or full-length form is the active cytokine in vivo. Just click on answer button to add extra … ATP full form in biology is adenosine triphosphate is an important biomolecules found in all living organism. It is a test that detects and measures antibodies in your blood. Fat is a significant foodstuff for many forms of life. Biology Revision. Biology Notes for UPSC IAS Prelims (Part II). Some of the vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K are fat-soluble, which means they can only be absorbed, digested, and transported in conjunction with the fats. It is one of the best place for finding expanded names. Just click on answer button to add extra information. form (abridged, photo copy, electronic etc.) Get the top PAR abbreviation related to Biology. Biology PAR abbreviation meaning defined here. Biology all full form pdf help in accelerate your preparation for coming examination. You are open to add additional details for any page. It is very similar to conventional IVF in that gametes eggs and sperm are collected from each partner. Biology Notes Form 1. But, the … PAN full form in biology is peroxyacetyl nitrate is a toxic chemical and important component of a smog is gaseous at normal temperature and pressure and PAN molecules are composed of carbon hydrogen Oxygen and nitrogen atoms, DDT full form in biology is dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane non water soluble chlorinated hydrocarbons and use since Second World War as insecticides for the control of lice and mosquitoes and prevent from typhoid and malaria fever. You are open to add additional details for any page. DDT: Full form in Biology can be defined in many ways are discussed below, so check it out different full form of the term BCG which is used in Biology. Full forms: 1. Editor Staff-January 30, 2021 0. if cell needs to spend energy ATP molecules split off one of its 3 phosphate becoming ADP full form in biology is adenosine diphosphate. Chemical formula of DDT is C14H9Cl5. The fats that remain in the liquid form at room temperature are known as unsaturated fats. The term ADP is also knows as adenosine pyrophosphate (APP), It is one of the very important organic compound in metabolism, ADP plays an important role in providing cellular energy. Enroll in the free online course, Cell Biology: Mitochondria, from Harvard University for … ADP = Adinosine dipsosphate ... New questions in Biology. It is a powerful tool for detecting weak signals, and has been successfully applied in temporal pattern recognition such as speech, handwriting, word sense … asked in Plant Respiration by Lifeeasy Biology. ADP Adenosine Diphosphate 5. in this article we know about what is the full form of DNA and RNA ? Is it acronym or abbreviation? . It is defined as intentional or voluntary termination of pregnancy before full term.-1 ; MTP is Medical Termination of Pregnancy. A hidden Markov model (HMM) is a probabilistic graphical model that is commonly used in statistical pattern recognition and classification. RuBP Ribulose Bisphosphate 4. Visit BYJU’S now to learn interesting technology related full forms. You are open to add additional details for any page. The fats that remain in the liquid form at room temperature are known as unsaturated fats. Origins of Molecular Biology Phenotype Genes Proteins Classical Genetics (1900s) ... Before molecular biology began, biochemists believed that DNA was composed of a monotonous rotation of four basic components, the nucleotides adenine, cytosine, … Just click on answer button to add extra … The study of biology starts with the cell, the basic building block of any living organism. What does LI stand for in Medical? Senior Management Construction Board 1) AIDS-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, 8)TFR- total fertility rate 9)IMR-infant mortality rate, 12)IUD-intra uterine device 13)NCP- National Commission on population, 14)PID-pelvic inflammatory disease 15)HBV-hepatitis- B -virus, 17)ICMR- Indian Council of Medical Research, 18)HPV- human papilloma virus 19)ET-embryo transfer 20)ZIFT- zygote intra fallopian transfer, 23)ICSI- intra cytoplasmic sperm injection, 24)AI-artificial insemination 25)AIH- sperm of husband 26)CDRI-Central drug Research Institute, 27)IVF- in vitro fertilization 28)MTS-micro needle therapy system, 31)NACO- national AIDS control organisation, ◆you should also visits our website and other website for civil engineer calculation at, DNA full form in biology is deoxyribonucleic acid which are genetic material in higher organisms like chordates and non chordates which carries genetic information from parents to offspring. Difference between dominant allele and recessive allele, What is differences between genotype and phenotype, 11th biology MCQs test-1 for CBSE-JAC exams - Biologysir, 11th biology MCQs test-2 for CBSE-JAC exams - Biologysir, What is different types of soil and their uses, What are parasitic plants explain with an example, Heterotrophic nutrition definition types and examples, HIV and