hottop coffee roaster
Plan on having a significant amount of cleanup as the chaff misses the chaff collection tray, and as you empty the beans into the collection bowl, they’ll wind up making the trip with them, or end up all over your countertop. $1,100.00. Its polished stainless steel barrel exterior is very eye-catching but better still is the completely stainless roasting drum. The Hottop KN-8828B is a Hottop coffee roaster with programmability! Hottop Kn-8828p-2 Digital Drum Coffee Roaster Brand: HOTTOP. With a Capacity of 250g Green Beans, you could essentially have a week’s worth of coffee roasted in under 15mins. Craft roasting meets countertop technology . © 2017 Coffee Dino - All Rights Reserved. Great starter roaster to learn the craft. Customers also bought these products. Unfortunately, here, the model comes up a bit short. As we mentioned at the outset of our Hottop roaster review, the company makes two other models, in addition to their flagship product, which we’ve just taken a close look at. edwa #1: Post by edwa » January 30th, 2021, 11:25 am. Customizable Drum Coffee Roaster. I am still in the learning process and looking to exchange or receive more on roasting coffee. Hottop Model KN-8828B-2-K Home Coffee Roaster is sturdily built and modeled after a pro shop roaster. Hottop KN-8828B-2-K+ Digital Drum Roaster. A good rule of thumb is to give it a thorough, gentle cleaning with a non-abrasive cleaner about every fifth roast, but a lot of that is going to depend on how darkly you like to roast your beans. Hottop Coffee Roaster Coffe Roaster Coffee Hottop Price Rosted Garanti Coffee Roaster Machine Roast Coffe Beans. Are the negatives deal breakers for you? Some of the features are fantastic, and others are substandard and will leave you wanting. All you have to do is place the item over a gas stove, camp fire, or electric cooktop for an average of 15 minutes (though times do vary) to produce richly roasted coffee beans. The Hottop... Add this roaster to your cart to automatically receive a free 6 lb unroasted coffee sampler! It is a drum roaster, meaning the beans are constantly moved in the drum to roast evenly. Hottop Home Roaster KN-8828B-2K+ Platinum Roaster $ 3,700.00 incl. As we said at the outset, the Hottop KN-8828b-2k home coffee roaster is a bit of an oddity. While maintaining the various safety features of previous models, the "KN-8828B-2K+" control panel has been designed from the ground up to be the most sophisticated control system that Hottop has ever offered. All in all, then, it offers enough capacity to meet the needs of all but the most diehard power drinkers, or those who want to expand their roasting efforts to supply fresh coffee to friends and family, and it does so for an astoundingly low price. You can learn the basics in a matter of minutes, and that’s certainly enough to get you started, but as you gain more experience building your roasting profiles, you can do some pretty amazing things with this unit. : A home drum roaster with a 9oz capacity, adjustable heat and airflow profiling, and an external cooling More Roaster is for those who want larger batches than the air roasters, longer roasts, a commercial type roast-and-cool cycle, and a more robust machine. Hottop KN-8828B-2K. The Hottop coffee roaster also has a smoke reduction system. The Hottop Model KN-8828B-2-K Digital Home Coffee Roaster is a very nice, sturdily built machine which is modeled after after a professional shop roaster, only in miniature. Identify Your Hottop Model. Unlike many home roasters, Hottops allow you to monitor the entire roasting process. These models are identical to the KN-8828B-2k in terms of their construction. You can control the temperature inside the drum and you can regulate the air supply, thus influencing the roasting curve. The other thing to be aware of when cleaning the device is that it is lightly constructed and of Chinese manufacture, so the quality of the materials and workmanship are a little wanting. Here, it’s strictly middle of the road, with the capability of roasting a half pound of beans at a time. These incredibly trendy hottop coffee roaster are priced evenly and can be accessed for plenty of deals and discounts on the site. Ad. Just be sure to remember to put it back in when you’re done roasting! Beginning as a wholesale coffee roaster, Olympia opened their first cafe two years later in 2007, and have continued the Pacific Northwest’s tradition of evolving and innovating coffee culture since then. The KN-8828B-2-K roaster from Hottop offers... HOTTOP: PROFESSIONAL COFFEE ROASTERS FOR YOUR HOME. The darker the roast, the more often you’ll find yourself having to clean the unit. The Behmor 1600AB Plus is an easy to use home roaster that allows the user to utilize pre-programmed roast settings or manually control roast parameters. Below you will find some profiles for Hottop KN-8828B-2K+ that you can use to start and then develop according to your taste and your coffee. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Both good things, but certainly not best in class. The KN-8828B-2K is kind of a middle of the road machine, giving the user more precise control over the roasting process, and allowing for three custom profiles to be saved for later reuse, but without the USB port that the flagship model offers, which means that ultimately, you’ve got less control over the process than you’d have if you purchased the 2k+. We’ll take a close look at its pros and cons in the sections below, so you’ve got all the information you need to decide if it’s the right machine for you. Probably around 10 roasts overall. Very smoky. Roaster Refurbishing Service. In the final analysis, the real question is, is the Hottop the right model for you? It tends to get smoky. Using the Hottop Roaster KN-8828b-2-k+ digital drum roaster is fairly simple, although there is a bit of a learning curve, simply because the control panel allows you to tweak so many different settings. or 4 payments of $ 212.50 with Afterpay. You can roast up to 9 oz coffee beans in a single time. Even better, there are some great open source software options available, including “Roastero/Openroast,” which you can get right here: Github. KN-8828B-2K+ Information. At a high altitude, using the Hottop Programmable Roaster KN-8828b-2k+ is as simple as warming up the beans, inserting them into the drum when prompted to do so, then keeping a close eye on the process through the small but serviceable window and listening for the first and second cracks. Even if you opt not to connect the machine to a laptop, you can still maintain full control over the roasting process from the interface on the unit itself, and get complete information about what’s going on via the large, brightly lit LED on the machine’s front face. That, in a nutshell, is all there is to it, but as we mentioned, you can control everything from the rotational speed of the drum, the precise temperature used during the roast, fan speed, duration of the cooling cycle, and more, so again, it can get as complex as you want or need it to!. MSRP: $1,100.00 $1,099.99. Discuss roast levels and profiles for espresso, equipment for roasting coffee. Hottop B2K+ Coffee Roaster is more than just an update of the KN-8828B-2K which has been the coffee roaster to which others are compared. KN-8828B-2K+ USB, Software, etc. The Hottop KN-8828B-2K+ and Artisan software combination is as close to professional grade as you're apt to find in a home roaster. At first glance, the Hottop coffee roaster KN-8828p-2k looks a bit like a prop from an older sci-fi movie. What You’ll Need Hottop (other small batch home roasters will work) 200g of unroasted, green coffee beans Pen and paper Stopwatch Plastic bag or glass jar for storing roasted beans Add this roaster to your cart to automatically receive a free 6 lb unroasted coffee sampler! If they are, pass on this model. A guide to home roasting, covering the basics of roasting science and how to work with your Hottop roaster. Again, the aesthetic of the machine might make it look a little out of place. If you want to roast coffee beans in your small office, it will be the best option for you. This includes bean visibility and heating element and fan control. I always cleaned the chaff collector and kept it clean overall. Aloha guys! Aillio Bullet R1 V2 Coffee Roaster $ 5,490.00 incl. Hottop is a high-quality, stable and well-designed roaster for the home. GST This though is the reason we mentioned in the summary about needing to be at least somewhat tech savvy to get the most out of the Hottop Roaster KN-8828b-2k+. Best Online Offers for the Hot top Roaster KN-8828b-2k+. The community that has grown up around this program is very active and extremely helpful. All our coffee roasters are tested prior to shipment so we are confident they leave us in working order. I had to share. You'll get 2 lbs each of 3 different, delicious coffees, so you can practice your hand at home roasting with ease! If you follow the manufacturer’s recommendation and only use it indoors, then at a minimum, you’re going to want to open all your kitchen windows, turn your stove fan on high, and probably bring another fan into the room for good measure. Our rating above is for their flagship and most advanced model, but one of the other two may wind up being a better overall fit for you. And that wraps up our Hottop KN-8828b-2k+ review. 