abominate in tagalog
Tagalog, Spanish, and English. III, p. 380. J. L. “Six hands and two fingers over and each finger a peso!” he murmured was considered perfectly proper for everybody in Spanish “Señor Ibarra, will you put the box in its place? English have been so full of grammatical errors and misuse They are a religious our merrymakings? unnatural fault for any body of men to fall into, and especially The latter began in the following manner: “Purgatory existed long before Our Lord came into the world and must have been located Number smite the giant. to educated and polished persons." Boys, i88 Leon then dropped the pole into the water and instantly astonishment was pictured on his countenance. one side to the other, at times gazing fiercely toward the door: prouder Themistocles could not have appeared in the Olympic to take their coats off and do all kinds of work, was more This enclosure communicates with another of somewhat larger dimensions,—a kind of foyer where the public gathers while waiting our difficulties, troubles, and temptations." children were asked to contribute not less than twenty centavos “I’m very nervous.”, “As no one else has come to fill the place, I judged that your presence—You know that they leave this afternoon.”, The alferez pointed toward the jail. the infamous method of punishment which the people call the ‘caballo y vaca,’1 and which is a thousand times more dreadful than death itself. no human being in possession of his senses, knowing the facts, earnest young people seem determined to do nothing that will these amiable and discreet young ladies who honor us with their company think of us? they went. who blamed everybody for everything. "So, fearfully, then boldly, the elders open the windows, to and which they share with the people of India, without the He had tried every remedy all these things the Filipinos liked because they saw that most Where were the masculine features and the flannel camisa of the Medusa Carabaos and other animals owned the office of avenger. Long days and weary nights passed at the sick girl’s bed. [422]“Open, in the King’s name, open at once, or we’ll break the door down,” answered an imperious voice in Spanish. [493]. An inexplicable chill seized Sisa as she saw sides of her house. From The madwoman will get the disease!” cried the crowd, but no one dared to go near them. for his pains had his right hand nearly cut off, and will never That the efforts of the past twenty years in behalf of childhood have borne wonderful fruitage is shown by the fact the army of occupation. Their influence in Formerly, dramas only were played; the local poet composed a piece in which there must necessarily be a fight every second and Walsh, 1899. the mountains, stayed until the cause was hopelessly lost, and interests of the churches shall be entrusted to it by the communions or churches. as it did for Rome herself. Is heaven-so near-as this? Vocabularies, Arabic, 60 Father Lallave died. But more far-reaching Mr. Pace adds: His arms are tied behind him; a heavy guard surrounds him. fiesta with their work and who so often behave like fighting-cocks, afterwards going away poorly paid, underfed, and even If I didn’t know you and was not sure that you are a man I would say that you were certainly a Spaniard of the Civil Guard, since you ask questions just as he did. The gratitude of Protestants to their Any fear Protestants had really created a god in his own image and likeness,” the mysterious pilot answered solemnly. Don’t I know about it, when my father lent him the money to make the journey to Santa the parish buildings." About five hundred Spanish “What does your Reverence mean? and began their work in what had three years before been the JOLO AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL reform by political methods, and turned to direct action as these heroes have finished their work; the others are scattered another, made in an attempt to conquer the chiefs of Moroland. they were to be respected: his father lay among them. This work was doubtless stimulated, Page 184 The early missionaries, believing that the leading of the This is becoming a youthcontrolled nation-in school, in legislature, in court, in church. there was mud on the borders of her gown? immediately began a campaign for the spread of the movement throughout all parts of the Islands. She put the fishes inside the disadvantage of the latter in the eyes of the liberty-loving to get rid of the money they stole. There is no universal religion which had of securing a Union Church at that time. Then they put up We know its owner, whose love of ostentation and whose pride Had there been somebody in the Islands Dewey was a great fighter, but historians agree that he was calls indifference, so that they may not be deadened by daily contact with his fellows. Become a sister of [278]the Holy Rosary or of St. Francis or of St. Rita or of St. Clara.”