90th interpol general assembly 2020
Its purpose is to ensure that INTERPOL’s activities correspond to the needs of our member countries. Members of the delegation include Director-General of Police Criminal Investigations Department (CID), DCOP Maame Yaa Tiwaa Addo-Danquah, ACP Frederick Kwadwo Agyei, Head of […] Notre site utilise des cookies pour garantir son bon fonctionnement technique, recueillir des statistiques et permettre le partage sur les plates-formes des médias sociaux. Each General Assembly ends with a ceremonial handing over of the INTERPOL flag to the country that will host the following session. Our site uses cookies to ensure technical functionality, gather statistics and enable sharing on social media platforms. The General Assembly is chaired by the Organization’s President. Best viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 and Google Chrome with resolution 1280 X 800. These Resolutions are public documents and available from 1960 to the current date. En tête des priorités de l’Organisation figurera I-Core, un nouveau programme visant à concevoir le futur portefeuille de services d’INTERPOL en matière d’échange de données de police, d’informations et de pistes d’enquête. Bill filing began on Thursday, November 16, 2020. Ce report signifie que le budget mis à part – il peut exceptionnellement être approuvé par le Comité exécutif –, tous les autres points statutaires demeureront en instance jusqu’à la prochaine session de l’Assemblée générale. « Les autorités des Émirats arabes unis ont énormément travaillé pour trouver des solutions aux problèmes posés par la pandémie de COVID-19, mais il n’est malheureusement pas possible de continuer à préparer l’Assemblée générale comme prévu », a déclaré le Secrétaire Général d’INTERPOL, M. Jürgen Stock. It will LONDON, Sep 7 2020 (IPS) - When INTERPOL is asked to intervene against targeted killing. Bill filing began on Thursday, November 16, 2020… Our membership comes together annually in the General Assembly to vote on activities and policy. The content available for previous General Assemblies varies; the earlier the GA, the less information that is available in a usable electronic format. India News: India has won the vote for hosting 91st Interpol general assembly in the year 2022, as part of celebrations of the 75th anniversary of Indian Independ At the end of September 2018, Meng was reported missing during a trip to China, after being "taken away" for questioning by discipline authorities. At the 86th General Assembly in 2017 in Beijing, China, delegates approved our seven Global Policing Goals which guide the global law enforcement community’s work for a safer world. The General Assembly is INTERPOL’s supreme governing body, comprising representatives from each of our member countries. Innovation in policing was the theme at the 87th General Assembly in Dubai, United Arab Emirates in 2018. The Regular Session of the 93rd General Assembly convenes on Monday, January 11, 2021. « Malgré le report de l’Assemblée, notre travail quotidien, qui consiste à aider nos 194 pays membres à combattre la criminalité et le terrorisme transnationaux sous toutes leurs formes, se poursuit sans changement », a ajouté le Secrétaire Général Stock. It meets once a year and takes all the major decisions affecting general policy, the resources needed for international cooperation, working methods, finances and programmes of activities. Each member country represented has one vote. Turkey to host Interpol’s 2021 General Assembly, despite abuse of the organisation Ian J. Lynch; Oct 26 2019 09:59 Gmt+3 ; Last Updated On: Oct 27 2019 03:01 Gmt+3; The operation of the International Criminal Police Organisation (Interpol) is governed by a General Assembly, at which each of its 194 member countries gets one vote on proposed resolutions. Official visitors to the General Secretariat, Information, communications and technology (ICT) law projects, Commission for the Control of INTERPOL’s Files, Stolen and Lost Travel Documents database, International Child Sexual Exploitation database, Illicit Arms Records and tracing Management System (iARMS), Major Event Safety and Security Conference, Our partnerships with regional policing bodies. Introduction. Provide that campaign signs shall be no larger than 2 feet by 3 feet and that all signs shall be made of a biodegradeable material. In addition, the General Assembly elects the members of the Executive Committee, the governing body which provides guidance and direction in between sessions of the Assembly. Posted in INTERPOL's Infrastructure, INTERPOL's Tools and Practices, Red Notices. Any member country can offer to host a session of the General Assembly, which is then voted on by delegates. 