ergo meaning latin
Dei = of (a/the) god/God (Second declension, masculine, Genitive, singular), Vox Populi Vox Dei = The voice of the people (is)* the voice of a/ God. Artur Buchenau. And if so, I think he’s probably right, thought I’d add an “often” qualifier, because I can certainly come up with times when the Latin would be the perfect choice. A useful list of phrases to know, but it’s best to avoid using nearly all of them. 41. pro forma (for form): for the sake of appearances or form (for example), whereas 'i.e.' The 23. in toto (as a whole) ale, etc, art for art's sake - art that is free from non-artistic pressures/aims (e.g., profit, politics, etc), Bachelor of Arts/AB/BA/(university degree), Master of Arts/MA/AM/(higher university degree), the 'Northern Lights' atmospheric display, at certain times in the night sky far north - Aurora is the Roman goddess of the dawn - Borealis meaning northen in Latin is taken from the Greek Boreas, god of the north wind - to modern times, shown in official references and on British coins, usually abbreviated FD. ), the defendant has the benefit of the doubt - innocent until proven guilty, actually existing - contrasting with 'in posse', word for word, fully and entirely - referring to a text or paper of some sort, emphasize there has been no edit/removal, at death - at the point of (a person's) death - alternative to 'in articulo mortis' - mostly significant in assessing reliability of statements made by the deceased in relation to a case, at the end of (a stated reference or page, etc), (caught) in the act (of wrong-doing) - often referring to the discovery of sexual liaisons and adulterous relationships, (see note) below - directs readers to explanatory detail below the item concerned, often preceded with 'vide' (see) - infra is also a, beneath (a person's) dignity or normally expected standards, referring to actions or behaviour/behavior, guardianship or responsibility for a minor, introductory statement before telling a story, or a the start of a play, in the memory of - (typically an inscription on a memorial stone or other material), in full, complete (typically referring to a payment), regarding - alternatively and more technically in legal matters (the full form 'in re') means that a case is uncontested, in itself (an alternative to 'per se' - by itself), in its natural location (contrasting with 'in vitro' - in glass [a glass test-tube]), (substitute term for whatever the current month is - (for example "...your letter of 5th inst. remains subject to much debate and ongoing research. Businessballs is a free ethical learning and development resource for people and organizations. The modern meanings and usage, while evolved and adapted, mostly still generally reflect the original literal translations. Aurora Australis is literally 'goddess of the southern dawn', and refers to the 'Southern Lights' (being the equivalent phenomenon in the southern hemisphere) - australis means southern in Latin, the origin of the name Australia - from 'terra australis', southern land, complete divorce (sometimes abbreviated to 'a vinculo'), notably 'beta-test', referring to the external release (to users) of machinery/technology/software (of completed specification/features) in the final stage of testing - compared with 'alpha-test' which is controlled release among developers [word/heading]' = see - prefaces an explanation or clarification - scilicet is the Latin abbreviated form of scire licet, denoting author/sculptor - the term appears after the writer's name on the work, always faithful/always the same or unchanging, the following - to introduce a remark or list, like the words: 'as follows' - the word sequitur has the additional alternative meaning: 'it follows logically', or 'therefore', one of a series, part of/in a series - a scholarly or technical academic term referring to a published work which is part of a series, as used/written originally - denotes that the word or phrase which precedes 'sic' is quoted exactly as originally used/written/spelled by the quoted source - typically used within a quoted passage or extract to indicate that a misspelling English words for quod include because, and, why, fact that, as far as, but, so, whereas, although and now. subpoena, in secret, behind closed doors, privately - (referring to proceedings of some sort - the legal term is an old metaphor based on the rose being once a symbol of secrecy), under the word/heading, a referencing term directing the reader to information contained beneath the word entry or heading in question elsewhere in the publication, for example as in a dictionary - used as 's.v. Beyond these propositions other concepts are too complex to summarise here. argument to be made), compare (with)/see also (as appears widely in dictionaries, etc), about/approximately/roughly (referring to a quantity, date, time, etc), I think therefore I exist, or I think therefore I am - (originally recorded by French philosopher René Descartes, 1596-1650 - in Discourse on the Method, part IV, 1637-44, written mostly in French but with parts in Latin), withdrawal before ejaculation (for contraception or other reason), (medical/humorous reference to) 'doggy style' sexual intercourse - historians assert that the expression in its Latin form was used in ancient Rome, in full possession of mental powers, sane (cf. refers...) - ult = last (month); prox = next (month), (slightly different to 'status quo' - in statu quo refers to a situation at a specified time, relative to a subsequent or prior different situation, rather like saying 'in statu quo [the situation/condition/state] in the 1970s...' There is a typo on #21, however, which should read, “in medias res.”. this motto was carried ahead of Caesar's advancing forces in subsequent campaigns, mainly to emphasize the speed of victory - in modern renderings the claim may also imply nonchalance, casualness, ease, arrogance, etc, against, between - usually when matching or comparing two competing things, enemies, arguments, etc, to disallow or prevent something - (or noun form) the act of forbidding something or refusing permission, by way of, a way, a path/road, passing through, connecting, the middle path - (compromise, moderation), conversely, the other way around, reversed, exchanged, male/female sport champion - the term is also used as a name of a trophy awarded to a winner or an event, see.. (something/somewhere) - used in referencing and elsewhere, power of inertia - a much under-rated strategic concept by which the impulse to react to provocation/threat is resisted - and instead a positive decision is made to take no action - which can produce surprisingly better results than Why do you think their use should be avoided? Please reference authorship and copyright of material used, including link(s) to and the material webpage. This means exactly what you think it means: introducing irrelevant facts or arguments to distract from the question at hand. 8. caveat emptor (let the buyer beware): a reference to the principle that a customer is responsible for making sure that a product is in good working order or before the name of the official signatory/writer), unwelcome guest, barred/banned individual, (insulting term for) the lower classes (implying a lack of taste, intelligence, breeding, refinement, etc), a posse, group of volunteers - (this is the derivation of the word 'posse' - originally a group of men, over age fifteen, assembled from a county, for a lawful purpose - 'posse' was literally 'be able'; comitatus was county), (medical term/instruction) - after eating, after this, therefore (it is assumed) because of this, (acknowledgment of) the potentially flawed logic in assuming a causal link between a situation/event and one which follows it (usually in the absence of any better information), afternoon, evening (see 'ante meridiem', [am]), autopsy, examination of corpse to determine case of death, legal term typically used in connection with intellectual property rights - (for example copyright generally expires a given period after the creator's death), a footnote written after the preceding message but before sending, PS, at first appearing, on initial evidence - (a legal term referring to initial yet potentially or arguably sufficient evidence), as a matter of formality, a standard document - (originally in law a formal process which did not necessarily serve practical purpose, and this sense evolved top extend to documents, and then to standard documentation), (typically referring to) part of (a group), proportionately, in proportion - (in the same ratio, whether less or more), to defend oneself in court without formal legal representation - alternatively 'pro per', temporarily, for the while, a temporary situation, replacement, etc, proof/evidence has been provided as intended - this is the proof - (traditionally appended to a mathematical solution), a required or allowed quantity - (for example a debt payable) - also used in various latin phrases to mean 'as much as' - more scientifically quantum in physics means: 'a discrete quantity of energy proportional in magnitude to the theories are that the symbols represented hand signals (Alfred Hooper, 1945, whereby 1-4 = fingers; V = thumb, plus fingers; X = two crossed thumbs) or separately they are notches or cuts in tally sticks (surviving traditionally in parts of Europe
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