leadership qualities of hazrat umar as a khalifa
One of the friends of Umar was a certain Mughira bin Shaaba. The new wealth which came flooding into Medina after the conquest of Persia and the Fertile Crescent, also appears to have bypassed them with the exception of a few, who collaborated with the Saqifa government. Thus it appears that religion, any religion, pagan, animistic, Christian or Islamic, had little, if anything, to do with the military conquests of a nation. After he became a Muslim he was one the closest companions of the Prophet (saw). Instead, the Muslims faced persecution. A khalifa was chosen immediately after the death but before the burial of Muhammad Mustafa, on the ground that the Muslim umma ought not to be without a head even for a moment. (The Life of Muhammad, Cairo, 1935), Abu-Dhahabi reports: The Caliph Abu-Bakr compiled a work, in which there were 500 traditions of the Prophet, and handed it over to his daughter 'Aishah. Umar then ordered Abu Hurayra not to narrate any more Hadith. And your selection of the new khalifa must be made within three days.” (Tabari, History). This may have been a sign that he should be the Khalifa. Umar then called all six members of his electoral committee to his home to explain to them what they had to do. Enter valid first name and last name with at least one space. When Umar accepted Islam, the idolaters remained where they were, and nothing changed for them; but it was Muhammad who was compelled to leave his home, and had to find sanctuary in a desolate ravine. Allah says in the Holy Quran: This verse embodies a promise that Muslims will be vouchsafed both spiritual and temporal leadership. When Muhammad proclaimed his mission, many people acknowledged him as the Messenger of God. On the following day, Umar called the members of the electoral committee again, and when they came, he said: “So everyone of you wants to become the khalifa after me?” Everyone kept quiet. (Chapter 8: verse 1), It is such as obey God and His Apostle, and fear God and do right, that will win (in the end). 4. He was a devout and God-fearing man.” (al-Fitna-tul-Kubra {The Great Upheaval}, published by Dar-ul-Ma'arif, Cairo, 1959). Ibn Abd Rabbeh writes in his famous book, Iqd-ul-Farid (The Unique Necklace), Volume II, page 203, that many years after Muawiya was firmly established on the throne, and had consolidated his position as the khalifa of the Muslims, he posed, one day, the following question to one of his courtiers: Muawiya: You are a wise, intelligent and knowledgeable man. It is now for the Muslims to decide if this is the “logic” which appeals to them, and therefore, is acceptable to them. Sa'd was obviously capable of ruling the Quraysh, and why not? If Umar was right in his attempts to inhibit the freedom of action of Muhammad, the Messenger of God, then it means that the latter was “wrong.” And if he (Muhammad) was “wrong,” then it means that Al-Qur’an al-Majid was also “wrong” because it claimed that: Nor does he (Muhammad) say (anything) of (his own) desire. These qualities differentiate the Islamic leadership with other leadership concepts. (Chapter 4: verse 65), He who obeys the Apostle, obeys God. If anyone wishes to see the real spirit of Islam, he will find it, not in the deeds of the nouveaux riches of Medina, but in the life, character and deeds of such companions of the Apostle of God as Ali ibn Abi Talib, Salman el-Farsi, Abu Dharr el-Ghiffari, Ammar ibn Yasir, Owais Qarni and Bilal. He was indeed a great leader who not only served Islam with great dedication, but also the humanity in general by creating one of … The six men are: Ali, Uthman, Abdur Rahman bin Auf; Talha, Zubayr and Saad bin Abi Waqqas. © Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project 1995-2021. Umar did not dismiss him but curtailed his powers by appointing Abdullah bin Saad bin Abi Sarah as a “watchdog” over him in fiscal matters. The Muslims who fought against and killed each other in these civil wars, did not belong to the distant future; they belonged to the generation of the Prophet himself. According to many of them, the secret of their success was in the piety and the religious zeal of the Muslim soldiers. In the 18th century when the British were building their empire, they had only 35,000 men in arms, and 7,500 out of them were busy in pacifying Ireland. Qathm ibn Abbas, the governor - designate of Makkah. The Jews were caught off-guard but they recovered from the surprise, and immediately struck back. Umar (ra) would often hold a straw in his hand and say:“I wish I were a straw like this.” Arabs knew less than nothing about assessing land revenue. Or, would they have known how much Zakat (poor-tax) to pay, when to pay and whom to pay if they had not seen the Apostle himself paying it? In the 17thcentury, the Dutch rode the crest of glory. When the power of Vote is in our hands , we