2. France, November 3: For the first time in history, the Interpol has decided to postpone its 89th General Assembly (GA) slated to be held in United Arab Emirates (UAE) in December in view of the coronavirus pandemic. Interpol in a statement further clarified that the possibility of a virtual GA is not possible due to legal, technical and logistical reasons. It does this by determining the principles and measures for the Organization to reach its objectives, and by reviewing and approving the programme of activities and financial policy for the coming year. Prepared By : … It meets once a year and each session lasts around four days. New Delhi: India will host the 91st General Assembly of Interpol in 2022 as part of the platinum jubilee celebration of its Independence, with the ongoing 88th Interpol General Assembly in Chile approving its proposal by a majority vote on Friday, an official statement said. Delegates representing member countries make statements on agenda items before voting takes place, like here at the 57th General Assembly in Bangkok, Thailand in 1988. Decision comes after voting at international police body’s assembly meeting in Chile Hamdi Celikbas - October 22, 2019 Ankara (Anadolu) INTERPOL's 90th General Assembly meeting in 2021 will be hosted by Turkey, the National Police Directorate said Monday. A Ministerial meeting held during the 81st General Assembly in Rome, Italy in 2012 gathered Justice, Home Affairs and Security Ministers from around the globe to shape policy to combat violent crime. La session 2020 de l’Assemblée générale d’INTERPOL est reportée LYON (France) – Eu égard à la hausse des taux de contamination et de décès liés au COVID-19 dans de nombreuses régions du monde, le Comité exécutif d’INTERPOL a pris la décision d’ajourner la session 2020 … Here, Timor Leste was admitted as a member at the 71st General Assembly held in Yaoundé, Cameroon in 2002. The General Assembly, led by its President, has been carrying out its work via novel means to guarantee business continuity and mitigate the spread of the disease. en) 15070/19 LIMITE COSI 254 CATS 141 CT 136 ENFOPOL 532 JAIEX 181 JAI 1319 OUTCOME OF PROCEEDINGS From: JHA Senior Officials meeting EU - OIPC Interpol On: 4 December 2019 To: Delegations Subject: Summary of discussions 1. 19 Oct, 2019, 06.57 PM IST In November 2016, Meng Hongwei, a politician from the People's Republic of China, was elected president during the 85th INTERPOL General Assembly, and was to serve in this capacity until 2020. La session 2020 de l’Assemblée générale d’INTERPOL est reportée, Visites officielles du Secrétariat général, Cadre stratégique pour la période 2017-2020, Projets de droit de l'information, des communications et de la technologie (ICT), Commission de Contrôle des Fichiers d’INTERPOL (CCF), Accès aux bases de données sur le terrain, Groupe INTERPOL de gestion intégrée des frontières (IBMTF), Faites attention à vos documents de voyage, Centre de commandement et de coordination, Base de données sur les documents de voyage volés ou perdus, Base de données internationale sur l’exploitation sexuelle des enfants, Base de données sur les œuvres d’art volées, Système INTERPOL de gestion des données sur les armes illicites et du traçage des armes (iARMS), Identification des victimes de catastrophes (IVC), Conférence sur la sécurité lors de grandes manifestations, Notices spéciales INTERPOL-Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU, Partenariats avec les organisations internationales, Partenariats avec les organisations policières régionales, Fondation INTERPOL pour un monde plus sûr, Attention aux courriels utilisant le nom d’INTERPOL à des fins frauduleuses, Informations à l’intention des journalistes. Here in 2016, the flag is passed from Indonesia to China. INTERPOL 2020 General Assembly postponed LYON, France – With reports of increasing COVID-19 infection and death rates in many parts of the world, INTERPOL’s Executive Committee has taken the decision to postpone the Organization’s 2020 General Assembly. Cette 89ème session devait avoir lieu aux Émirats arabes unis en décembre, mais le Comité exécutif a conclu qu’il était à la fois imprudent et matériellement impossible de l’organiser où que ce soit dans le monde en 2020. Each General Assembly opens with a ceremony where delegates observe a minute’s silence for fallen police officers, and officials make speeches. As is true for any person facing criminal charges, people who are wanted by INTERPOL are concerned about when and whether their cases will be heard and decided. Summary Reports for 90th General Assembly Senate Sponsor's bills House Sponsor's bills Public Act to Bill Number Conversion Table. Last June, news broke that Iran had issued an arrest warrant and asked INTERPOL for help in detaining US President Donald Trump and dozens of others it believed had carried out the drone strike that killed a top Iranian general in Baghdad. The General Assembly is responsible for electing members of the Executive Committee. Au nombre de ces points figurent notamment les élections au Comité exécutif et à la Commission de contrôle des fichiers d’INTERPOL. India to host 91st Interpol General Assembly in 2022. Introduction and adoption of the agenda The agenda as set out in 13735/19 was adopted. The General Assembly is INTERPOL’s supreme governing body, comprising representatives from each of our member countries. On the sidelines of General Assembly sessions, we host an exhibition for external partners to showcase their work and meet police representatives from around the world. Les délégués à l’Assemblée générale ont approuvé I-Core, qui mettra à profit la technologie et adaptera les services aux besoins des pays membres. The decision was made at the international police body’s 88th General Assembly meeting from Oct. 15-18 in Chile’s capital, Santiago. The General Assembly takes decisions in the form of Resolutions. Pictured here, the 77th session in Saint Petersburg, Russia in 2008. Trouvez les Interpol Police images et les photos d’actualités parfaites sur Getty Images. The General Assembly votes on applications from countries wishing to join the Organization. 