love and compassion
… Love and Compassion is both a practical and conceptual work, and will interest those involved in the study and practise of holistic and contemplative education. Love and Compassion. A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. Some people would disagree saying it’s the duty of a parent to do so and hence there is nothing extraordinary about what parents do for a child. When we try to understand the pain of others and how they are feeling in the painful situation, then we try to help them. So, this is also a difference between love and compassion. POEMS. Though love and compassion are distinct, I see no reason why the two cannot coexist within the same relationship. And by love Miller doesn’t mean only romantic love, but self-love, love of beauty, compassion, and a love for learning. In fact, love is a complex emotion, and it can mean a wide variety of feelings and emotions to different people. How Does Love And Compassion Sustain Humanity? Eros, characterized by desire and longing, is the passionate love between lovers. Passion will influence love and compassion. So somewhere we all suffer. Well, if we were truly compassionate, with love, the world and human beings would not be exploited, violated. While she DOES make a valid point, but for me, LOVE... Oriental tradition has always talked about compassion as one of the most important virtues for living a fruitful life. All rights reserved. Through an open heart, one hears the universe. and we feel the desire to help them. However, it can refer to the love for friends, parents, siblings, parents, children, etc. It is acting from our deepest understanding of what life is and not compromising the truth." 5 talking about this. We should, at all times, try to feel what another person is going through. When we remember that love and compassion are not nouns but verbs, that those who practice self-love and compassion in their lives act in loving and compassionate ways, it’s easy to see how saying no to the destructive behaviors is a good starting point for deciding upon an alternate constellation of behaviors in daily life that will serve to reinforce the inner work of cultivation going on. Love and Compassion: Working with Disturbing Emotions is the second online course in the Love and Compassion series, led by Diane Musho Hamilton and Caty Hartung. The reason and magnitude can differ. Here we are not telling you to show them sympathy. Compassionate Deeds We can Do. “45842” (CC0) via Pexels. “924023” (CC0) via Pxhere 3. Set an example, even if it's a small one; other people can learn from it. The key difference between love and compassion is that the love is a deep feeling of affection and attachment towards someone whereas compassion is a sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. Quite same is with humans. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. People in pain do not need sympathy but they want to be empathized with. But how does one go about blending love with compassion in relationships? From the air that he breathes to the nutrition that he receives is received from the mother. Compassion! There is enough filth, negativity and hatred out there… If you have the will, you can change it. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Moreover, compassion is the main component of altruism. Compassion is sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. Created and designed with the basic concept of spreading Inspirational message, thoughts and ideas among all human heart for a positive life, in true sense. Some have felt it every day of their lives, and others have been broken-hearted.... Compassion and kindness are two key ingredients for our wellbeing and longevity. We cannot imagine humanity without them. 100 Bible Verses about Love And Compassion. It is only these feelings that make us different and above any other living organism on the planet. In addition to the seven dimensions of love, MillerÕs evaluation includes nonviolent action, the love of beauty, and how they are crucial to the practise of teaching.
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