AIDS cause, symptom ,treatment and prevention. Build a strong foundational knowledge of cellular biology to help you as you branch out into different areas or specializations. On this blog, I share all the information related to biology. Visit to know long meaning of LAB acronym and abbreviations. Biology Full Forms Biology is the natural science that studies the origin, anatomy, morphology, physiology, behaviour, and distribution of living organisms. DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid 2. MAB full form is man and biosphere programme it is an inter -governmental scientific program launch in 1971 by UNESCO that aims to establish scientific basis for the improvement of relationship between people and their environment. Biology Notes Form One PDF. All full form of biology like DNA ,RNA, STD ,AIDS ,HIV ,ATP, ADP, BOD COD, DDT,MAB and MTP and many more we we are study in this article. MTP full form in biology is medical termination of pregnancy. The Full Form Of Asha is Comes in Biology, Community, And Medical. demanded) by aerobic biological organisms to break down organic material present in a given water sample at certain temperature over a specific time period. ◆ READ ALSO: BLOOD CLOTTING PROCESS & MECHANISM. Saturated fats are found in animals’ meat, cheese, ice cream, etc. Click here to get an answer to your question ️ what is the full form of ICNB bhupesh9634 bhupesh9634 31.10.2018 Biology Secondary School What is the full form of ICNB 2 See answers Brainly User ... helps MonarkSingh MonarkSingh International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria is the full form of ICNB. chapter 8. human health and disease . - Signal-Sensing Domain - Signal-Sensing Domain (SSD) is one of the modules of the Transcription Factor (TF). The fats are molecules made up of glycerol and fatty acid. chapter 3. human reproduction . Biology Notes Form 1 - Form One Biology. ... Download full-size image; Fig 1. Outstanding site for biological full forms. Biology - Fats - Fat is a significant foodstuff for many forms of life. HIV, chlamydia, genital herpes, genital warts, gonorrhea, some forms of hepatitis, syphilis, and trichomoniasis are STDs. LH Luteinizing Hormone 8. NADPH full form in biology is Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (oxidized form: NAD+; reduced form: NADH) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (oxidized form: NADP+; reduced form: NADPH) are two universal coenzymes functioning as hydride (H–) carriers at a standard reduction potential of −320 mV. ask related question … Fats serve structural as well as metabolic functions. New questions in Biology. GTP full form in biology is Guanosine-5′-triphosphate (GTP) is a purine nucleoside triphosphate. ADP full form in biology is adenosine diphosphate,if a cell needs to spend energy to accomplish a task, the ATP molecule splits off one of its three phosphates, becoming ADP (Adenosine di-phosphate) + phosphate. Based on the number and bonding of the carbon atoms, fats and oils, are categorized in the aliphatic chain. ... full forms and names of terms popular in computer, electronics, science, finance, information technology, chemistry, biology, business, organization, school and chat. Found in all living cells, NAD is called a dinucleotide because it consists of two nucleotides joined through their phosphate groups. It also called induced abortion. Get LAB full form and full name in details. 0 votes . in this article we know about what is the full form of DNA and RNA ? ... LAI Full Form LANA Full Name Full Form of LANS LAP Full Form … Fats actively help in maintaining the healthy skin and hair. ◆ READ ALSO: DISEASE FROM RATS PLAGUE & HANTAVIRUS PULMONARY SYNONYMS. Press ALT 0 for help. Full Form Category Term; Letter of Intent: Banking: LOI: Limiting Oxygen Index: Chemistry: LOI: Laughing On The Inside: Messaging: LOI: Letter of Invitation: Messaging: LOI: List of Items: Accounts and Finance: LOI: Loss On Ignition ... information technology, chemistry, biology, business, organization, school and chat. ... information technology, chemistry, biology, business, organization, school and chat. Very Short Answer Question: Give the full form of IAA? ... Is it acronym or abbreviation? IVF full form in biology is In vitro fertilisation known as IVF. 1)MOET- multiple ovulation embryo transfer 2)NDRI- National Dairy Research Institute, 3)IVRI- Indian veterinary Research Institute 4)CIFA- Central Institute of freshwater aquaculture, 5)CPA- parachloro phenoxy acetic acid 6)BAP- benzyl amino purine 7)ICAR- Indian Council of agriculture research, 8)IARI- Indian agriculture Research Institute 9)IBI- indole 3 butyric acid, 10)NAA- naphthalene acetic acid 11)NPV- nuclear polyhedrosis virus, 2)SCP- single cell protein 3)GAP- Ganga action plan, 4)IPM- integrated pest management 5)STP- sewage treatment plant 6)VAM- vasicular arbuscular mycorrhiza 7)TMV- tobacco mosaic virus, 1)PCR- polymerase chain reaction 2)PMNL- poly morpho nuclear leukocytes, 3)MRI- Magnetic resonance imaging 4)PPLO- pleuropneumonia like organism, 5)CT- computed tomography 6)VNTRs- variable number of tendon repeats, 7)ADA- adenosine deaminase 8)ECG- electrocardiograph, 10)SQUID- superconducting Quantum interference device, 11)Bt- bacillus thruingiensis 12)BAC- bacterial artificial chromosome. Get LAH full form and full name in details. chapter 1. reproduction in organisms chapter 2. sexual reproduction in flowering plants . Lv 4. STDs full form in biology are sexually transmitted diseases. and DNA ka ful form kya hota hai. You are open to add additional details for any page. Medical LI abbreviation meaning defined here. KLB Biology Form 1 Notes. 