what caused the kaikōura earthquake
A $40 million programme to fix earthquake-damaged infrastructure in Kaikōura is almost finished, but there are still challenges ahead for the seaside tourist town. The disruption that those events caused to our lives and infrastructure, and the time and cost required for restorationwoke New Zealand up from a long event-quiet period. Further south of the Kaikōura region, north facing bays along Banks Peninsula were most affected by the tsunami. In scientific terms, the kaikōura earthquake was a new phenomenon. A magnitude 7.8 earthquake at 12.02am, centred in the Kaikōura region, caused severe damage and disruption in the North Canterbury, Marlborough and Wellington regions. The results of the data from this complex earthquake are making scientists reconsider the way they look at earthquake hazards along plate boundary zones. Read here for more information More than 200 landslides blocked rivers and generated landslide dams. Aftershock forecasts are a tool that scientists use to communicate aftershock forecasts to the public. In this Our Changing World earthquake special, three GNS Science seismologists from GeoNet recollect their experience of the Big Ones and talk about the lessons we have learned from these ten shaky years. Kaikōura earthquake. Keep up to date with New Zealand’s earthquakes with GNS’s earthquake blogs. Drone photo by Julian Thomson, The tectonic setting of New Zealand is characterised by the Pacific and the Australian plate boundary with two subduction systems, the Puysegur in the southwest and the Hikurangi in the northeast. Listen to GNS scientist Dr Ian Hamling discuss the Kaikōura earthquake in this Radio New Zealand interview. More than 20 faults are inferred to have moved in the M7.8 November 2016 Kaikōura Earthquake, which resulted in extensive damage to the coastal slopes and caused uplift at several locations. along much of the Hikurangi subduction zone, even as far away as Gisborne, ~600 km away from the earthquake. Subduction zones - where one tectonic plate is being submerged beneath another - … Credit: Photo by Tim Little, courtesy of New Zealand GeoNet project . The ruptures travelled 170 km along the South Island’s north-east coast. Surveying at a coastal uplift site near Half Moon Bay, on the southern side of the Hope Fault, uplift here is 2.1 – 2.4 m. Earthquake geologists from GNS Science and marine biologists from University of Canterbury surveying coastal uplift. Bulletin 100th edition! In scientific terms, the Kaikōura earthquake was a new phenomenon. It’s been four years since the release of the first earthquake update in January of 2017, to inform the community of the recovery progress being made along . Thousands of people were affected with significant damage In reality most faults sit still for hundreds or thousands of years, while the land around them gets pushed and pulled, and then they slip a lot all at once, creating an earthquake.). And, thank you to the Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment, for helping us fund a large part of the science response to the Kaikōura earthquake. about the Kaikōura aftershock sequence and forecast. Kaikoura is caught between the seaward Kaikoura ranges and the Pacific Ocean, a thriving destination in summer. The Kaikōura earthquake occurred in an area known as the Marlborough fault system (MFS). At 12.02 a.m., on Monday 14 November 2016 NZDT, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck 15 km north-east of Culverden, North Canterbury, starting near the town of Waiau. These claims and costs do not include any claims that the Earthquake Comission is managing for the Kaikōura earthquake nor where insurance has been purchased off-shore. A review of the Kaikōura earthquake has revealed it generated an almost 7m tsunami and it was only luck that prevented it from causing more destruction. The quake also triggered three slow-slip events in the Hikurangi subduction zone. Top locations for lodging claims were Christchurch, Wellington, … State Highway 1 and the KiwiRail Main North Line between Picton and Christchurch were severely damaged. The Hikurangi subduction zone – where the Pacific plate moves under the Australian plate – is to the north. This survey will open in a new tab and you can fill it out after your visit to the site. At the end of last year, it got hit by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake which caused loss of life, destruction of property and made the tourist village inaccessible from the mainland. Early reports said her cause of death was a heart attack, but an autopsy later indicated it was a head injury suffered during the earthquake. Landslide dam on the Hapuku River, looking downstream, Landslides at Ohau Point, north of Kaikoura blocking SH1. We … Kaikōura quake caused 6.9 metre tsunami, Radio NZ A