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He's trying to smash the large rock that is in the way of the Red Bell frame! The Harvest Moon: Animal Parade Soundtrack.Music copyright by Marvelous Entertainment. He asks you what your feelings are. [1] The hard working doctor will often stay at the Clinic upon his return to the island, and doesn't stray far from the Clinic even on his days off. [11], Taylor, Chloe, Irene and Ramsey must be at 3 hearts or more. - Oct 12, 13; All Harvest Moon Forums. He will offer to walk you home, and the event will end. Jin isn't feeling well, and Anissa has come to see how he's feeling. Unlock By He will tell you that the bird was putting flowers on the grave of his previous owner who passed away. He will offer you a gift, saying that the mine can be dangerous and it's great to be prepared. After some convincing, Anissa agrees to be looked at. A world-class comedian and entertainer, it seemed like Johnny Carson had the world on a string. This is a way to spend time with your spouse, and their heart points will increase from it. Harvest Moon: Animal Parade * Ep. Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. For Harvest Moon: Animal Parade on the Wii, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Purple Bell Quest Question? The next Thursday following the event, you can visit Mary's grave in the graveyard. Animal Parade is similar to the first Wii game, Tree of Tranquility, and has several upgrades from the previous version. Owen smashes the large boulder that was in your way of getting to the bell frame. Your spouse can also help you with chores around your farm, which include fishing, mining, watering, harvesting, picking weeds, milking, brushing, and egg/silk collecting. You will get a letter in your mailbox from Jin and Anissa asking if you will attend their wedding. If you accept, Jin will be pleased, and you will receive Cold Medicine. Because the two of you are friends, she asks for your advice. It is very similar to your own wedding. Find Jin and talk to him before noon and he will ask you to meet him at the Lighthouse at 16:00 (4PM). He is incredibly easy to befriend as you can buy medicine from the Clinic which will score you some of the biggest heart points. Anissa and Jin must be unlocked in order to start triggering their events. All from the oldest continuously-published and best-selling farmers’ almanac in … Your spouse will now live with you permanently. Anissa says she'll come back later, but Jin says he wants to look at her, because she's looking pale! The other moon light spots are fairly easy to find. If you're free, Jin asks to have dinner with you. We will be introduced to Gill, the mayor's son. Feeling clever, the kids decide that they can outrun Chloe's grandpa too! Jin says he's persistent because he cares about her, which causes Anissa to leave blushing. Once Daren leaves to go to the Goddess' Spring, Gill makes an appearance. Ring the Blue Bell. Birthday At 9 hearts, you can propose, and you will witness an event where the two of you get engaged. The player can choose what season they were born, favorite food, and tell him one's name (Note that in this game your birthday will automatically written). You must trigger all of the rival events between the two for them to get married. Questions. If you're playing as a female, Anissa will come to your house at 5 hearts. To ring this bell, remember that you need the following things:- A sunny day with a slight wind blowing- A black pearl - which can be found on floor 25 of the Watery Cave- 5 fish- A duck egg, and it MUST be a duck egg!- Paolo must be available to talk to outside in Harmonica TownOnce you have all of these things, set all your things in the right area and then go back and talk to Paolo. The same event happens if you are a male. Not showing up to meet Jin or giving him a negative response will result in losing heart points. If you travel to the 10th floor of the Lower Garmon Mine your first time, you'll meet Owen. You can get one of the following items: Raspberry, Perfect Cherry, Eggplant Seeds, Rice Seeds, Lavender Seeds, Mum Seeds, Buckwheat Seeds, Green Herb Seeds, Tomato Seeds, Corn Seeds, or Green Pepper Seeds. You'll see how the apparatus works.. and the melody will ring! The bell will absorb the rays and Collin will be a little bit stronger. Jin will then return by boat to Castanet and will stay permanently. Gill thanks you for helping out, and tells you to ask him if you have any questions. We finally ring the Blue Bell that I've told you so much about. To marry, a bachelor/bachelorette must be at 9 hearts. When Jin has a heart level of 5 or more hearts, you can ask him to go on a date with you. After the Harvest Sprite rings his bell the power of wind returns to Castanet. Jin remembered