sometimes feel that there is no good choice at all . Muslims think of the first four caliphs as the four rightly guided caliphs. Did he read that Book? He appointed many of them as governors of Medina, and he made many of them commanders of various expeditions. Umar Ibn Al-Khattab was the second Caliph of the Muslim Ummah and the first Muslim leader to be called the Commander of the Faithful. They raced through the Sinai desert, crossed the Suez, established a beachhead on the west bank of the canal – 60 miles from Cairo, and surrounded the whole Egyptian Third Army! It is the belief That Great Caliphs (Khulafa-e-Rashideen (R.A) are superior to all other Sahabah Ikraam. The Sahabah (companions of the Prophet PBUH) eventually unanimously decided that Abu Bakr (RA) should be Khalifa. For his own brother, Muhammad chose Ali ibn Abi Talib in both cities. The Ansaris, in fact, could not fill even less important positions. This is the age of democracy. (Chapter 24: verse 52), Ye have indeed in the Apostle of God a beautiful pattern of conduct for everyone whose hope is in God and the final day, and who engages much in remembering God. Now the minority in the electoral committee had one of the two choices open before it, viz., either acquiesce in the king-maker's selection and acknowledge Uthman as khalifa or pass the sentence of death to itself! These men were to act, if necessary, as executioners (Tarikh Kamil). He ruled like the other four rightly guided caliphs and shunned the methods adopted by the Umayyads. But as few as they were, their quality was superb. Hazrat Umar bin Khattab (R.A) was the second among the Four Rightly-Guided Caliphs of Islam and was Hazrat Abu Bakar’s successor. At the same time, he did not allow the Muslims to exercise their freewill in the matter of choosing their ruler. 1. At that moment or in that epoch, it is irresistible and invincible. It was, therefore, entirely, “in character” for him to conduct the funeral services for Ibn Ubayy, to see that he was given a proper burial, to pray for his soul, and to offer condolences to his son, notwithstanding Umar's remonstrance. Umar had studiously kept them out. Many verses of the Qur’an have allegorical meaning and could be understood in different ways unless there was some definite system of interpretation. He ordered Umar to serve as a ranker in the expedition. He made it high and spacious, and put balconies around the upper part. First and foremost, he was the messenger of Allah. In June 1982 Israel rode rough shod into Lebanon. The withdrawal of Ibn Ubayy's troops did not affect the fortunes of war in any way. (Chapter 3; verse 31), God did confer a great favor on the believers when He sent among them an Apostle from among themselves, rehearsing unto them the signs of God, sanctifying them, and instructing them in Scripture and Wisdom, while before that they had been in Manifest Error. He gave Zubayr 600,000 dirhems in one day, and he gave Talha 100,000 dirhems in one day enabling them to buy lands, property and slaves in other countries.”. History abounds in examples of small forces of volunteers standing up to and defeating large conscript armies. Like the Greeks before them, they too were worshippers of idols, though the Eastern Roman Empire was converted to Christianity in early fifth century A.D. Books on Islam, Muslims, Prophet Muhammad(s), Ahlul Bayt. Related Posts. He was jealous of Khalid's fame and popularity. Umar founded numerous military cantonments in Iraq, Syria and Egypt. Some of the Muslims were unable to accept what had happened. The Banu Umayya were the traditional champions of idolatry and the arch-enemies of Muhammad and his clan, the Banu Hashim. (Chapter 4: verse 64), But no, by thy Lord, they can have no (real) faith, until they make thee judge in all disputes between them, and find in their souls no resistance against thy decisions, but accept them with the fullest conviction. Left to themselves, they would not have chosen his favorite, and he knew it. He told them that the khalifa had to be one of them, and that the men of Medina had no share in khilafat. Except Ali, all other members of the panel were capitalists, or rather, neo-capitalists. It was really unfortunate for the umma that Salim was dead or else Umar would have made him his successor, and he might have made an excellent khalifa. Concurrently, with the extension of their political power and commercial influence, the British also established their cultural hegemony. Omar (/ ˈ oʊ m ɑːr /), also spelled Umar / ˈ uː m ɑːr /; Arabic: عمر بن الخطاب ʿUmar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb [ˈʕomɑr-, ˈʕʊmɑr ɪbn alxɑtˤˈtˤɑːb], "Umar, Son of Al-Khattab"; c. 584 CE – 3 November 644 CE), was one of the most powerful and influential Muslim caliphs in history. It may be noted that the members of the electoral committee were all men of Makkah. Umar lives in history