review of the Kaikōura earthquake has revealed it generated an almost 7m tsunami and it was only luck that prevented it from causing more destruction. Just after midnight on the 14 th of November 2016, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck the Kaikōura region. Fortunately, the... Tsunamis. Our first consideration during an event like Kaikōura is for everyone impacted. Starting in Culverdon, 70km south of Kaikōura, the quake ripped across several fault lines, including one that was previously unknown. “The results of the hydrographic survey, which uses the Navy’s single beam echo sounder and side scan sonar, will be used by Land Information New Zealand to update the nautical chart of the Kaikōura Peninsula. Kaikōura quake cows get storybook treatment . Here is an overview by GNS of the Kaikoura earthquake. Interestingly, the tsunami gauge measuring the water levels was actually raised up by 1 m due to the seabed uplift. Along many parts of the coast the uplift was evident from decaying subtidal bull kelp (Durvillaea antarctica) on exposed rocky platforms. In May 2017, Science and Innovation Minister Paul Goldsmith announced $1.2 million of additional funding for the Natural Hazards Research Platform to conduct vital research and work to support the Kaikōura earthquake recovery. Kekerengu Fault rupture displacing the road and house by ~10 metres. In the past decade, New Zealand has experienced four major earthquake sequences that have caused loss of life, as well as extensive damage to land and buildings. Thanks LINZ and EQC! Heavy rains have caused some of the dams to breach. DOE PAGES Journal Article: Landslides caused by the Mw7.8 Kaikōura earthquake and the immediate response. The Kaikōura earthquake tore through fault lines, demolishing houses, ripping up roads and railways and causing massive landslides as it travelled. The 2016 Mw 7.8 Kaikōura earthquake was a complex sequence of ruptures that included 12 major faults and nine lesser faults. A 2-week slow-slip event between Gisborne and Hawke's Bay was equivalent to Mw 7.1, and a third event beneath Kapiti Coast and the Marlborough Sounds was equal to Mw 7.0. There were two fatalities, and dozens of people were treated for injuries. The earthquake and surface rupture involved more than 20 different faults (a world record), triggered the biggest local-source tsunami recorded in New Zealand since 1947, Landslides caused by the Mw7.8 Kaikōura earthquake and the immediate response June 2017 Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering 50(2):106-116 The active fault ruptures caused by the earthquake are shown as black lines. Buildings in Wellington and Lower Hutt were damaged, with a number of them demolished as a result. NIWA used its research vessel to map the six fault lines that crossed from the land into the sea. The 2016 Kaikōura earthquake resulted in changes to the physical structure of the northeastern coast of the South Island. Just after midnight on 14 November 2016, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck New Zealand’s South Island, roughly 60km south-west of the coastal town of Kaikoura. Much of the science and understanding that has been achieved from this event would not be without the help of local people. Curious Minds is a Government initiative jointly led by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, the Ministry of Education and the Office of the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor. Google Earth image showing the length of the South Island Coastline impacted by the Kaikoura earthquake and subsequent uplift Redlines show the faults. And yet while drivers found themselves shaken from the road, … Near Okiwi Bay, the team were surveying the elevation of the pre-earthquake low tide mark using two surveying techniques. Landslides along the coast, however, caused the closure of State Highway (SH) 1 and the North Line of the South Island Main … Considering the fearful carnage caused by the quake, this was fortuitous. The majority of claims lodged were for building damage only (71%), 10% for building and contents, 9% contents only and 10% land damage. The 2016 Kaikōura earthquake in New Zealand caused significant damage to buildings and roads throughout the region. Kaikōura earthquake Significant damage. Following this earthqu… The Resilience to Nature: Kia manawaroa - Ngā Ākina o Te Ao Tūroa National Science Challenge is using their ‘Culture Toolbox’ to better understand if at-risk communities know to evacuate immediately following a strong earthquake. These slow slip events following the Kaikoura earthquake released a large amount of built-up tectonic energy and lasted over the weeks and months following the earthquake. The clefts made in State Highway 1 could have easily swallowed a bus. Slow-slip events describe the episodic slow release of energy (over days to months) that are often observed to occur on large faults where two tectonic plates meet. The initial rupture started on a fault near Culverden and then jumped from fault to fault as it moved at a speed of 2 km/s. Of these, Little Pigeon Bay experienced some inundation (research article). Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) and EQC have been providing us with funding to develop and sustain our GPS network. The uplift of Kaikōura’s coastline following the November 2016 earthquakes caused an unprecedented loss of kelp forests, which provide many important ecosystem services. It released energy equivalent to a Mw 7.3 earthquake. The town is, internationally known for its resident sperm whales, dusky dolphins and albatross encounters. Uplifted coastal platform and bull kelp (_Durvillaea antarctica_). (2017) that shows the locations of faults that ruptured to the ground surface. Goose Bay showed the highest run-up height of 6–7 m. Landslides caused significant damage and disruption to an area covering about 10,000 square kilometres. That means the earthquake must have caused massive submarine landslides, says Barnes—but until the offshore area is comprehensively surveyed, we won’t know where they occurred. The Kaikōura earthquake occurred on the plate boundary between the Australian and Pacific plates. The impacts of the Kaikōura earthquake were wide-ranging. Experts believe this may be a world record for the number of faults rupturing during a single earthquake. See their results here. Kaikōura was the first local authority in the Southern Hemisphere to achieve recognition by the EarthCheck Community Standard. The earthquake caused . Update on Kaikoura earthquake claims, New Zealand Earthquake Commission EQC has received around 38,000 residential claims for damage caused by the 14 November Kaikoura earthquake. GeoNet is a collaboration between the Earthquake The 2016 moment magnitude (mw) 7.8 kaikōura earthquake was one of the largest ever to hit new zealand. The Alpine Fault – a transform boundary, where the plates meet and slide horizontally past each other – is to the south of where the ruptures occurred. Ground shaking caused by earthquakes can destabilise slopes causing landslides. Landslides caused major disruption with all road and rail links to Kaikoura being severed. Dr Yoshihiro Kaneko said the slow slip "was triggered by stress changes in the Earth’s crust caused by passing seismic waves from the Kaikoura quake". We acknowledge the people of Kaikōura, Hurunui, Marlborough and Wellington areas and thank all of the landowners who permitted our access to their land. Seismic energy was released for nearly 2 minutes. with modern instruments (research article). Scientists used drones, helicopters, satellite radar information and on-site surveys to measure offsetting fence lines and railway lines. 13 Nov, 2020 04:00 PM 4 minutes to read. Strong earthquake shakes new zealand. The damage caused by the 7.8-magnitude November 2016 Kaikōura earthquake to the Main North Line railway and SH1 along the east coast of the South Island was unprecedented in New Zealand. 7.8 Kaikōura earthquake that occurred at 12:02 a.m. on 14th of November 2016 struck the upper South Island of New Zealand with effects spreading to Wellington and Christchurch. Kaikoura is a town on the east coast of the South Island of New Zealand, with an estimated population of 2080. Most recently, the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake has caused widespread damage in the area. The North Canterbury Transport Infrastructure Recovery alliance was set-up to restore the road and rail networks. The 2016 Kaikōura earthquake caused sudden large-scale changes along the coastline. the coast. The magnitude-7.8 earthquake lifted parts of the seabed metres out of the water in Kaikōura Photo: @lou_gordongreen landslides. The gauge near Kaikōura measured a 2.5 m drop in water level 25 minutes after the earthquake, indicative of a tsunami. Astonishingly, the M7.8 Kaikōura earthquake triggered large slow slip events The water level then rose about 4 m from its lowest point, with a series of waves continuing for several hours. These can be widespread during a major earthquake. Landslides caused by the Mw7.8 Kaikōura earthquake and the immediate response. A large number of landslides occurred on the coastal cliffs starting just south from Cape Campbell, becoming more intense south of the Clarence River, with several larger (100,000 – 500,000 m3) Scientists used a combination of physical measurements and lidar to predict the possibilities of downstream floods if or when the dams fail. Kaikōura earthquake update. Last year’s earthquake is now believed to be one of the most complex ever recorded. One of the worst hit towns was Kaikoura, which lies close to the epicenter of the