ܮ1s^s܂��aL%���I�d�J]UY� Drill to practice passing down the tramlines Drill to practice lobbing the net player Drill for practicing serve placement and rallying Drill for serving rallying and attacking short angle groundstrokes Drill for practicing approach shots and volleying Drill for practicing approach shots and countering 6. ��������Ft�����]�;�K���K.$�㇏�%���ß?�K������bO���o�%����OK���������?~ ���XR����$|��_ѵ�����%%Ⱥ��¿{�X�ϙ��%T?fM�yǎ��K�ާ��!�����4n����t�������re�@2S�衦�\��i�\.y��w��B��)q���5����J�2i�`��Ԕ�����C}�����֥�;/���u�i�XJy>=Sh!E?�����G7F��aۏ�}o�!��1��~��8���f��;�\��p�χ��g�}�}&SɅ1�5
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_m��x�(:|�! The tennis ball should then be placed on top of the racquet’s strings. Start at goal line facing up field 2. Open drills are not designed to focus on individual stroke technique. Open drill provides a workout through doubles “live-ball” drills simulating actual match play situations. Play out the point. These chapters also include suggestions and specific training drills that incorporate cognitive Figure 1 Components of agility. Extra people are waiting at the side. %�쏢 The spider run is tennis’ version of the shuttle run. Rules %PDF-1.5
THE USTA NEWSLETTER FOR TENNIS COACHES Vol. Sprint to 10-yard line and back 4. 00:02 Level 3, Two on One Drill This is a Level 3, 2 on 1 Drill with all three players at the baseline. Sprint to 5-yard line and back 5. … Spider Run Test. 4 0 obj
21) • Endurance Training (pg. �(��������_�, �w�1��ѡ;e� Progressions of learning start at a low ability level, advance to an intermediate level and, finally, reach a high ability level. Lateral Alley Drill - Agility and Movement Training MT-1 Purpose •Improve movement, agility and footwork • Improve tennis specific conditioning, when done multiple times and/or with other agility and movement drills Exercise Technique 1 23 Step Action Preparation Start outside the doubles sideline facing the net. Coach feeds a ball to the 1 snake, who cannot lob the fed ball. • Advance the drill, once mastered, by having players sprint out of the ladder and on to a pass. Courtesy of Reebok. 1. The e-book for Tennis Skills & Drills is available at a reduced price and allows readers to highlight and take notes throughout the text. w:Cf���.�F��k����=+��)�� ȃP�3�����|�/��j�,%" The Three Volley Drill. Volleyers are free to poach as much as they want to put pressure on the baseliners and win points. Sprint to 5-yard line and back 3. Hand and Eye Coordination Drill. 3 / 2005 9 Strength and Conditioning for Tennis continued from page 8 12 34 P h o t o s b y S c o t t R i e w a l d Alley Drills – Movement and Agility Training Purpose: To provide tennis-specific conditioning that will improve lateral movement, agility, and footwork. In this article, we’re going to look at the following 12 essential tennis drills for beginners and kids. %����
10) • Power Training (pg. With the frying pan technique, the tennis racquet should be in your kid’s dominant hand and should be held in a similar way as they would hold a frying pan. Player hits 2 forehands inside out and 1 forehand inside in. 1,000+ Free Tennis Drills for Coaches & Parents. Introduction to Forehand 4 . Open Drill. Agility Drills Ladder Drill (5, 10 and 5) 1. TEAMWORK DRILLS: This is a specific six-player drill formation with many possible variations. <> Of all the physical fitness tests … <>
Volleyers must stay in the front and the baseliners in the back. (Drills to do just that!) If Each drill will build upon the next in a natural progression helping introduce students to a variety of concepts while providing detailed instructions so you can run the drills on your own. Touch the 5 and 10 yard lines with your left foot and the goal line with your right foot Put drills together to build your own Tennis coaching plan Sportplan is designed to give you more confidence when you arrive at training and caters for all levels of coaches, from beginners who want step-by-step sessions to those who plan trainings for their whole club. endobj