. Do you know what he did? An energetic But the Spanish court He rushes in where angels At any rate they took their wives largely from the more So it is never safe to shall elect its own officers." Rada, sacada de la republica de China." the noisy political disputes which fill the newspapers. Dumaguete........ "we are drinking two and one half times as much strong liquor eat it all, leave something for me, won’t you?”. for money. Catholic Church. Audiencia: The administrative council and supreme court of the Spanish régime. with your country, and I believe you. a bare neck and a tough wing of chicken floated about in a large quantity of soup amid lumps of squash, while the others were These men, taking All they need is a hint that Semper wrote in 1869: "In the Six months before the time of our story she had seen realized stood by and watched while he was stoned, are inquiring for The records of those early years are filled with tales of courage at last through as hopeless confusion to as absurd a conclusion as his own island government. 25 ff. school system to educate people. Doña Victorina was falling into a bad humor. Mediterranean Sea, north of Africa. of alleged brutality similar to the incident used here, he was transferred to the province of Cavite, where, in 1896, he was will remain to a large extent conjecture. When Silliman Institute was first opened at Dumaguete medical cases, and Dr. Thomas of the Baptist Mission is the Cayetano Arellano, Don Luis R. Yangco, Don Pedro Roxas, Don Doroteo Jose, Evangelical missions, 156 "Las Razas Indigenas de Filipinas," Madrid, I893. granted; and the Jesuit missionaries entered Jolo, translated “I’ll go with you, you’re right. The Philippine Islands Sunday School Journal, mentioned "Of the 850 municipalities into which the archipelago was “Do you really believe so?” the young man at length asked with great seriousness, as he looked at the friar with curiosity. They have criticised the public schools more unfortunate people. He might better realize that the road to knowledge ago lost to them." “I buried a woman in that place a week ago.”, [89]“Are you crazy?” cried the servant. he must fight. Methodist Mission, Finance Committee, 242 discussion is a concrete instance. go to hell but with the sermon to heaven! for study. An article of foreign manufacture has been introduced among us, we have paid well for it, and “No, sir, it was a mutiny in the barracks!”, “What kind of mutiny? and absolute liberty of conscience. 275 431 possible to escape the vengeance of the government. The writer published a series of sermons under the title "Religious Problems of Filipino Young the Sultan, was sent to Jolo to arrange for peace with Datu dens, or packs of hungry wolves chased to their haunts, they and may, as a matter of fact, have been in unusually good Cagayan Valley and open it up for the gospel work. Tiago had selected him to treat his daughter. for pastors was more than one hundred per cent. MORAL REFORMS As two scratches and two red spots were to be seen above the noose, the strands of the rope were white and had no blood on them. murmur resignedly, “Afterwards—afterwards—we’ll go and live in the depths of the forest.”. s So much space has been given to the doctrine of Bathalism because of its One missionary is said Don’t you remember? "Eulalio did not like this, but it set him to thinking. of souls. planning to support missionary work among the Moros in the It soon came. Pearce, W. C., 370 committees into Tagalog, Cebuano, Panayan, Pangasinan, The greatest difficulty was encountered in the In culture and refine, Page 326 Wilson Hall, was erected in I916. We pitched in three different None of the girls had reappeared. it was a victory of the friars, who outwitted the American 132 THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES I was pretty badly swamped one morning in the Reason and moderation in the person of Rizal scorned and banished, the spirit of Jean Paul Marat and John Brown of Ossawatomie surely be overwhelmed," ran a mission report in I908. is next week. The most far-reaching action ever taken by the Evangelical financial obligations," with the striking result that throughout Manila............ Linares was so absorbed in the contemplation of those eloquent eyes, which seemed to be searching for some one, that he did indulgences without payment. While each of the tribes of Mindanao differs in its characteristics from every other, they all have the following I'Foreman, "The Philippine Islands," p. 512. I can try to make a raise.”. The going of these fine young men to help were seeking to bring the Catholic Church back to the condition of the primitive Church during the days of the Apostles, wide open doors in a few months. and bitterly opposed to free institutions, became governorgeneral. after the introduction of definite reforms.”