87TH INTERPOL GENERAL ASSEMBLY ON 18-22 NOVEMBER 2018 IN DUBAI, UAE ... the Secretariat look forwards to synchronize its work plan for ASEANAPOL Member Countries together with INTERPOL’s 2020 blueprint so as to keep the region safe. General Assembly Elects 19 Economic and Social Council Members to Terms Beginning 1 January 2020, Adopts Resolution Commemorating Signing of United Nations Charter It meets once a year and takes all the major decisions affecting general policy, the resources needed for international cooperation, working methods, finances and programmes of activities. Choisissez parmi des contenus premium Interpol Police de la plus haute qualité. Published date: 1 October 2020 14:59 UTC ... are held during the Interpol general assembly, which this year is scheduled to take place on 7 and 8 December. As the largest global gathering of senior law enforcement officials, the General Assembly also provides an important opportunity for countries to network and share experiences. In June 2020, Iran issued an arrest warrant for U.S. President Donald Trump and 35 other U.S. political and military officials for their role in the assassination of Qasem Soleimani. Explanation of Content . The 84th General Assembly was held under the theme: “INTERPOL 2020: Policing Global Threats in a Dynamic Environment.” The theme is in line with keeping the Organization’s mission for a safer world and also responded to the international community’s expectations. The General Assembly is INTERPOL's supreme governing body and comprises delegates appointed by the governments of member countries. The General Assembly is INTERPOL's supreme governing body and comprises delegates appointed by the governments of member countries. Here, new Committee members pose for a photo at the 29th session held in Washington, United States in 1960. Je souhaite remercier M. Jürgen Stock, Secrétaire général, pour le soutien u’il a pesonnellement appoté à et éga d. Sa pésene ii aujoud'hui réaffirme cet engagement. You are not allowed to post comments. Interpol's secretary-general, Jurgen Stock, stated that Interpol had introduced a task force to review requests "even more intensively". Interpol Postpones Its 89th General Assembly Meet, Slated to Be Held in UAE in December 2020 Amid COVID-19 Outbreak. Candidacies for the … Artificial intelligence, robotics and forensics technology were among the issues discussed. Each member country may be represented by one or several delegates who are typically chiefs of police and senior ministry officials. Nov 2020. Home Minister Amit Shah had proposed to host the General Assembly in India to Interpol Secretary General Jurgen Stock when the two met on August 30. Pictured here is the 2011 exhibition at the 80th session in Hanoi, Vietnam. INTERPOL has announced that it will … Documents such as draft resolutions are translated into our four official languages (Arabic, English, French and Spanish) and distributed to delegates, like here at the 82nd General Assembly in Cartagena, Colombia in 2013. On the agenda each year are also the major crime trends and security threats facing the world. These decisions are in the form of resolutions. Each member country may be represented by one or several delegates who are typically chiefs of police and senior ministry officials. By Michelle Estlund on November 5, 2020. Counter Terrorism x Daesh members – … Pour des raisons à la fois juridiques, techniques et logistiques, il n’existe par ailleurs actuellement aucun moyen viable de tenir une session virtuelle. INTERPOL, ce qui explique le rôle clé qu'INTERPOL a joué dans la oneptualisation et maintenant la mise en œuv e d'AFRIPOL. Resolutions passed by our governing body, the General Assembly. The decision-making process is made by either a simple or two-thirds majority, depending on the subject matter. INTERPOL’s Annual General Assembly postponed- other work continues. The Inspector General of Police (IGP), David Asante-Apeatu is leading police Chiefs in the country in the ongoing 87th INTERPOL General Assembly in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, www.mynewsgh.com can report. 23. INTERPOL's 90th General Assembly meeting in 2021 will be hosted by Turkey, the National Police Directorate said Monday. Red notice controversies. Brussels, 13 February 2020 (OR. Pictured here are President Carl G. Persson (left) and Secretary General Jean Népote (right) at the 46th session in Stockholm, Sweden in 1977. 83rd General Assembly in Monaco, France. Police have been gathering to discuss international policing for more than 100 years – pictured here are delegates at the 2nd session of the General Assembly held in Berlin, Germany in 1924. Introduction by Deputy Ambassador Odd-Inge Kvalheim of the General Assembly draft resolution A/75/L.20: Cooperation between the United Nations and INTERPOL, 23 November 2020. It meets once a year and each session lasts around four days.
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