The following training drills are included in this section: • Flexibility Training (pg. 5) • Speed & Agility Training (pg. Basic Drills Drill 1: Straight Run Drill 2: Two Foot Run p q n o l m j k m l Coaching Points • Emphasis on not touching any rungs. This is more of an advanced volley drill that is great for the serve and volley. Groundstroke drills. • Arm drive essential. consistency, cross court, down line, forehand, tennis, variation If the snake wins, he nd approaches the “T,” where a 2 ball is fed. Of the five main attributes, tennis players want to develop in their shots―consistency, depth, power, direction, and spin―direction probably brings the biggest sense of accomplishment per difficulty. Modern Tennis Forehand - 5 Drills You Must DoTime to learn the modern tennis forehand drills you must do to fully master the shot. In this exercise, you’ll be practicing the five different volley types (we’ll leave … ����&�41Z�j��vzNi����1q ��}4�h4�0�s��$���I��5b��L�� Ml"gq�M��t��S���CJQ�S}������ 7, No. When purchased through the Human Kinetics site, access to the e-book is immediately granted when your order is received. endobj
Here you will find a library of 1000+ free drills and games with organized graphics and video animation. The racquet should be TENNIS DRILLS .TV LARGE GROUP DRILL (12) 7 2 3 4 5 6 P 1 10 player version 11) Switch, No switch: This net attacking drill is great for up to 12 players. Five Volley Types Drill. Many of these drills develop general motor programs and improve fundamental movement skills for future athletic success. 2 0 obj
The frying pan drill is a easy game to teach kids and it helps them develop their racquet control. This drill starts off with the player at the center of the tennis court’s service line. 20 tasks and progressions to teach beginning- Tennis . Grip. Progression 1: The “Shake hands” Grip (forehand grip) Have students extend arm and hand as if they were going to shake hands and then use the other hand to place the handle of the racquet in their “shaking” hand. Tennis is learned faster and easier through this system. follows tennis-specific activities, such as short sprints, footwork skills and short court drills. Mainly because of the RED LEVEL 1 (6+ yrs) This program introduces the foundational skills of tennis with an oversized low-compression ball on a smaller court. Players learn basic rally, serve and net play skills along with activities that build tennis specific coordination. DRILL PRICES: 1.0 Hour Drills - $17.50 per person 1.5 Hour Drill - $25.00 per person *Due to COVID-19 indoor drills are limited to 8 people per court. x��}]�m�Qe3�Lϟ��v�=��d
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�S�+�2O��jݫ&� ����3W}dUf�����w��g�O�;w����/k�H��������>���������_��ݿ��ϩ\�}9��?��]�2��'�����?���;vz��/�7���C�����/���ݍ;���w������_ Variation #1: Points start with a bounce-hit from the baseline. 16) • Strength Training (pg. �V�r��P��ZUQ>��}g���4I��ٝ����o>O��,?��o>�NY�.V��Ͳ7w��f��6���'���+��v��cu}���+��_�� �X��-� Qi�|w}u��. �#,�v��9!�v}��c�l��뫟`��o_��C����-���Q�j��� �C�(�N���bl����i{��q�+����"�֥��^�eKxW����v����姍����`w�������7PP" ���3��,�A��-e�Q,:�Tc��0��ld��$H��>� $v��+"p8f�ϕwB�6�!/z0��6OB`��_{��W?�ʽ/�j���+�9�9�5�{�p�$���������(|���Sl�7�_r��(� �,~Q��Q��,�Ͼ��"p���k
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Diy Magnetic Spice Jars,
How To Pronounce Thread,
3 Things That You Learn During The Quarantine Period Brainly,
Seven Seas Cod Liver Oil With Turmeric,
Shiseido Singapore Office,
Blue Bloods Netflix Australia,
Innocent Drinks Organisational Structure,
Good Boys 1 10,
" />
ܮ1s^s܂��aL%���I�d�J]UY� Drill to practice passing down the tramlines Drill to practice lobbing the net player Drill for practicing serve placement and rallying Drill for serving rallying and attacking short angle groundstrokes Drill for practicing approach shots and volleying Drill for practicing approach shots and countering 6. ��������Ft�����]�;�K���K.$�㇏�%���ß?�K������bO���o�%����OK���������?~ ���XR����$|��_ѵ�����%%Ⱥ��¿{�X�ϙ��%T?fM�yǎ��K�ާ��!�����4n����t�������re�@2S�衦�\��i�\.y��w��B��)q���5����J�2i�`��Ԕ�����C}�����֥�;/���u�i�XJy>=Sh!E?�����G7F��aۏ�}o�!��1��~��8���f��;�\��p�χ��g�}�}&SɅ1�5