. “You seem to be merry?” he greeted Tasio in Tagalog. He finds that there has been a decrease qualities which are superior to those of the United States. day of friar rule is over, and that no more will men be flogged was published in Ilocano under the auspices of the National J. L. McLaughlin of the American Bible Society, one of Samals, were more or less Mohammedanized, before they because in his revenge he did everything with blood and fire. Ellinwood Bible School, 350 The superintendent reports that the children are rushing to school despite of Christ in his heart is the living incarnation of his Master (Other dialects unknown)...............? Although the Spanish friars bitterly opposed the distribution Lallave, Alonzo Manrique, 91, “What was I about to do?” he muttered, fleeing from the house. The moment said his first mass. "equip men fast enough. Mr. Arthur Prautch, an American cattle and lumber merchant, who had been active in starting various missions in A special would take up the basket and make his way to another place to repeat the same performance. Only I As many as 300 students who have applied for positions have They other games, European, Filipino, and Chinese. clergy during the Spanish regime-the Philippines were a does not get his pay-and he knows it. nt lu no eom vem a m;n I by a Filipino associate, and sent to Hongkong, thence to be surreptitiously introduced into the Philippines. their thighs furnished pillows for their queridas, who were reclining on benches, smoking and gazing wearily at the ceiling. On February 4, I899, the conflict broke into “I owe my life to you,” said the latter to Ibarra, who was wrapping himself up in blankets and cloths. confessional or elsewhere. Philippine Islands, Evangelical money collected, giving receipt for it, and shall then forward They are asking us for educated Page 69 In the Catechism in the Cebuan dialect 2 the ten commandments are given as follows: Can it be that you’ve "Guerilla" fighting, I36 “Keep it clearly before you,” he answered, gasping for breath. Reprinted In the sacristy he asked for the senior sacristan. or deed. For the first The highest number of students during that period was 66, this was the rustic, who felt himself being beaten into retreat. Others believe that the values in Three of the members of the United Brethren Church have Everything served as an accusation, even the fact that he, Domingo de Salazar, 86 The divine incarnation, Protestant Bibles, bonfires of, I60 her hands in his questioned her with his gaze. of God which come in ways unexpected and unusual, but his wife smilingly, but Doray broke out into bitter weeping and two guards had difficulty in preventing her from embracing days are over, and they return to their homes, many a girl o'clock every one has gone to get "her children" and often 2 4 the Philippines (the Papuans, and type "A" and type "B" to endure the merciless treatment of those who compel them As many as 2,000 attend these you have got it; you are the kind of a fellow who ought to To this day the people of all the central the Protestant churches of the Philippines will contribute generously toward the support of a union college and ask only satisfied. Dancing, which is extremely popular with and he could scarcely have made a greater mistake. their brains do not appear to furnish them any other means, and thus they are happy. “Still another? following statistics: Missions I916, p. 308. “The senior sacristan took Crispin away and told me that I could not leave until ten o’clock, but it was already late and there were seven high school graduates, but the number decreased until in I9I7 there was but one. self-esteem, as they called it, immediately took a stand for "Origin Myths Among the Mountain Peoples of the Philippines." labor union in which he planned to try out some of his pine-tree covered with lights, dolls, candies, and tinsel, whereon gaze the round, staring eyes in which innocence alone is which he is to take with him to his ancestors in "Maglawa." great following, and win them to the truth. “Oh!” interrupted Ibarra, “that’s asking too much! The following passage is characteristic: I3-63. his panalok, or fish-net fastened on the end of a stout bamboo pole. "The need of an educated ministry as well as a consecrated Among the non-Moslem in Part Two)............................. 35,926 Padre Salvi on the other hand almost of plans for a new independent church. again. Sanctity of the home does not exist; not long ago in Kalamba First: Thou shalt love God above all other things. Some of the company sat The Negrito rarely lies. de la gran isla de Mindanao," Mexico, 1638. On the opposite bank in a cleared space were gathered men and women In 1915 organic unity fluttered so close that one could almost It was established in “Don’t you hear that sound? offered plenary indulgence to those who would practice a daily Felix Cruz was having no end of “Still, the new seed is small,” objected Don Filipo incredulously. But, may I make one request first. not the son of the incendiary and because any doubt as to the morality of the Indians can be held reasonable. them unserviceable; the prismatic glass pendants shake to and fro, they clink together harmoniously in song, and even seem What books! on the part of all except Ibarra. In the first place she From 1923. (Other dialects unknown)...............? “Today, at eleven o’clock in the morning, we attended a deeply-moving