1 decade ago. ... students with Biology as an additional /optional subject are provisionally eligible for Neet examination until the supreme court give its judgement over the eligibility of students with Biology as an additional subject. Free Biology Form 1 Notes. This review summarizes both classical and contemporary discoveries in the study of the molecular biology of these infectious agents, with particular emphasis on the nature and recognition of viral receptors, viral RNA synthesis, and the molecular interactions governing virion assembly. Asha full form:-Today We Are Going To Talk About Asha Full Form And Meaning With Definition And Details. EDI Full Form In Hindi | EDI क्या है? Biology Form 1 Revision Questions. Full form of moet is multiple ovulation embryo transfer, full form ndri is National Dairy Research Institute full form of cifa is Centre Institute of water aquaculture and full form of NAA is naphthalene acetic acid. Following are the major functions of Fats −. What is the full form of KZN in Airport Code? Elements path. ■1) reproduction in flowering plant: Unit reproduction in flowering plant compromised of following abbreviation like PMC MMC PEC and PEN. Both hormone play important role in spermatogenesis and oogenesis process and development of gonads in male and female. Answered by | 22nd Mar, 2008, 09:03: AM. any qualified gynecologist can perform MTP according to Laws and bye laws. its full form nd defination. Time Tables 23. COME ON ZOOM PLZID-6030578183PASSCODE-Hello Name any two bacterial source Of vitamine B2 the akhirahman26 will u be my friend In the … LAI: LAJ: LAK: LAL: LAM: LAN: LAO: LAP: LAQ: LAR: LAS: LAT: LAU: LAV: LAW: About Us. PAN is a gas at normal temperatures and pressures. KZO: KZR: KZS: LAA: LAB: LAC: LAD: LAE: LAF: LAG: LAH: LAI: LAJ: LAK: LAL: About Us. Ask Doubt. it is the medical way of getting rid of unwanted pregnancy. Biology Notes Form One PDF. BOD is measure of amount of oxygen that require by bacteria for the degradation of organic substance present in water and COD is amount of oxygen required for degradation of both organic and inorganic wastage present in water so COD value is higher than bod. ... Balbharati Biology 12th Standard HSC Maharashtra State Board. BOD full form in biology is Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is the amount of dissolved oxygen needed (i.e. 1)AZT- Azidothymidine 2)LSD- lysergic acid dimethylamide, 3)SCID- sever combined immunodeficiency 4)ARC- aggregation of red cells 5)DPT- diphtheria pertussis tetanus 6)BCG- bacillus calmette guerin 7)CMIS- cell mediated immune system, 8)AMIS- humoral or antibody mediated immune system, 9)MALT- mucosal associated lymphoid tissue 10)WADA- world anti doping agency 11)NCB- narcotics control bureau, 12)ARMADA- Association of resource managers against alcohol and drug abuse, 14)OPV- oral polio vaccine 15)ORS- oral rehydration solution, 16)NLCP- National leprosy Control Programme 17)MDT- multi drug therapy 18)DOTs- directly observed treatment, 19)ELISA- enzyme linked immuno sorbent assay, 20)TLC- total leukocyte count 21)CMI- cell mediated immunity 22)AMI- antibody mediated immunity 23)DLC- differential leukocyte count. CBSE Class 10 - Ask The Expert. Understanding the structure, function and life cycle of a cell is fundamental to the study of all biological sciences. ICSI full form in biology is Intracytoplasmic sperm injection commonly known as ICSI. No because they are involved in different location of the Kreb cycle,. Free PDF download of NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 1 - The Living World solved by Expert Teachers as per latest 2020 -2021 NCERT (CBSE) textbook guidelines. - Endoplasmic Reticulum - Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) is a membrane network within the cytoplasm of cells involved in the synth Biology Form 1 All Chapters. ADP Adenosine Diphosphate 5. Jharkhand academic Council for intermediate exam of biology in short answer type questions of all full form of biology carrying 1 to 3 marks. Class-12-science » Biology. My name is Balram Saw and by profession, I am a lecturer. ATP Adenosine Triphosphate 6. You are open to add additional details for any page. The success of a good RIA procedure depends on the availability of antibody and labeled antigen for mycotoxins. NEET full syllabus 2021 pdf download. NADP Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate 3. ■2) reproduction in human beings:-Class 12th Biology lesson reproduction in human beings compromise of important Abbreviation and full form in biology like LH, FSH, ICSH, GnRH and HPL. Reproductive Health. DDT full form in biology is Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane commonly known as DDT. chapter 4. reproductive health. Understanding how that digital code directs the creation of life is the goal of molecular biology. NADP Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate 3. Rich Text Editor, question_data. This test can be used to determine if you have antibodies related to certain infectious conditions. It is one of the best place for finding expanded names. You know some important all full form in Biology for class 11th, 12th and 10th like full form of DNA,RNA, GIFT, ZIFT, AIDS etc. answered by Lifeeasy Authors. PAN full form in biology is Peroxyacytyl nitrate, it is a toxic chemical that is an important component of smog. - Endoplasmic Reticulum - Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) is a membrane network within the cytoplasm of cells involved in the synth Fats insulate body organs against external shock. 1)TFR- total fertility rate 2)GPP- gross primary productivity, 3)NPP- net primary productivity 4)NSP- net secondary productivity, 5)GFC- grazing food chain 6)DFC- detritus food chain 7)PP- primary productivity 8)SP- secondary productivity 9)PC- primary consumer 10)SC- secondary consumer 11)TC- tertiary consumer 12)QC- quaternary consumer, 13)DDT- dichloro diphenyl trichloroethane 14)CNG- compressed natural gas, 15)BHC- Benzene hexachloride 16)CFC- chlorofluorocarbon 17)SPM- suspended particulate matter, 18)ODS- ozone depleting substance 19)NEERI- National environmental engineering research institute, 20)CSIR- Council of scientific and Industrial Research 21)TDS- total dissolved solid 22)CPCB- Central pollution control board, 23)IAP- indices of air pollution 24)IWP- Hindi essays of water pollution 25)EPA- Environmental Protection Act 26)ABS- alkyl Benzene sulphonate 27)CSE- Centre for science and environment 28)REACH- registration evaluation authorisation and restriction of chemical, 29)ETP- effluent treatment plant 30)MIC- methyl isocyanate 31)ODP- ozone depleting potential 32)CDM- clean development mechanism 33)UNCED- United Nation conference on environment and development, 34)ESP- electronstatic precipitator 35)ABCs- atmospheric brown clouds 36)IPCC- intergovernmental panel on climate change, 37)GHGs- green house gases 38)VOCs- volatile organic carbons 39)PAN- peroxy acyl nitrate 40)PPN- peroxy propionyl nitrate 41)PBN- peroxy buteryl nitrate 42)BOD- biochemical oxygen demand 43) COD-chemical oxygen demand 44)IUCN- International Union for conservation of nature and natural resource, 45)WWF- World Wildlife Fund 46)IBP- International biological programme 47)MAB- man and biosphere programme 48)UNEP- United Nation environmental programme, 49)UNPD- United Nation development programme 50)CITES- convention on international trade in Endangered species of wildlife fauna and flora 51)CMS- convention of migratory species. The S protein is a very large, N‐exo, C‐endo transmembrane protein that assembles into trimers (Delmas 1990, Song 2004) to form the distinctive surface spikes of coronaviruses . answer comment. ATP full form in biology is Adenosine triphosphate also known as ATP. phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) A three-carbon compound that is the substrate for carbon dioxide fixation during photosynthesis in C 4 plants. Cell-Mediated Immunity. All Chapter 1 - The Living World Exercises Questions with Solutions to help you to revise complete Syllabus. Biology Form 1 Book. DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid 2. Fat acts a protective layer especially in the human body and provide protection. It is a colorless, tasteless, and almost odorless crystalline chemical compound, an organochlorine. ELISA full form in biology is enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, known as ELISA or EIA. it is also called as induced abortion. DNA is stand for deoxyribo nucleic acid and RNA is stand for ribonucleic Acid. Biology Form 1 Book. Textbook Solutions 10082. IUCN full form in biology is International Union for Conservation of Nature known as IUCN, in full International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, formerly called World Conservation Union, network of environmental organizations founded as the International Union for the Protection of Nature in October 1948 in Fontainebleau, France. In addition to being used as an energy source, it is also used in signal transduction pathways for cell communication and is incorporated into deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) during DNA synthesis. HIV AIDS genital herpes syphilis are STD disease. PEP is also an intermediate in glycolysis being the immediate precursor of pyruvate and the glyoxylate cycle.
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