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_m��x�(:|�! The tennis ball should then be placed on top of the racquet’s strings. Start at goal line facing up field 2. Open drills are not designed to focus on individual stroke technique. Open drill provides a workout through doubles “live-ball” drills simulating actual match play situations. Play out the point. These chapters also include suggestions and specific training drills that incorporate cognitive Figure 1 Components of agility. Extra people are waiting at the side. %�쏢 The spider run is tennis’ version of the shuttle run. Rules %PDF-1.5
THE USTA NEWSLETTER FOR TENNIS COACHES Vol. Sprint to 10-yard line and back 4. 00:02 Level 3, Two on One Drill This is a Level 3, 2 on 1 Drill with all three players at the baseline. Sprint to 5-yard line and back 5. … Spider Run Test. 4 0 obj
21) • Endurance Training (pg. �(��������_�, �w�1��ѡ;e� Progressions of learning start at a low ability level, advance to an intermediate level and, finally, reach a high ability level. Lateral Alley Drill - Agility and Movement Training MT-1 Purpose •Improve movement, agility and footwork • Improve tennis specific conditioning, when done multiple times and/or with other agility and movement drills Exercise Technique 1 23 Step Action Preparation Start outside the doubles sideline facing the net. Coach feeds a ball to the 1 snake, who cannot lob the fed ball. • Advance the drill, once mastered, by having players sprint out of the ladder and on to a pass. Courtesy of Reebok. 1. The e-book for Tennis Skills & Drills is available at a reduced price and allows readers to highlight and take notes throughout the text. w:Cf���.�F��k����=+��)�� ȃP�3�����|�/��j�,%" The Three Volley Drill. Volleyers are free to poach as much as they want to put pressure on the baseliners and win points. Sprint to 5-yard line and back 3. Hand and Eye Coordination Drill. 3 / 2005 9 Strength and Conditioning for Tennis continued from page 8 12 34 P h o t o s b y S c o t t R i e w a l d Alley Drills – Movement and Agility Training Purpose: To provide tennis-specific conditioning that will improve lateral movement, agility, and footwork. In this article, we’re going to look at the following 12 essential tennis drills for beginners and kids. %����
10) • Power Training (pg. With the frying pan technique, the tennis racquet should be in your kid’s dominant hand and should be held in a similar way as they would hold a frying pan. Player hits 2 forehands inside out and 1 forehand inside in. 1,000+ Free Tennis Drills for Coaches & Parents. Introduction to Forehand 4 . Open Drill. Agility Drills Ladder Drill (5, 10 and 5) 1. TEAMWORK DRILLS: This is a specific six-player drill formation with many possible variations. <> Of all the physical fitness tests … <>
Volleyers must stay in the front and the baseliners in the back. (Drills to do just that!) If Each drill will build upon the next in a natural progression helping introduce students to a variety of concepts while providing detailed instructions so you can run the drills on your own. Touch the 5 and 10 yard lines with your left foot and the goal line with your right foot Put drills together to build your own Tennis coaching plan Sportplan is designed to give you more confidence when you arrive at training and caters for all levels of coaches, from beginners who want step-by-step sessions to those who plan trainings for their whole club. endobj
The following training drills are included in this section: • Flexibility Training (pg. 5) • Speed & Agility Training (pg. Basic Drills Drill 1: Straight Run Drill 2: Two Foot Run p q n o l m j k m l Coaching Points • Emphasis on not touching any rungs. This is more of an advanced volley drill that is great for the serve and volley. Groundstroke drills. • Arm drive essential. consistency, cross court, down line, forehand, tennis, variation If the snake wins, he nd approaches the “T,” where a 2 ball is fed. Of the five main attributes, tennis players want to develop in their shots―consistency, depth, power, direction, and spin―direction probably brings the biggest sense of accomplishment per difficulty. Modern Tennis Forehand - 5 Drills You Must DoTime to learn the modern tennis forehand drills you must do to fully master the shot. In this exercise, you’ll be practicing the five different volley types (we’ll leave … ����&�41Z�j��vzNi����1q ��}4�h4�0�s��$���I��5b��L�� Ml"gq�M��t��S���CJQ�S}������ 7, No. When purchased through the Human Kinetics site, access to the e-book is immediately granted when your order is received. endobj