earthquake. Bottom right insert shows a map view of the slow slip areas. The two sides of the trench are now about nine metres apart. This visualisation shows the propagation of seismic waves during the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake as well as the tsunami that was triggered. Your playlist will load after this ad The survey could help predict the fallout from future disasters. The damage caused by the 7.8-magnitude November 2016 Kaikōura earthquake to the Main North Line railway and SH1 along the east coast of the South Island was unprecedented in New Zealand. The North Canterbury Transport Infrastructure Recovery alliance was set-up to restore the road and rail networks. From EQC’s perspective, the Kaikōura earthquake provided an opportunity to pilot the agency model. to transportation networks and other lifeline utilities as well as disruption to the agriculture and tourism Several of the faults that ruptured were submarine and movement of the seafloor caused a tsunami along New Zealand’s east coast that was recorded on a number of sea level gauges (research article). The North Canterbury Transport Infrastructure Recovery alliance was set-up to restore the road and rail networks. licensed under a Creative Commons A detailed map of active faults in the northeast South Island, from Stirling et al. caused extensive coastal uplift, widespread landslides and landslide dams, as well as slow-slip 'silent' earthquakes. industries (research article, research article). GeoNet content is copyright GNS Science and is which is the North Island’s major plate boundary, where the Pacific Plate dives or "subducts" beneath the North Island (Hikurangi Subduction Earthquakes and Slip Behaviour). ... (about 200km south of Kaikōura) [3]. Coastal uplift has changed both the coastline and the seafloor. Date: 14 November 2016; Source: Local; Cause: Kaikoura earthquake; The tsunami was the biggest local … The Kaikōura earthquake was one of the most complex earthquakes recorded anywhere in the world. Fortunately, the earthquake struck just after midnight. M 7.8 Kaikōura Mon, Nov 14 2016. GNS Science reports that the earthquake: Observations – from sensors in place at the time and subsequent data gathering – make this one of the best-recorded large earthquakes in the world. Photo by Tim Little, One of Tim and Russ’s trenches (pink rectangles) was cut in half by movement on the Kekerengu Fault (red line. Photo by Laura Wallace. EQC received more than 38,000 residential claims for damage caused by the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake, which was the second largest event in EQC's history after the Canterbury earthquakes. TIRBulletinSignUp. (2017) with the locations of faults that ruptured to the ground surface in the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake. Standing in cracks and clambering up scarps – what have our earthquake geologists been doing? The largest valley-blocking landslide has an approximate volume of 23 (±2) M m3 and the debris travelled up to 2.7 km down slope forming a dam on the Hapuku River. Popular tourist destinations – such as the Ohau Point seal colony, which was buried in a landslide – were deserted at the time. Part of what made the Kaikōura earthquake so complex is that it not only generated large ground motions and resulted in multiple onshore and offshore fault ruptures, it also caused a profusion of triggered landslides and a regional tsunami. Numerical simulations were used to estimate stress changes in the Earth’s crust during the passage of the Kaikōura earthquake waves (Figure 2 below). The North Canterbury Transport Infrastructure Recovery alliance was set … Two people were killed during the Kaikōura earthquake. The Kaikōura Earthquake. This includes 9 GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System), 9 strong motion (measures really strong shaking), 2 short-period (for smaller shaking) and 1 repeater (information transfer). Following the destructive 2016 Kaikōura earthquake, the South Island region was rocked by the most earthquakes of anywhere in New Zealand in 2018. Because of this valuable network and data, we are able to understand the geological process and inform New Zealanders. The infrastructure of Kaikōura was heavily damaged in the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake, which caused two deaths in the area. 15,840 Felt Rapid Reports were submitted online in the first hour and our website took a massive 250 million hits in 24 hours (peaking at 35,000 hits per second). More than 18,500 aftershocks have followed since the Kaikōura earthquake (we ran the numbers at 1:52 p.m. on the 10 August 2017). The 7.8 magnitude earthquake in 2016 caused widespread damage across the district. Listen to the RNZ Our Changing World interview: Complexity – six months of Kaikōura earthquake