tf2 soda popper reddit
Post what you got, what you're willing to trade, and what you're looking for. is a search engine to find good deals from other team fortress 2 trading websites. Browse all Raving Dead skins for TF2. A port of the El Diablo super shotgun from Quake Champions to TF2, replacing the Force-A-Nature and the Soda Popper. What are your toughts on the soda popper? 9. Soda Popper is still a very powerful weapon, some would argue even more powerful then the stock scattergun. may not be appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work. What's the best way to break through a dreaded Engineer base on Dustbowl? Browse all Soda Popper skins for TF2. Cancel. Added the Limited attribute to the Big Kill. The only practical application for bhops in tf2 is market gardening after one because source spaghetti. That's right, a sawn-off shotgun powered by radiation flavoured energy drink! the reskin works in singleplayer like tr_walkway but it doesnt work in multiplayer and it just gets rid of the model all together and once i restart tf2, the regular soda popper and FaN are shown instead. And yes, you can give out the code. Meet the Soda Popper is (finally) here! EDIT: Almost forgot: Here 's my TF2 Backpack Examiner profile. Newest Warpaints. I want to see what the community thinks of these nerf and about the soda popper, now without further ado here is the guide I posted on steam to also get awareness. April 15, 2010 Patch 1. After nine years in development, hopefully it was worth the wait. Weapons like the Soda Popper makes me wish they restricted it to MVM only mainly because any nerf they apply to it for PvP will effect how useful it is in MvM as well. SSBU +15 ↺8 Super Smash Bros. I personally love the soda popper I have a strange one and have gotten all strange parts for the #1 Fan set. However, it fires 40% faster, each shot has approximately 40% less bullet … Browse all Elfin Enamel skins for TF2. The Shortstop is a community-created primary weapon for the Scout.It is a four-barreled derringer-style pistol fitted with pearl grips.. I think that this will doom the soda popper to be in a "Top 10 WORST Weapons of TF2". Raise awareness to hopefully get it back to the way it was before, and see what the community has to say, if you agree with me or not. What do you guys, the community, think? He is supposed to be running so it doesn't make sense for him to have to hit people to get hype because it was a uniqe weapon for the scout now it is like other class weapons. In pubs, it either a hitter or a quitter. Strange Festivized Glacial Glazed Soda Popper - 2 keys + 10 ref. So what you're left with is: +nothing-no secondary-no bfb, atomizer, or soda popper-no double jump. Your preferences are configured to warn you when images may be sensitive. Add Skin. With the original stats, you built boost by running, wich was convenient because the scout was the runner of the classes and the fastest of the 9. Now the stats for the Soda Popper is that of the Baby Face's Blaster, where in order to build hype you have to do damage. With your help we can get the soda popper back to it's original stats it once was! I don't like it, it's a huge change from the way it used to be- if they need to nerf it maybe just a less shots to get hype or a weaker hype in general. Takes a week or two to get used to the aim, and then allows you for the same effectiveness as a normal scout from a way further range, while also giving you a huge advantage in scout vs scout. What I think of the Soda Popper nerf. Scout can't make use of bhops to gain speed. See market price, inspect link, wear preview and collection info for each item BotW +3 ↺8 The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (WiiU) S3AIR +5 ↺4 Sonic 3 A.I.R. the soda popper now makes it so the scout must get A TON of head to head combat before it can use its hype (seriously, it takes like 20 shots on someone now just to get hype). For example, items could have custom names, descriptions, or colors. It has a 50% faster-firing speed, reloads 25% faster, and can build Hype on hit, which requires 300 damage done for completion. The Soda Popper is a community-created primary weapon for the Scout.It is a broken Force-A-Nature repaired with several black bands and outfitted with slit barrels. Also spread this Question Guide on forums and reddit posts. Browse all Soda Popper skins for TF2. And uhh, that's really it I guess. Games. Fixed the Big Kill dealing the same amount of damage on headshots as the Ambassador. July 8, 2010 Patch (Engineer Update) 1. Soda Popper Skin Mods for Team Fortress 2 Team Fortress 2 / Skins / Scout. Haven't used it in years... literally. TF2 +13 ↺2 Team Fortress 2. Man, we want to talk about this gun more, but we can't get over how much your dog sucks. Our Opinion of the Recent Soda Popper Nerf (A Question Quide). The nerf just made it more skill based to use hype. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. artvin Joined 10mo ago. There might be some steroids mixed in there as well, who knows? You can even offset the less consistent damage of the SP by equipping the stock pistol or pretty boys pocket pistol. Credit goes to … take the soda popper for example, its a hilariously fun weapon to use in pubs because infinite jumps makes you unhittable, but the concept of "scout charging up his gun to gain extra jumps" isn't overpowered on its own. If you agree please, please, like and share to as many of you steam friends and friends as possible. A Team Fortress 2 (TF2) Skin Mod in the Soda Popper category, submitted by Amisaddai This subreddit is dedicated to Team Fortress 2, created by Valve Corporation in 2007. If you like it, like it and share with your friends please! Thank you for reading this post and for your time. Edit Preferences. Expect some clipping (especially with changed viewmodels and animations) as the model obviously wasn't made for TF2 and I had to make some compromises in … See market price, inspect link, wear preview and collection info for each item The Gunboats reduce the amount of self-damage that is received from rocket jumping by 60%. very few things are inherently overpowered in this game. Bananite. See market price, inspect link, wear preview and collection info for each item All TF2 Warpaints. The Soda Specs are a community-created cosmetic item for the Scout.It is a team-colored pair of glasses, colored after Bonk!Atomic Punch's color scheme, with a radioactive sign (☢) on each lens.. It's a slightly modified broken double-barrel shotgun—presumably, the Lupara DB—with the Witches Brew taped under the barrel and some duct tape near the stock and white colored barrells. It also has an automated mathematical spreadsheet computed from user trades and refreshed hourly. The Big Kill is a promotional secondary weapon for the Spy. September 17, 2014 Patch 1. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Admin. This subreddit is dedicated to Team Fortress 2, created by Valve Corporation in 2007. ===== 6. Click a warpaint to view the skins you can claim . you can have weapons that are fun and balanced. All TF2 weapon skins. Team Fortress 2 > Strange Soda Popper The appearance of items in the individual listings may vary slightly from the one above. Compared to the Scattergun, the Shortstop has a 34% smaller clip size and fires 60% fewer pellets per shot, and does not possess the increased damage ramp-up the Scattergun has. [Unknown Date] 1. This subreddit is dedicated to Team Fortress 2, created by Valve Corporation in 2007. The damage reduction does not … Press J to jump to the feed. The Sticky Jumper - 0.11 ref + 1 random weapons or 4 random weapons ===== Items can be located on the site or on steam community market! [Undocumented] The Big Kill was given its own kill icon. Festivized! Also, if anyone's seeking a Soda Popper or Solemn Vow, I'm looking to complete my functional collection. Permits . Sep 30, 2010. We're talking TF2 items and the transaction thereof, we're on topic. And with this the scout could flank easier than before and get to places he couldn't before with other weapons. New skins take some time to load from the market The Soda Popper is a primary weapon for the Flanker. Just need a Family Business, Eviction Notice, or Righteous Bison. If your enemies have no engies, then the Soda Popper stomps on scrubs easily. Signup or login to create shortcuts to your favorite games! This is also posted on steam in the guide section. If there are engies, there are bound to be minis and hidden lv 3 sentries which hinders your movement and your special ability is mitigated. The Big Kill was added to the game. 10mo 10mo 5 3.3k. STEP 1= Install GCFScape, open it, then click File -> Open, then go to Steam/steamapps and click on Team Fortress 2 Content. Just need a Family Business, Eviction Notice, or Righteous Bison. A can of Crit-a-Cola is fitted underneath.. There's an old thread on Reddit's Rift page for it. Last edited: Aug 30, 2011. Added an Alt-fire attack — reach out and shove someone! It became dirty. r/tf2: This subreddit is dedicated to Team Fortress 2, created by Valve Corporation in 2007. Overview. — Big Kill publicity blurb. HL2 +7 ↺1 Half-Life 2. take the soda popper for example, its a hilariously fun weapon to use in pubs because infinite jumps makes you unhittable, but the concept of "scout charging up his gun to gain extra jumps" isn't overpowered on its own. Without further ado I will open up with what i think of the matter. Last I heard about it, it was annoying to fight against in some situations. This item has two styles, named "Bonk" and "Crit-a-Cola".The "Crit-a-Cola" style themes the glasses after the Crit-a-Cola.. The Sodapopper has some tough times.... A Team Fortress 2 (TF2) Skin Mod in the Soda Popper category, submitted by xChiMix Newest Warpaints. STEP 3= You find two files, “items.ctx and attributes.ctx”right click on them and extract them to desktop in a new folder. a characteristic trait of the scout is to weave around and get by people-not a lot of attack with the primary weapon. There's an old thread on Reddit's Rift page for it. Also I've made a "Kill List" for my Name but didn't uploaded it, 'cause not sure if you want it. Idk seems op Lost his color and polish and get some scratches. The Caffeine Cooler is a community-created cosmetic item for the Scout.It is a large team-colored cooler filled with five cans of Bonk!Atomic Punch, strapped to the Scout's back.. Browse all Starlight Serenity skins for TF2. Removed +healing bonus; Reduced pushback vuln to +20% (from +40%) Sun on a Stick. Again if you like, like this and share and post. Serious Sam 2 Double Barrel. I like the burst damage but I don’t understand what situation the jumps are meant for. Report. ”. Make sure you find and post a link to your profile on TF2 Backpack Examiner as well. Press J to jump to the feed. Strange! It is based on the oversized .44 revolver used by Sam, the titular six-foot talking cartoon dog detective in Sam & Max. We're talking TF2 items and the transaction thereof, we're on topic. 