98 $149.00 $149.00 document.getElementById("copyright_year").innerHTML = new Date().getFullYear(); Add this roaster to your cart to automatically receive a free 6 lb unroasted coffee sampler! GST. When they’re cool enough to handle, the last step is to sift the remaining chaff from your beans, then do the necessary cleanup to prep for your next batch. The KN-8828P-2k, for instance, is a much more newbie-friendly machine that requires less in the way of tech savvy to use. Order) 2 YRS Henan Chuangqin Mechanical Equipment Co., Ltd. 90.6%. It’s a somewhat unusual machine featuring some amazing strengths, paired with some serious drawbacks that might be deal breakers for some users. Examine custom roast profiling and other tips for turning... A guide through regular and preventative maintenance for your Hottop home roaster... Cupping can look like an intricately choreographed ritual, but is it really so complicated and inaccessible? It’s not ugly, it’s just got an unusual appearance, and the aesthetic might not be for everyone. The Hottop KN-8828B-2k+ coffee drum roaster features dual thermocouples to monitor bean temperature and environmental temperature in real time. The KN-8828P can be used out of the box with the “AUTO” program, which is handy if you want to get started right away. Producer: Hottop, USA/Taiwan Machine: KN-8828B-2K+ Connection: vendor specific serial protocol Features: logging of environmental temperature (ET), bean temperature (BT) and related rate-of-rise curves; slider control of fan and heater Search Advanced search ← Back to Roasting. The savings you receive when buying a … Roasters are typically made to be bullet-proof and last a long time. Product Features: Manual control of all roasting process parameters We will touch on that later. Even if you don’t know a lot about home roasting when you get the machine, the easy access to people who do have experience will get you up to speed in no time flat. While this might work for some, the real coffeegeek will want to setup their own custom programs. Hottop continuously improves the machine and only the most recent production model will be shipped out. The reason is simply that the USB connection and option to create an infinite number of custom roasting profiles via software gives you unlimited potential. Hottop Roaster Cozy. For some people, that’s going to be problematic. The Hottop design is advanced enough to allow a skilled roaster to determine optimal parameters, but it is also simple enough to enable newcomers to produce evenly roasted, fresh coffee with fantastic flavor. Description. Hottop incorporates commercial-grade features into compact machines oriented for home use. Hottop KN-8828B-2K+ Coffee Roaster Hottop KN-8828B-2K+ Coffee Roaster Min. While the roasting is excellent and highly consistent, you will have to contend with more cleanup than a lot of other models. Every Roaster … Using the software is a lot like learning to play chess. Has been very well maintained. The color of your roasting beans and the sound of those two cracks are your key indicators that the beans are nearing completion. The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Espresso, Hottop Home Coffee Roaster KN-8828B-2-K+ - USB Ready with Free 6 lb Coffee Sampler, Hottop Home Coffee Roaster KN-8828B-2K with Free 6 lb Coffee Sampler, Learning How to Roast Coffee at Home With a Hottop. This makes them perfect for resale as roasting equipment does not depreciate like a new car does when you drive it off the lot for the first time. Our recommendation is to keep it close at hand for at least your first few roasts until you get comfortable with the controls. Unfortunately, you’ll probably also have to put your cooled beans into a colander and sift more chaff out of the beans before you grind them because not all of them will make their way to the collection bowl or your countertop. The Behmor 1600AB Plus employs patent-pending smoke suppression technology for kitchen countertop roasting. The TKM-SX roasters provide shop owners and baristas with advanced technologies, as well as higher capacity options. Thinking about purchasing a Hottop Coffee Roaster? If its shortcomings are important to you, you’re going to hate it. That’s better than many of the models designed strictly for home use, but as we mentioned, this one verges on having prosumer capabilities, and compared to most of the other prosumer models, it winds up lagging in this regard. It is currently subject to limited availability. The Hottop can accomplish a range of roast levels, and even works well for those who like darker roasts because it won't bake out your coffee with a longer-than-ideal roast time. A very enjoyable hobby! I only used it a few times before getting a bigger roaster. Hottop Roaster KN-8828B-2K+ After setting a target temperature and roast time at which the beans will be automatically ejected, the B controller gives you the flexibility to adjust the heater power and fan speed at … Given its modest price, that’s pure awesome. 