5 responsibilities of a line judge in badminton
In international Badminton, they now have the Hawkeye system just like Tennis to be able to make these close calls. the responsibilities of a line judge . The badminton net must be properly secured to prevent collapsing, with the net poles free from sharp edges and any tripping hazards. Service judge - The person who decided whether a service is legal. During game play, all official badminton rules should be followed to ensure fairness and safety. Game Play. WHAT IS BEING A LINE JUDGE ALL ABOUT? A badminton referee is the final arbitrator and in-charge of the on-court and the off-court matters. The four officials who referee a badminton match are: The referee - Who is in charge of running the entire game. 07. Line Judge in Badminton. A line judge uniform is typically provided by the tournament organizer, often monochromatic blue or green. Teammates should practice communication to avoid collisions and accidental racket strikes. Regulating Badminton Worldwide 5 09. Pathway 8 SECTION 3. Upon leaving the dressing room, you are responsible for getting the home team on the field at least 5 minutes prior to … There are so many lines in a badminton court and chair umpire cannot make the decision on all of the shots that is why there are linemen sitting along the court to see whether a shuttle is IN or OUT. Benefits 7 04. There are three types of officials in badminton: line judges, who judge all line calls during a match; umpires, who are the head official during a particular match; and referees, who oversee all judgments made on the court during a tournament and to whom the umpires and line judges … Line judge - The person who judges whether the shuttle has landed in play or not. Two of the line judges - on at each side of the court - are also responsible for mopping the court in case of excessive sweat/dust/feathers accumulations. 14.2.6 a line judge is unsighted and the umpire is unable to make a decision; or— Taken from the BWF Laws of Badminton rulebook. WHAT DO LINE JUDGES DO? Depending on the level of tournament, there may be as many as 10 line judges assigned to a court for a particular match. Umpire - The person charged with seeing that the rules of the game are followed. ... Badminton officials play a very important role in the badminton matches. Depending on the level of a tournament, there may be as many as 10 line judges assigned to a court for a particular match. Line Judges: Line judges sit beside the badminton court (right in front of every in/out lines) to determine whether the shuttle is inside or outside the boundaries of the court. Role of the Line Judge. Especially if the line judges and umpire can’t make the call. Badminton is a fast-paced racket sport that can be played either as singles or doubles, with the aim of hitting a shuttlecock (or shuttle) over a net and into the opponent's court. The job of a referee is full of responsibility and so he has a team that can help him out. Motivations 7 02. 7 01. Their Role in a Match 9 02. During this time discuss your "keys" with the Back Judge and anything the Referee wants done a certain way. Service Judge: The service judge is responsible in making a ‘service fault’ call and to provide shuttles to the players. 9 01. The Origins of Badminton 5 08. Possible Calls by Line Judges (…and Umpires) 9 03. There are several governing officials in badminton, known as technical officials, each with a particular set of roles and responsibilities for the sport. BWF Vision, Mission, Goals 6 SECTION 2. A line judge is responsible for indicating whether a shuttle has landed “in” or “out” when the shuttle lands near the lines he/she has been assigned to monitor. Qualities 7 03.
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