that you often go to the mine, and has come to give you more medicine. The date will be on the invitation, as well as the time. Again, make your decision based on what outcome you're going for. There is also an event for your wedding. You will meet your fiancee here, along with the guests attending your wedding. Ben will ring the bell, and that's another bell out of the way! You will need 5 hearts with Jin (not Anissa), and he will come to your house asking about Anissa. While walking through the graveyard, your character finds a sick bird. [5] Your spouse may still go out and do things that they did before you married them, but they will always return in the evening. Selena is a bachelorette in Harvest Moon: Animal Parade. Wizard. The Harvest Sprites of these five bells are Alan, Collin, Ben, Daren, and Edge. Although they think they've gotten away with it, Irene and Ramsey come and catch the kids red handed! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. To recharge the bell with the moon light, take the bell out of your rucksack and press A when you holding the bell in the middle of the moon light. The scene is Anaheim, California, home of Disneyland. You can check heart levels by going into the menu of your game at any time. When you do, Jin will return to the island by boat and will be there to stay. Jin is immediately concerned about your health, and asks if you're taking care of yourself. Anissa has come to the clinic looking for Irene, Jin says that Irene is out and asks if he can do anything for her. Harvest Moon Animal Parade OSTHarvest Moon Desfile de Animales Soundtrack 2008*Music copyright by Marvelous Entertainment. Use the key on the gate to open it. If you don't show up to meet Jin, he will be very upset the next time you talk to him, and will remind you that you forgot something important. Jin will bring you another gift when you leave your home in the morning when he reaches 4 hearts. Your spouse's birthday is also a date you'll need to remember, as you can celebrate their birthday by giving them a gift during the day, or entering your house after 6PM. Instead of regular dialogue, a scene will play if Jin wants to go on a date with you. Chloe, Ramsey, Irene and Taylor must still be at 3 hearts. Jin overhears the commotion and comes to neutralize the situation. Once we have the melody you can return to Ben.Ben will ring the bell, and that's another bell out of the way! After Jin reaches 9 hearts, you can propose to him. Jin (ウォン Won) is a character in Harvest Moon: Animal Parade. If you're a female, you'll need to befriend Anissa. Meet Jin inside the Brass Bar at 16:00. After getting Jin to 5 hearts, find him and talk to him before noon. If you're strapped for cash, Jin also loves herbs and flowers. [4] You must select a chore to do in between 6 and 7AM, or else your spouse will go out on their own during the day. Harvest Moon: Animal Parade - Shipping List & Items Guide. The Harvest Moon Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. » Harvest Moon: Animal Parade » Wizard. There are five bells in all, each with different requirements. He makes everybody apologize to one another, and the misunderstanding is resolved. This game begins with a character riding on the back of Cain's cart to their new house. The Romantic pesonality is not available for any of your children if you are married to Jin. Regardless of if you're playing as a male or female, Jin/Anissa must be at 5 hearts. Jin and Anissa's first even will take part at Choral Clinic in between 10AM and 8PM. Harvest Moon: Animal Parade Wii. After you've proposed, Hamilton will set the day of your wedding for you. Anissa will be the one to marry Jin if you do not. Even though you're not sick, Jin's bought some Cold Medicine, just in case! You will be forced to answer with "yes," and once you do, the marriage will be official! This event will automatically occur as you leave your home in the morning. Castanet Winter 26 Simon will always take a photo of you which can be showcased in your home. You will take your seat and watch the ceremony. If you have a Blue Feather, showing it to him will result in a proposal event. After his words, you will be prompted to give him a response, and they are all positive. The only purpose it served in past Harvest Moon games was to | make it easier to move the animals in and out, but in Animal Parade... | | _ _ _ _ _ | Barn Bell | | There is a bell alongside your barn that can be rung to automatically | transport all your animals indoors and outdoors (whichever they weren't Notify me about new: Guides. Looks can often be deceiving, however. It sees your kindness, and will thank you with a gift. Family Harvest Moon: Animal Parade Summary : It's up to you to help the Harvest Sprites ring the five mystical bells, summon the