5.0 out of 5 stars 5 ratings. We’ll be quick to say that it’s not a perfect machine, and it’s not for everyone. Contact us at One that’s big enough to roast beans in quantity, while still being fairly easy to use? Condition is "Used". I also still have the original packaging and accessories. Still a good, low priced home option for the right user though.Recommended for: Novice roasters who are at least a little tech savvy. You'll get 2 lbs each of 3 different, delicious coffees, so you … If you’re careful, it can still provide you with years of faithful, reliable service, but you’ll want to be mindful of its relative fragility when taking it apart for cleaning because it’s all too easy to bend or break something. © Prima Coffee Equipment. The Hottop roaster with Artisan connection is the first choice for home roasters as well as professional roasters who use it to develop roasting profiles for commercial roasting. A 12 month warranty applies on all Hottop roasters. Of course, if you want to take things to the next level and utilize software to create custom profiles, that’s going to inevitably increase the slope of the learning curve, but in that case, you’ve got the community and software user base to rely on for help and expert advice. If so, you’re going to be quite intrigued by our Hottop KN-8828b-2k+ review. Modifications of the preset profile can be saved and re-used later on the machine’s front face, and up to nine custom profiles can be saved in the machine. They have more similarities than differences, and we’ll talk about all three in this review. The HotTop Roaster is the second consumer-prosumer roaster released in the modern era (1980s onward) to feature a drum roasting system. This isn’t one of them. We gave the flagship model a perfect five-star rating in this dimension, even though the unit doesn’t actually have any built-in presets. A decent, easy to use machine, but falls a bit short when compared against others in its class. You'll get 2 lbs each of 3 different, delicious coffees, so you can practice your hand at home roasting with ease! Three profiles can be saved. Built with quality materials, including a unique cooling tray that cools beans in under four minutes, the Hottop roasters are able to produce roasted coffee on par with any coffee you could purchase at the store. Fortunately, it’s easy to detach the guard rails and access the bits that need cleaning, although because there is some disassembly required, it does take a bit of time. The user manual isn’t stellar, but it is good enough to at least get you started. Hottop Roaster User Maintenance. Touch Panel - Full control at your fingertips We realize though, that not everyone will feel that way, so we were fairly conservative with our overall ranking to reflect that. Previous page. The Hottop Programmable is for serious home roasters who understand coffee roasting basics, and want up to a ½ lb batch, longer roasts, a commercial type roast-and-cool cycle, and a tough machine. Nuvo's ceramic coffee bean roaster lets users make coffee via the old-school fire-roasting process. The exact roast is, of course, up to you, and depends on what flavors you find most appealing. Ultimately, it depends on exactly what you’re looking for in a roaster. Another important aspect of our Hottop Roaster KN-8828b-2k+ review has to do with smoke suppression technology. The cooling tray functions well but needs to be “locked” with a simple clothespin ( as recommended by the tech at Hottop. This video is the first of me roasting at home. THE best coffee roaster for home roasters! Note that Hottop USA makes three different models. Coffee Roaster Hottop KN-8828B-2K. Even then, you’re almost certain to set your kitchen smoke detector off, so you may as well pull the battery from it as well. The intuitiveness and ease of programmability from the Hottop B is the ideal approach if you want to set up to roast coffee and sit back to observe and enjoy the process. Once the beans reach the color you’re looking for (actually, about fifteen seconds before they do), it’s time to stop the process and let them cool down. Video Repair and Help Center! Currently unavailable. Their direct relationship with their growers allows them to seek out … If not, then you’ll find it to be a solid, capable machine, offered at a price that will leave you smiling. Household Coffee Roasters Machine Electric Coffee Beans Roaster for Cafe Shop Home Use(Upgrade 110V-120V) 4.4 out of 5 stars 129 $118.98 $ 118 . These hottop coffee roaster are elegantly designed and equipped with modern technology for roasting coffee. 1.0 Sets (Min. Based upon 20 years of experience and R&D, the world-famous traditional TKM-X shop roasters of Toper offer maximum coffee roasting quality and efficiency.
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