as a great conqueror, a great ruler and the founder of the Muslim state. Some of those nations were the enemies of Islam yet they were, at one time, triumphant on a scale that matched, and sometimes surpassed, the conquests of the Muslims. A strong ruler, stern toward offenders, and himself ascetic to the point of harshness, ʿUmar was universally respected for his justice and authority. They colonized Australia and New Zealand. Rights of Daughters in Islam; … An insolent Israel dared and defied the vast, sprawling Muslim world, but the latter lacked the grit and the gumption to take up the challenge. They were Ali ibn Abi Talib, Uthman, Talha, Zubayr, Abdur Rahman bin Auf and Saad bin Abi Waqqas. Following is a portrait left by historians of the members of Umar's Electoral Committee: Othman, son of Affan, six years the Prophet's junior, was a cloth merchant; he also did some business as a money-lender, advancing sums for enterprises of which he was to enjoy half the profits (Ibn Sa'd, iii, 111), and in money matters showed remarkable acuteness (Wakidi W. 231). But if he wishes to make a realistic evaluation of the roles they played in the lifetime of the Prophet, there is no better way of doing so than to turn away from rhapsody and rhetoric, and to focus attention on facts and facts alone. These recollections were of two kinds - his words and his deeds. I know they will keep khilafat out of the house of Muhammad.”, “I agree with what you say. About him Sir William Muir writes: “Abd al-Rahman, when in after years he used to fare sumptuously on fine bread and every variety of meat, would weep while looking at his richly furnished table and thinking of the Prophet's straitened fare.” (The Life of Mohammed, London 1877). Umar's first act as khalifa was to dismiss him from all his commands, and to appoint Abu Obaida bin al-Jarrah as the supreme commander of the Muslim forces in Syria. Eventually, when the Muslims realized that it would not be possible for them to be able to thrive in Makkah, they made the decision to move to Madinah. They, therefore, discreetly tiptoed around the issue. Sir William Muir has done a great injustice, in the first place, in lumping the companions all together whereas there were two distinct categories of them. Hazrat Umar Bin Khattab R.A The most powerful second Caliph Umar Bin Khattab born on 579 AD was the close companion of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH. Abdullah ibn Abbas ibn Abdul-Muttalib was the first cousin of Muhammad Mustafa and Ali ibn Abi Talib. He named a number of people who were dead, and said that if any of them were alive, he would have appointed him as his successor. Sa'id ibn al-Musayyib said that when Zayd ibn Thabit died, he left ingots of gold and silver that were broken up with axes, in addition to property and estates to the value of 100,000 dinars. Seizure of the government by naked force: Saad ibn Ubada, the Ansari Candidate for Caliphate, Abu Bakr the first Khalifa of the Muslims, Principal Events of the Caliphate of Abu Bakr, Malik ibn Nuweira and the Massacre of his Tribe, Seizure by Abu Bakr of the Estate of Fadak, The Aims of the Wars of Abu Bakr and Umar, Umar bin al-Khattab, the Second Khalifa of the Muslims, Principal Events of the Caliphate of Umar, Civil and Military Administration and Policy, Some Reflections on the Conquests of the Arabs. Uthman was 84 years old at his death. Two officers of the public treasury in Medina and in Kufa who had been appointed by Abu Bakr, had thrown the keys of the treasuries in their charge, before Uthman, in protest against the plunder of the public funds by himself and by one of his governors. Thereupon Umar joined the ranks and the funeral prayers were offered under the leadership of the Holy Prophet. It is true that Umar did not name anyone as his successor but his electoral committee was, in point of fact, a de facto designation. Umar was in Damascus and Muawiya came to see him every day – mornings and evenings – bedecked in regal outfit, with splendidly caparisoned mounts and escorts. Al-Qur’an al-Majid is a witness to the presence in Medina, in large numbers, of these hypocrites, and has castigated them repeatedly. Umar ordered Abu Talha Ansari to lead the Muslims in prayer during the interregnum, and also to watch the members of the electoral committee during their deliberations. Umar died on the last Saturday of Zil-Hajj (the last month of the Islamic calendar) of 23 A.H. (A.D. 644), and he was buried next to the Prophet and Abu Bakr. Umar's order to kill the minority in his electoral committee has no parallel in the history of mankind. If religion and piety were the cause of the success of the Muslims in their campaigns, then how would one explain the success of the nations which were not Muslim? He named six men as members of an electoral committee, and made them responsible for selecting a khalifa