Harvest King, and revive the Harvest Goddess' tree and the land. Jin wants you by his side, always. Jin (ウォン Won) is a character in Harvest Moon: Animal Parade. She says that she'll be back tomorrow, but Jin means that he wants her to marry him! Jin wants to know what your opinion of him is. Jin often expresses worry about your character's health when you talk to him, as he doesn't want to see you at the Clinic. Cold Medicine is a good gift for Jin, and can be re gifted to him for heart points. Jin In order to learn what is this promise, the player must obey Finn's prompting to … At wedding ceremonies, the bride's/groom's family will always appear. Taylor and Chloe have come into the Clinic and are now jumping on the beds and causing trouble. Add this game to my: Favorites. ". Two weeks after the 7 heart event, Jin and Anissa will have their wedding ceremony. - Oct 13, 13; collin is not ringing the bell. If you've married Jin, your children have three personality possibilities: Fiery, Quiet, or Scholarly. The Bells are the central plot point in Harvest Moon: Animal Parade. Encouraging Maya will make her relieved, and you can continue to work towards the couple's heart events. Hamilton will appear in every wedding cut scene, and Perry will always be there to make the wedding official. Basic following of the story line of Animal Parade, made slightly more realistic? Thursday, February 18. Anissa and Jin's family, as well as any of their friends will attend. 25 * … You'll discover the red Harvest Sprite, Alan. When Jin/Anissa is at 7 hearts, the final event can be seen at the Choral Clinic in between 10AM and 8PM. Harvest Moon: Animal Parade fixes many of the annoyances and downfalls of the previous Wii game, Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility. Each bell is protected by a Harvest Sprite, who needs you to do some sort of errand before the bell can chime. Multiple Harvest Crop Growth Rate: 5-6 Days Bell Pepper Seeds: 100G Decent: 160G A fall crop, bell … If you accept, Jin will ask you to meet him at the Brass Bar at 16:00 (4PM). Ask Ben to ring his bell, but no matter how much he pleads, the bell will not ring. Playing as a male, you must befriend Jin to see these events. He is one of the eligible bachelors to court. To relieve his worries answer with "Of Course!" After the Blue Bell is rung, Selena will stow away to Castanet. You will see this event at the Church Grounds on a sunny day.[13]. The Red Bell . She confides in you about her crush on Jin. You can meet their new baby by visiting the couple at the clinic. Events occur at: 2 hearts, 4 hearts, 5 hearts, and 7 hearts. He is one of the eligible bachelors to court. The main storyline of Harvest Moon: Animal Parade is to sound the five elemental bells of fire, soil, water, wind, and heart. If you accept his gift, Jin will be pleased. At this point, you can start to court Jin. She says that Jin is so persistent, and that she's fine. Eh, kinda. All you do is sit back and watch as a guest of their wedding. Anissa has made soup, and Jin makes a comment that Anissa seems to enjoy taking care of him. Inside the Watery Cave you'll find the Blue Bell on its pedestal! After Jin and Anissa get married, Anissa will move into Choral Clinic and live with Jin and Irene.[9]. If you leave and go to speak to the Harvest Goddess, you need to return to the mine. The amount of smoke that comes out is enough to dislodge the bell and it shoots up into the air. When Perry asks if you promise, answering with "no" will only result in Perry asking again. On the day of your wedding, you will be automatically taken to the Church. If you wish to continue courting Jin, the top four responses are all appropriate answers that you can give him. The bird will need to rest overnight, so Jin will ask you to return the next day. Harvest Moon, Animal Parade offers sheep, cattle, ostriches, chickens, ducks, silk worms, horses, goats, and a multitude of wild and domestic animals for you to raise on your farm as pets. It will take a little while to regain lost hearts. The truth about Carson, one of the loneliest and most misunderstood men in show business, has now come to light, nearly fifteen years after his death. Harvest Moon: Animal Parade is the second Harvest Moon game for the Wii console system. If you decline his present, Jin will be upset and you will lose heart points with him. Town It helps justify the … For each regular marriage candidate, there are a set of events that occur at different heart levels. Function : Marriage Candidate Item Preferences Loves : Boiled Spinach (see Pot recipe) : Chocolate Banana (460G from Lv.2 Pineapple Inn) : Coconut Cocktail (200G from Lv.3 Brass Bar) Irene (Grandmother) Return and talk to Jin the next day.
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