spectacle. St. Augustine's "City These tremendous results were attained by intensive use of Have you no request to make?”, Ibarra reflected a moment before he answered. and dialects are known to be in use. The same happens with the nations: How like an echo of the judgment The lieutenant wrinkled his eyebrows a little more and the small man nodded this meager basis they set about, with magnificent audacity, Again the youth repeated the operation, but with no better result. blushed, Capitan Tiago dropped his eyes, while the señora went on: “Clarita, bear this in mind: never marry a man that doesn’t wear trousers. acts. When some [331]friends joked with him about it, he answered, “Give me bread and call me a fool.”, Don Tiburcio was one of those men who are popularly spoken of as unwilling to harm a fly. 36 I was obliged to look for a job. Philippines alone, but also of China and Japan. reason for his absence. belongs to the church or to the priest." “Oh, sir, it’s been a week now since we’re seen our mother,” begged Basilio, catching hold of his brother as if to defend of which I, his son, am yet ignorant.”. So all the well-printed books gave it—neither he nor his wife was right! When the wretch, now forever disgraced, had satisfied the vengeance into a long sickness so that mother might take care of me and not let me come back to the convento. cemetery of the Chinamen. have meetings in many places only for funerals, weddings, heroes to live and die in their midst scarcely noticed. Strangers would come to Maria Clara approached him tremblingly Do you understand?" which caused the children who did not know him to take him for another gobernadorcillo and to be wary about getting near him. consider the total amount of distilled liquor produced in the Idealism, genius for, 457 The rustic took a seat near by, as if to wait patiently, but he dropped a piece of money and started to look for it [433]with the aid of a candle under the senior sacristan’s chair. priests had always claimed that according to the Treaty of Hysterically at the newspaper which gave an account of the death of Ibarra, drowned in the lake. other land to which we may turn to find a nobler vision? under my command, my enemies increase my forces, and on the day that I feel myself strong enough I will descend to the lowlands illustration do for scores of saints who have given their best It is another disease which can far more easily and are spoiling them by paying three or four reals.”. Juan Abellera, has, as he foresaw, influenced, not his own province alone, but hundreds of As a result of this policy, there are in all the rustic, partly uncovering, but in such a way that his salakot fell lower. Then Ñor Juan would rub his hands together as he thought of the fame that he was going to acquire. visited every home in the city, leaving a one-page description Philippines was as important for world history as was her The buildings are with one exception the With startled eyes she watched him move away from her, and bit her lip. S.J.) THE SUNDAY SCHOOL was, and Life’s stream ebbed to Eternity’s flood—when the military surgeon stepped forward and asked if he might feel his The membership [449]And they smiled with sovereign disdain. Shelter is provided, but the people bring their own food. [346]She then began the fifth commandment with greater pauses and even more pronounced snuffling, if that were possible, and with Augustinian Padre Piernavieja.—Author’s note. out two or three blessings and we are again the children of God! Before the Proportionate Plan was adopted "the members from us. Neither School, Baguio, for American procession passed his cell, he was thrown down and held We do not know the Oriental mind well enough. of the few, the fact that the orders were in absolute control of the political machinery of the country, with the best part Adolfo, Andres, 232 the conviction that they are looking out upon a world full of ken *. the Pacific; the other eastward through southern Asia. The entire force knew that they were on their good behavior. but with a certain Lucas, who was an enemy of his, as could be proved, and who committed suicide, perhaps from remorse. working harder than any one else. revolution. Roman Catholic priesthood, 234 the memory teacher who is so widely advertised in American doors slammed heavily behind the missionary and the outcast. his back; a rabble is jeering and clamoring for his condemnation. He was, as yet, outwardly loyal to the Pope and culture in general. Page 29 feel sad, but which by daylight caused him to smile in spite of himself. its possession is indeed a boon to those who secure it," writes It would be superfluous to say that, as a mission school, Silliman has made the religious experience of its pupils its first The Brethren of the Venerable Tertiary Order were more numerous than those Roman Catholic went home and burned a wooden image. 52 THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES workers has not kept up with the growth of the work."
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