out of themselves – regardless of the opinions and wishes of the Muslim umma. He achieved his aim at the moment but only at the expense of the integrity of Islam in the future. Due to such fearless proposal of Hazrat Umar (R.A), he was given the title of Al-Farooq by Hazrat Muhammad (SAW), which means “the one who distinguishes between the right and the wrong”. Umar ibn Al-Khattab (RA) was one of the most powerful and influential Muslim caliphs in history. The first caliph was Abu Bakr (RA), while the secodnd one was Umar (RA). After dismissing Khalid bin al-Walid as supreme commander of the forces in Syria, Umar had appointed him, for a time, governor of the district of Kinnisirin but dismissed him again for his alleged “pomposity.”. The next morning, he took it back from her and destroyed it, saying: “I wrote what I understood; it is possible however that there should be certain things in it which did not correspond textually with what the Prophet had uttered.”. Yazid bin Abu Sufyan, the governor of Syria, died in the plague of 18 A.H. He, therefore, devised a new mode of giving the umma its leader. Quotes by Umar (ra) are very powerful as he was the foremost in matter of knowledge and learning among his contemporaries. If his decision to appoint his successor had been as direct and forthright as that of Abu Bakr had been, Islam might have been spared the traumatic and horrendous experience of civil wars so early in its career. There was no man of Medina among them. In an earlier chapter, it was pointed out that the famous line of Keats, “Beauty is Truth and Truth Beauty,” can be transposed to read as “Economic power is political power and political power economic power.” Economic power and political power are reciprocal. Umar said: “If I designate someone as my successor, nothing would be amiss with it since Abu Bakr designated me as his successor, and he was better than me. (Chapter 47: verse 33), Whatever the Messenger assigns to you, take it, and deny yourselves that which he withholds from you, and fear God. A Khalifa succeeds Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and acts as the leader of all Muslims and the Muslim ummah. When he heard that Umar had given special powers to Abdur Rahman bin Auf in the panel of electors, he said to Ali: “Khilafat is lost to us once again.This man (Umar) wants Uthman to be the new khalifa. In exercising his “inspired” authority, he overrode even the consensus of the companions. A physician was called. The person walked away. What was it that launched them on the career of world conquest? And when Ibn Ubayy died, he (Muhammad) condoned all his transgressions, most of which, he knew, were products of frustration. Excerpt of a letter of hazrat Umar Farooq are mentioned […] Mariam … For the second caliph’s appointment, it was Abu Bakr who himself appointed Umar (RA) as his successor. It is perhaps interesting to speculate on Umar's decision in placing the traditions of the Prophet under proscription. He decided that Umar (RA) was the best choice, and there would be no need to consider anything further. One look at its terms of reference was enough to convince anyone that the outcome of its quest was predetermined. Umar tried to dissuade him from doing so by pointing out that Ibn Ubayy had been a Munafiq (hypocrite). At one time, when the power of the British was at its zenith, no nation on earth could challenge them on land or on sea. After the death of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) Umar (R.A) was in deep sorrow at that time Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A) consoled him. The Apostle's statements and his actions were a detailed interpretation and application of the principles of the Book of God. The British accomplished all this and much more but not because of their piety and religious zeal. Far from having a share in the election of the head of the state, not to speak of themselves becoming the head of the state, the inhabitants of Medina, did not have a share in anything. on Present Khalifa of Islam and the Concept of a Muslim Caliphate in Islam – Muslim Khalifa, The Importance of the Family System in Islam, Umar ibn Abdul Aziz – One of the Righteous Khalifas, Ali ibn Abi Talib: The Fourth Khalifa Of Islam (Caliph), Hazrat Usman (Uthman) ibn Affan: Third Khalifa Of Islam – Caliph, The First Khalifa Abu Bakr ibn Abi Quhafa – Muslim Khalifa. I have no illusions in this matter. When Abu Obaida died, Umar placed Damascus also under Muawiya's jurisdiction. Before accepting Islam, Umar was one of the most rabid enemies of Muhammad, the Messenger of God. And yet, never before did they face the paradox of the combination of wealth and powerlessness; material abundance and moral bankruptcy; strategic importance and humiliation, as they are doing in their confrontation with Israel. This means that Umar's authority to order the suppression of