science. The majority of claims lodged are for building damage only (71%), 10% for building and contents, 9% contents only and 10% land damage. Extensive uplift and deformation occurred almost instantaneously over ~110km from Oaro to Lake Grassmere (research article). The moment the Kaikoura earthquake struck. Shortly after midnight on Monday 14th November 2016, the 7.8 magnitude Kaikoura earthquake rocked New Zealand. Scientists believe the dams consist of 12 million cubic metres of rock that fell in the Kaikōura Ranges and Hapuku River area. 4713 Landslides can also be caused by heavy or prolonged rainfall, which can exacerbate the damage if an earthquake occurs. The Ministry of Civil Defence review found the tsunami generated by November's quake would have caused more damage if it had not happened at low tide and the land had not been simultaneously lifted upwards. New Zealand Kaikōura Earthquake Kaikōura quake caused 6.9 metre tsunami A review of the Kaikōura earthquake has revealed it generated an almost 7m tsunami and it was only luck that prevented it from causing more destruction. Still in his undies, Waterford took shelter in a doorway. Photo by Kate Clark. Details; History; Story; Technical; Tsunami; Kaikoura tsunami travel time map. Watch as the chronological evolution of the fault ruptures as the earthquake progresses in this GNS post. We investigated how the loss of kelp has modified the coastal environment. The tsunami that followed the Kaikōura earthquake reached a peak height of about 7 metres. Damage was not limited to the Kaikōura area. “Our results suggest that the slow slip was triggered by stress changes in the Earth’s crust caused by passing seismic waves from the Kaikōura … The earthquake was the most powerful in the North Canterbury area in over 150 years and is one of the most complex earthquakes ever recorded Landslides caused by the Mw7.8 Kaikōura earthquake and the immediate response. Complexity – six months of Kaikōura earthquake science, pushed the rocky seabed up by as much as 8 m, forming a vertical barrier between the shore and the sea in some places, moved parts of the South Island 5 m closer to the North Island, moved the land from Kaikōura to Cape Campbell north-west by up to 6 m. raised some parts of the region by up to 8 m. The first wave arrived within 10 minutes with 6.9m run up measured in Goose Bay. ... Kaikōura earthquake: Rebuild work winds down but challenges ahead. They’ve discovered that the landslides are clustered along the actual fault lines rather than around the earthquake’s epicentre – as was the conventional thinking. Economic Development and Transport Minister Simon Bridges today released a Government commissioned report that assesses the economic impact of the 2016 Kaikoura earthquake. The damage caused by the 7.8-magnitude November 2016 Kaikōura earthquake to the Main North Line railway and SH1 along the east coast of the South Island was unprecedented in New Zealand. From 1 July 2019, EQC has been working closely with both private insurers and homeowners to resolve remaining Kaikōura … Due to the presence of steep slopes in areas of strong ground shaking over 10,000 landslides occurred in the wider regions of North Canterbury and Marlborough (research article). In the media, footage of the uplifted coastline and exposed pāua beds and kelp forests were used to show the force and extent of the earthquake. Cross section of the North Island of New Zealand showing where the slow-slip earthquakes (brown to yellow patches) is happening at the boundary between the Australian and Pacific Plates. The mapped landslide distribution reflects the complexity of the earthquake ruptures. The gauge near Kaikōura measured a 2.5 m drop in water level 25 minutes after the earthquake, indicative of a... Landslides. At 12.02 a.m., on Monday 14 November 2016 NZDT, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck 15 km north-east of Culverden, North Canterbury, starting near the town of Waiau. Kaikōura was the first local authority in the Southern Hemisphere to achieve recognition by the EarthCheck Community Standard. This is a seismically active area, responsible for creating the Southern Alps and the Kaikōura Ranges. Kaikōura. The rupture lasted nearly 2 minutes in total, and where the faults met the ground surface the ground was displaced, horizontally (sideways) and vertically (up-down) by up to 12 metres. The earthquake caused two deaths; one from a house collapse and another from a heart attack [4], and 580 people had Kaikōura earthquake-related injury claims accepted by the Accident Compensation Corporation [5]. New Zealand Civil Defence The Kaikōura earthquake caused an almost 7m tsunami, but low tide and land uplift prevented it from causing more destruction, a review has revealed.
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