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Islam is given the second rank in the list of major religions of the world having more than 1.5 billion followers as per 2020 list of largest religions in the world. Trump, in his September 2019 speech to a stunned United Nations General Assembly, stated that “the future does not belong to globalists. One World Religion. A piece of anti-Catholic, or possibly renegade ultraconservative Catholic, propaganda. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. As far as advancing the end times timeline goes, 2019 has been a banner year for Pope Francis and the coming One World Religion. I investigate conspiracy theories and I gather evidence before I believe anything anyone purports to be true. The future belongs to patriots.” He argued strongly for America-first national sovereignty, something anathema to billionaire globalists who bet long ago on the successful transition to a new one-world order. The Higher Committee for Human Fraternity was created in September and met with Catholic Cardinal Miguel Angel Ayudo Guixot in attendance as one of its nine members. s Religions. At the time, I remember reading that the American mainstream media was calling the New World Order a "conspiracy theory" and denied that … Reply. Chung Ok Lee, a Won Buddhist priest and proponent of a United Religions for over 20 years. Bible-believing Christians were alerted in 2019 when the Global Pact event was first […] ONE-WORLD RELIGION NOW OFFICIALLY BORN!! The event was hosted by the Ven. Orthodox Apologist October 5, 2020 At 8:58 pm. In case you haven’t heard, the upcoming meeting between Pope Francis and world leaders scheduled for May 14, 2020 has been postponed and rescheduled for October 11-18. A SPIRITUAL EQUIVALENT TO THE UNITED NATIONS! Tony Blair is Advocating a 21st Century Gestapo System. The new tentative date for signing the pact is October 15. September 5, 2020 by Jon Watkins. “Seeing the world as one is how it was in the days before the Tower of Babel,” Rabbi Winston said. We told you back in February that the pope has travelled to Abu Dhabi where he met with Sunni Muslim leader Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb. It’s Common Sense To Have Digital IDs Says Tony Blair It’s only common sense to Luciferian’s like ole Tony who are pushing for a One World Government, One World Religion, and the Mark of the Beast! It is one of the fastest growing religions and was founded about 1400 years before in Saudi Arabia which is … In 1993, Chicago hosted the Council for a Parliament of the World. However, the growth in religious pluralism, interfaith dialogue that promotes the idea that all religions are equal, and the erroneous teachings that many ways lead to … “This was when men joined together to take over the world and kick God out.” Rabbi Winston noted that the counterintuitive mix of secular intellectualism and religion appeared later in … This was an effort to find common ground, common values, and learn tolerance -- the building blocks of the One World Religion. 8-10 years ago this New World Order topic came to my attention, and along with it, the One World Government plans. Become Orthodox. Since 1986, many other groups have begun similar efforts. The specific one world religion of the end times cannot be fully developed until the tribulation when the Antichrist rules. ... With this in mind, in September 1995, Bishop Swing addressed a gathering of religious Non-Governmental Organizations at the UN.
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