Hadith, was implicit in the “inspiration” of which he was the recipient, and he didn't hesitate to exercise it. Umar repeated his question whereupon Zubayr said: “And what's wrong with that? 34-35, 1977). trackback. Following deductions can be made from Umar's arrangements for finding a khalifa: Muawiya's Verdict on Umar's Electoral Committee, Umar and Muhammad Mustafa, the Messenger of God, Uthman bin Affan, the Third Khalifa of the Muslims, 644-656, Principal Events of the Caliphate of Uthman, Favoritism and Nepotism in the Khilafat of Uthman, Modern Historians and the Caliphate of Uthman, Uthman and the Friends of Muhammad, the Messenger of God, The Aftermath of the Assassination of Uthman, Ali ibn Abi Talib, the Fourth Caliph of the Muslims, The Restoration of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth – (The Caliphate of Ali ibn Abi Talib), The State of the Umma at Ali's Accession to the Throne. So long as we believe that this Book is the word of God, perfect in form and purpose, the only logical conclusion is that it never was intended to be used independently of the personal guidance of the Prophet which is embodied in the system of Sunnah. Far more dangerous to Islam were the hypocrites who were “hidden” from the sight of the Muslims. While the Muslims in their career of conquest, were defeated at Tours in the West, and at Constantinople in the East, the Mongols were consistently victorious everywhere. Hazrat Umar (R.A) was one of the educated people in Quraish family in that period of time when only a few people were literate and could read & write. In fact, religion did not figure anywhere in his conquests. Among the early caliphate were the Umayyad and Abbasid ones. His opportunity came when Umar died, and he returned, with a vengeance, to the business of relating Hadith. Uthman bin Hunaif, the governor of Basra. All authority was vested in the Quraysh. After that, Ali (RA) became the fourth caliph in a similar manner as well. And yet, in their Golden Age, the 17th century, the Dutch were so few in number. (The Shaping of the Arabs, New York, 1967). They built factories in India, and they founded colonies in North and South America, and in South Africa. Multiplying his riches at the expense of the Moslem treasury, Uthman also gave free use of the latter to some of the closest companions of Muhammad, attempting to justify his illegal actions by associating these most authoritative veteran Moslems with his own depredations. When Umar gagged him, he felt bottled up. His panel of electors proved to be the catalyst of the battles of Basra, Siffin and Nehrwan. Umar told the members of the electoral committee that the Apostle of God was “pleased” with them when he left this world. Hence, they now set up a proper Islamic state with a leader. If he had not died at 32, he would have conquered the rest of the world. Those terms of reference declared, loudly and unmistakably, that khilafat was going to be the prize of Uthman and the Umayyads. In Surah al-Baqarah, Allah says that He told the angels that He would place humanity on the Earth as a Khalifa. I am at a loss to know what to do.”. It is not necessary for the khalifa of the Muslims to be a Qurayshi. Hence, he appointed him before passing away in this manner. The Ansar (natives of Medina) gathered to decide on a new leader of the Muslim community among themselves. This was the last decision of the man who once said: “The Book of God is sufficient for us.” Did he really believe in what he said? From the debris of their empires rose a multitude of new nations. They might have given some “advice” to Abu Bakr and Umar. Since Ibn Ubayy played a divisive role in a crisis, the Muslims were alert at all times for what he might do. Though Umar spent eighteen years in the company of Muhammad Mustafa, the Messenger of God, the latter never appointed him to any position of authority – civil or military. After his era, the Islamic State began to change direction, and ideologies that conflicted with Islam impacted it. The life-story of Umar which we have tried to narrate in these pages projects in unmistakable terms all the qualities that male greatness. Quotes by Umar (ra) are very powerful as he was the foremost in matter of knowledge and learning among his contemporaries. Abu Hurayra was a very gregarious and a garrulous man. hazrat umar farooq (r.a) a great leader Introduction Leadership styles Achievments Influence based on reason and emotion Direct v indirect relationship Introduction Second caliph of muslims Born on 586 a.d and breathed his last on 26 dhul haj 23 hijri An exper jurist Earned the title of al farooq During Abu Bakr's khilafat, Umar was his principal adviser. He was a senior companion of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.He succeeded Abu Bakr (632–634) as the second caliph of the Rashidun …
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