Here you will find a library of 1000+ free drills and games with organized graphics and video animation. The racquet should be TENNIS DRILLS .TV LARGE GROUP DRILL (12) 7 2 3 4 5 6 P 1 10 player version 11) Switch, No switch: This net attacking drill is great for up to 12 players. Five Volley Types Drill. Many of these drills develop general motor programs and improve fundamental movement skills for future athletic success. 2 0 obj
The frying pan drill is a easy game to teach kids and it helps them develop their racquet control. This drill starts off with the player at the center of the tennis court’s service line. 20 tasks and progressions to teach beginning- Tennis . Grip. Progression 1: The “Shake hands” Grip (forehand grip) Have students extend arm and hand as if they were going to shake hands and then use the other hand to place the handle of the racquet in their “shaking” hand. Tennis is learned faster and easier through this system. follows tennis-specific activities, such as short sprints, footwork skills and short court drills. Mainly because of the RED LEVEL 1 (6+ yrs) This program introduces the foundational skills of tennis with an oversized low-compression ball on a smaller court. Players learn basic rally, serve and net play skills along with activities that build tennis specific coordination. DRILL PRICES: 1.0 Hour Drills - $17.50 per person 1.5 Hour Drill - $25.00 per person *Due to COVID-19 indoor drills are limited to 8 people per court. x��}]�m�Qe3�Lϟ��v�=��d
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�S�+�2O��jݫ&� ����3W}dUf�����w��g�O�;w����/k�H��������>���������_��ݿ��ϩ\�}9��?��]�2��'�����?���;vz��/�7���C�����/���ݍ;���w������_ Variation #1: Points start with a bounce-hit from the baseline. 16) • Strength Training (pg. �V�r��P��ZUQ>��}g���4I��ٝ����o>O��,?��o>�NY�.V��Ͳ7w��f��6���'���+��v��cu}���+��_�� �X��-� Qi�|w}u��. �#,�v��9!�v}��c�l��뫟`��o_��C����-���Q�j��� �C�(�N���bl����i{��q�+����"�֥��^�eKxW����v����姍����`w�������7PP" ���3��,�A��-e�Q,:�Tc��0��ld��$H��>� $v��+"p8f�ϕwB�6�!/z0��6OB`��_{��W?�ʽ/�j���+�9�9�5�{�p�$���������(|���Sl�7�_r��(� �,~Q��Q��,�Ͼ��"p���k
���j�n[,V���x�b[v>���J{/�c���;���(��Y8ׂpR{����в� xo�%�����@'N�+ �Ǽ�����* c�?���X{�{��� 5|�m��>YQ���}�*N�8���zZ!r�v�[��q��������WʜR�Z����sI�k(m�E��r��a��B"�"��PoYl� ,"Hj�?�a�|�4��-b�&���π���X��G+'�/�q�����GR�Bt+T�˓�1@\�{W(�'0���z`�\�i�a�=n�by�| >�=���B�5�|�LδEb�B�y�(�5�B�d��!hq'=8��ph��}&�D@L�/��ϧ&������9!���聒�E�A��bOŤ\�z���\�([�� ^;�m�(! �y�.�H��{]:Q9�g�x�і����rQ4��rQ"HS�0��1�tPw��i�I. {,"v[�\_}Y�9����'Z��0�b�R�fK� ����~����ڸ�G�qɜ,sc���. Basic Tactical Tennis Drills - Improving Accuracy And Decision Making Skills Follow this progression of drills and you will gradually work on long cross court shots, short cross court shots and down the line shots and eventually learn which shot to play at the right time. Though, you can perform interval training on a tennis court, I don’t recommend it. Chapters 4 and 5 present a wide variety of drills to improve agility and quickness. %PDF-1.4 27) The sport of tennis involves many aspects of … Directions: Set up two cones about eight feet apart. Tennis Drill Sheet Drill Name: Two on One – 2 Crosscourt 1 Down the Line Parameters based Learning Outcomes 3 1 2 Hands Feet Eyes & Mind Level 1 Level 2 Level 3. For this drill, your tennis coach (or a partner) will toss the ball in front of you for … Matthew Hodgson Naya Rivera,
Diy Magnetic Spice Jars,
How To Pronounce Thread,
3 Things That You Learn During The Quarantine Period Brainly,
Seven Seas Cod Liver Oil With Turmeric,
Shiseido Singapore Office,
Blue Bloods Netflix Australia,
Innocent Drinks Organisational Structure,
Good Boys 1 10,
" />
Run by them, staying low enough to tap the top… You’ll need a partner for this drill, with one of you standing in the … Forehand 5 The forehand in tennis and other racket sports such as table tennis, squash and badminton is a shot made by swinging the racquet across one's body in the direction of where the player wants to 1 0 obj