3 medals. Soda-Popperen et primært våben til scouten lavet af fællesskabet.Det er en ødelagt naturkraft der opreven ved at man give skad. I'd first like to say that I am a scout main. Don't warn me again for Team Fortress 2. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. you can have weapons that are fun and balanced. #tf2 #team fortress 2 #the soda popper #soda popper #tf2 weapons #tf2 weapon #unlocks #unlock #textpost #weapon of the week 18 notes the-captains-on-shore-leave See market price, inspect link, wear preview and collection info for each item The Gunboats are a secondary weapon for the Soldier. All TF2 Warpaints. See market price, inspect link, wear preview and collection info for each item But hey.. it's still working pretty well. Added “On hit: build Hype” Removed “build hype by running around” Fixed: You can’t damage yourself to increase your Hype meter; Shortstop. 5. STEP 4= Copy both of the Ctxhack and vice.exe in folder where you placed the files. Ridiculously fun, burst damage king, very few downsides. Now it just seems like a buff banner for the scout. The Soda Specs were contributed to the Steam Workshop. COME ON that was what the quick fix was for (I also hate how they nerf this wep too I like the medic man) it now makes the quick fix almost the worthless weapon in the game for medic! PLEASE HELP TF2 GET BACK TO THE WAY IT WAS 2 DAYS AGO! And yes, you can give out the code. A Team Fortress 2 (TF2) Skin Mod in the Soda Popper category, submitted by Whitefang356 STEP 2= With GCFScape in content folder, go to tf/scripts/items. Yes you can pair it up with the Crit-a-Cola but that also has a nerf of being marked for death after the effect is done, I'm not going into detail (this also makes me mad). Hey Guys, =========== The Sodapopper has some tough times. The wepon alowed the scout for an easy escape when needed. But then you have more of a chance to die after you drink the Crit-a-Cola and lose what ever hype was built up in that time and not be any help to the team. When you wanna scubt but wanna skill aswell. FNF +164 ↺37 Friday Night Funkin'. Clean! I've said what I wanted to say, now it is your turn to say what you want to say in the comments down below! SixPopper Fix. EDIT#2: Some of you may also find this link helpful in determining what items you want to keep or trade. Personally I HATE IT SO MUCH. Ultimate. THE SODA POPPER NERF. The Sodapopper has some tough times. That's right, a sawn-off shotgun powered by radiation flavoured energy drink! They are a pair of modified, metal-reinforced jump boots used by paratroopers. 1; 2; Go to page: Skin Category Submitter Stats. Gifting Mann's Wrapping Paper Soda Popper This lets you price check tf2 items easily. Also, if anyone's seeking a Soda Popper or Solemn Vow, I'm looking to complete my functional collection. But what I'd really recommend giving a chance is the shortstop. Intro Hi and welcome to this question guide! I put this here to help get attention for the recent Nerfs added to the game, I mainly talk about the soda popper but there is SO MUCH more nerfs and even buffs that will damper the gameplay, for instance the medi-guns alllowing you to run as fast as the heal target?!?! After nine years in development, hopefully it was worth the wait. Can’t go wrong either way. In Highlander, the Soda Popper … Mercenary Grade Scattergun (Minimal Wear)! You'll find all items I'm looking to trade on page 4 of my backpack. Now the stats for the Soda Popper is that of the Baby Face's Blaster, where in order to build hype you have to do damage. 1-20 of 38 1 Pages. very few things are inherently overpowered in this game. Offline. After nine years in development, hopefully it was worth the wait. The Caffeine Cooler is a community-created cosmetic item for the Scout.It is a large team-colored cooler filled with five cans of Bonk!Atomic Punch, strapped to the Scout's back.. 575 points Ranked 46,176th. New skins take some time to load from the market The reason I'm opening up this question guide is to discuss the soda popper nerf. Soda popper beats the FaN easily. The wepon alowed the scout for an easy escape when needed. Submitter. Click a warpaint to view the skins you can claim . Which takes away almost all the potential of the hype effect because now in order to do a flank the scout has to do damage risking what ever amount of hype he already has built up. I think that this will doom the soda popper to be in a "Top 10 WORST Weapons of TF2". What's the best way to break through a dreaded Engineer base on Dustbowl? After nine years in development, hopefully it was worth … This is what I think of the nerf to the soda popper, I want it to go bake to building up hype by running not damage. =/ Soda Popper and Force of Nature are currently the best MvM weapons. View Page. The Soda Popper. We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. People think that it’s bad after the nerf it got, but it’s still incredibly good.
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