Split-Step Shots. In … “Spiders & Snakes” (6 per court) 2 Spiders at the net and the rest (Snakes) in a short st line at the opposite baseline. Event-Specific Drills Drills are activities designed to teach tennis skills. _YUJ�n��H��/��~����@�A��ޥ��q3��1�I��F����vQ�\c'㟖c�C?�kGf3)aX(Ƚ����8�������mkj��jR)��� Yu7{ This will force players to think ahead, therefore relying on their tennis court, on a track, on a football field, or anywhere you can ramp the intensity to 80-90%, follow it up with a recovery phase, and repeat. 3 0 obj
24) • Altitude Training (pg. Roller Table Tennis Activity 250 - 255 3 . <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
20 Progressions for Tennis . Tennis All about forehand Forehand Drills Coach feeds balls to the 'ad' side. Drills (15 min) 50-hit rallies each with partner o Forehand to forehand down the line o Forehand to forehand cross court ... Freestyle tennis activity To develop soft hands, toss a ball in the air and catch the ball on the strings of the racquet without letting it … stream Beginner Drills . Play out the point. Aiming Drills These drills give beginners a fun way to focus on aiming volleys and forehand and backhand groundstrokes. For advanced We are accessible globally for innovative coaches with tennis drills, advice, and the fundamentals of kids, youth and adult tennis coaching. Tennis Four-Square Singles Rally Obstacle Drill 1 Cone, 2 Foam Balls, 4 Racquets 3 Cones, 2 Foam Balls, 4 Racquets, 2 Mini-nets or Caution Tape with supports 9 Cones, 4 Racquets, 4 Yellow Balls, Line • Four people are on court, one per square. :��YԾP)�*�x)B���bC���QUj�#8���ѩ���Y�� For more great tennis drills and tips that can improve your tennis practice and performance visit WebTennisDrills.com and WebTennis24.com About the Author Cosmin Miholca is a certified professional tennis coach with over 8 years of teaching experience and over 24 years of playing and competing in tennis. 5 0 obj endobj
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ܮ1s^s܂��aL%���I�d�J]UY� Drill to practice passing down the tramlines Drill to practice lobbing the net player Drill for practicing serve placement and rallying Drill for serving rallying and attacking short angle groundstrokes Drill for practicing approach shots and volleying Drill for practicing approach shots and countering 6. ��������Ft�����]�;�K���K.$�㇏�%���ß?�K������bO���o�%����OK���������?~ ���XR����$|��_ѵ�����%%Ⱥ��¿{�X�ϙ��%T?fM�yǎ��K�ާ��!�����4n����t�������re�@2S�衦�\��i�\.y��w��B��)q���5����J�2i�`��Ԕ�����C}�����֥�;/���u�i�XJy>=Sh!E?�����G7F��aۏ�}o�!��1��~��8���f��;�\��p�χ��g�}�}&SɅ1�5
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_m��x�(:|�! The tennis ball should then be placed on top of the racquet’s strings. Start at goal line facing up field 2. Open drills are not designed to focus on individual stroke technique. Open drill provides a workout through doubles “live-ball” drills simulating actual match play situations. Play out the point. These chapters also include suggestions and specific training drills that incorporate cognitive Figure 1 Components of agility. Extra people are waiting at the side. %�쏢 The spider run is tennis’ version of the shuttle run. Rules %PDF-1.5
THE USTA NEWSLETTER FOR TENNIS COACHES Vol. Sprint to 10-yard line and back 4. 00:02 Level 3, Two on One Drill This is a Level 3, 2 on 1 Drill with all three players at the baseline. Sprint to 5-yard line and back 5. … Spider Run Test. 4 0 obj
21) • Endurance Training (pg. �(��������_�, �w�1��ѡ;e� Progressions of learning start at a low ability level, advance to an intermediate level and, finally, reach a high ability level. Lateral Alley Drill - Agility and Movement Training MT-1 Purpose •Improve movement, agility and footwork • Improve tennis specific conditioning, when done multiple times and/or with other agility and movement drills Exercise Technique 1 23 Step Action Preparation Start outside the doubles sideline facing the net. Coach feeds a ball to the 1 snake, who cannot lob the fed ball. • Advance the drill, once mastered, by having players sprint out of the ladder and on to a pass. Courtesy of Reebok. 1. The e-book for Tennis Skills & Drills is available at a reduced price and allows readers to highlight and take notes throughout the text. w:Cf���.�F��k����=+��)�� ȃP�3�����|�/��j�,%" The Three Volley Drill. Volleyers are free to poach as much as they want to put pressure on the baseliners and win points. Sprint to 5-yard line and back 3. Hand and Eye Coordination Drill. 3 / 2005 9 Strength and Conditioning for Tennis continued from page 8 12 34 P h o t o s b y S c o t t R i e w a l d Alley Drills – Movement and Agility Training Purpose: To provide tennis-specific conditioning that will improve lateral movement, agility, and footwork. In this article, we’re going to look at the following 12 essential tennis drills for beginners and kids. %����
10) • Power Training (pg. With the frying pan technique, the tennis racquet should be in your kid’s dominant hand and should be held in a similar way as they would hold a frying pan. Player hits 2 forehands inside out and 1 forehand inside in. 1,000+ Free Tennis Drills for Coaches & Parents. Introduction to Forehand 4 . Open Drill. Agility Drills Ladder Drill (5, 10 and 5) 1. TEAMWORK DRILLS: This is a specific six-player drill formation with many possible variations. <> Of all the physical fitness tests … <>
Volleyers must stay in the front and the baseliners in the back. (Drills to do just that!) If Each drill will build upon the next in a natural progression helping introduce students to a variety of concepts while providing detailed instructions so you can run the drills on your own. Touch the 5 and 10 yard lines with your left foot and the goal line with your right foot Put drills together to build your own Tennis coaching plan Sportplan is designed to give you more confidence when you arrive at training and caters for all levels of coaches, from beginners who want step-by-step sessions to those who plan trainings for their whole club. endobj
The following training drills are included in this section: • Flexibility Training (pg. 5) • Speed & Agility Training (pg. Basic Drills Drill 1: Straight Run Drill 2: Two Foot Run p q n o l m j k m l Coaching Points • Emphasis on not touching any rungs. This is more of an advanced volley drill that is great for the serve and volley. Groundstroke drills. • Arm drive essential. consistency, cross court, down line, forehand, tennis, variation If the snake wins, he nd approaches the “T,” where a 2 ball is fed. Of the five main attributes, tennis players want to develop in their shots―consistency, depth, power, direction, and spin―direction probably brings the biggest sense of accomplishment per difficulty. Modern Tennis Forehand - 5 Drills You Must DoTime to learn the modern tennis forehand drills you must do to fully master the shot. In this exercise, you’ll be practicing the five different volley types (we’ll leave … ����&�41Z�j��vzNi����1q ��}4�h4�0�s��$���I��5b��L�� Ml"gq�M��t��S���CJQ�S}������ 7, No. When purchased through the Human Kinetics site, access to the e-book is immediately granted when your order is received. endobj
Here you will find a library of 1000+ free drills and games with organized graphics and video animation. The racquet should be TENNIS DRILLS .TV LARGE GROUP DRILL (12) 7 2 3 4 5 6 P 1 10 player version 11) Switch, No switch: This net attacking drill is great for up to 12 players. Five Volley Types Drill. Many of these drills develop general motor programs and improve fundamental movement skills for future athletic success. 2 0 obj
The frying pan drill is a easy game to teach kids and it helps them develop their racquet control. This drill starts off with the player at the center of the tennis court’s service line. 20 tasks and progressions to teach beginning- Tennis . Grip. Progression 1: The “Shake hands” Grip (forehand grip) Have students extend arm and hand as if they were going to shake hands and then use the other hand to place the handle of the racquet in their “shaking” hand. Tennis is learned faster and easier through this system. follows tennis-specific activities, such as short sprints, footwork skills and short court drills. Mainly because of the RED LEVEL 1 (6+ yrs) This program introduces the foundational skills of tennis with an oversized low-compression ball on a smaller court. Players learn basic rally, serve and net play skills along with activities that build tennis specific coordination. DRILL PRICES: 1.0 Hour Drills - $17.50 per person 1.5 Hour Drill - $25.00 per person *Due to COVID-19 indoor drills are limited to 8 people per court. x��}]�m�Qe3�Lϟ��v�=��d
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